Experiments on Contrastive State Only Imitation Learning with Reducing Paradigm Gap.
Learning from Observations (LfO) deals with learning policies from expert demonstrations that encapsulate only the state information, relaxing the need to collect expensive, infeasible or often unattainable action information that is prevalent in Learning from Demonstrations (LfD). A class of algorithms used to to learn the imitator policy is Adversarial Imitation Learning (AIL), which primarily uses a discriminator to provide the reward signal to guide the training. However, this calls for a robust discriminator - whose training in representative AIL papers is done using a simple binary objective, and thus may not learn good and smooth feature representations. Motivated by previous methods which aim to learn a representation space through contrastive learning, we propose Contrastive Adversarial Learning from Observations (CALfO), which novelly uses the state transitions occupancy to learn good representations. Identifying the change to an LfO paradigm, we also attempt to bridge the gap between our work and prior methods in the LfD field by minimizing their inverse dynamics disagreement. We utilize a reward based on the learned representations and terms used for reducing this gap. We evaluate our method on OpenAI’s Gym and Mujoco Environments and present the quantitative results.