The Jazz Trio Database is a dataset composed of about 45 hours of jazz performances annotated by an automated signal processing pipeline. For more information, check out the docs or our paper published in Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval.
To download or build the JTD annotations from source, read the relevant page of our docs. Audio recordings (both mixed and unmixed) can be found on this Zenodo record. Access must be requested before JTD audio can be downloaded, and will only be granted to valid research projects. Please provide as much detail relating to how you hope to use JTD when requesting access to the audio.
The dataset is made available under the MIT License. Please note that your use of the audio files linked to on YouTube is not covered by the terms of this license.
If you use the Jazz Trio Database in your work, please cite the paper where it was first introduced:
title = {Jazz Trio Database: Automated Annotation of Jazz Piano Trio Recordings Processed Using Audio Source Separation},
url = {},
doi = {10.5334/tismir.186},
publisher = {Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval},
author = {Cheston, Huw and Schlichting, Joshua L and Cross, Ian and Harrison, Peter M C},
year = {2024},
The Jazz Trio Database has been used in the following published research outputs:
- Cheston, H., Schlichting, J. L., Cross, I., & Harrison, P. M. C. (2024, In Publication). Rhythmic Qualities of Jazz Improvisation Predict Performer Identity and Style in Source-Separated Audio Recordings. Royal Society Open Science.
- Cheston, H., Cross, I., & Harrison, P. M. C. (2023). An Automated Pipeline for Characterizing Timing in Jazz Trios. Proceedings of the DMRN+18 Digital Music Research Network. Digital Music Research Network, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom.