This is a yet another assembly interpreter gosk!
- You need to install Go and Make
$ go get -u
$ cd $GO_HOME/src/
$ make
- REPL mode
- You can run REPL mode with no option
$ ./gosk
Hello user! This is yet another assembly gosk!
Feel free to type in commands
>> DB 0x00
[ info ] parser_parse_stmt.go:49: { OPCODE:{ DB: DB,0x00 } }
[ info ] eval.go:136: [OPCODE: DB, HEX_LIT: 0x00]
>> RESB 10
[ info ] parser_parse_stmt.go:49: { OPCODE:{ RESB: RESB,10 } }
[ info ] eval.go:228: [OPCODE: RESB, INT: 10]
- Normal assembly mode
- You can generate an object file from an assembly source (*.nas format)
./gosk --help
usage: [--help | -v] source [object/binary] [list]
-v バージョンとライセンス情報を表示する