In the case if the hardware interface is not available or not suited for the desired application, it can be developed in a custom way, what is the topic of the next section.
In ros2_control, hardware system components are integrated via user defined driver plugins that conform to the HarwareInterface
public interface. Hardware plugins specified in the URDF are dynamically loaded during initialization using the pluginlib
interface. More information about creating and using plugins can be found here.
For the purpose of this tutorial, let's create the custom interface plugin ScaraRobot
that will be used to simulate a scara robot. We want the simulated system to be controlled in joint position and provide information about its current position and velocity, as described in the ros2_control description file.
To do so, in the scara_hardware
package, let's first define the hardware plugin called ScaraRobot
that inherits from hardware_interface::SystemInterface
. The SystemInterface
is one of the offered hardware interfaces designed for a complete robot system. For example, The UR5 uses this interface. The ScaraRobot
must implement five public methods:
These methods are defined in the scara_robot.hpp header file as follows:
using CallbackReturn = rclcpp_lifecycle::node_interfaces::LifecycleNodeInterface::CallbackReturn;
#include "hardware_interface/types/hardware_interface_return_values.hpp"
class HARDWARE_INTERFACE_PUBLIC ScaraRobot : public hardware_interface::SystemInterface {
CallbackReturn on_init(const hardware_interface::HardwareInfo &info) override;
std::vector<hardware_interface::StateInterface> export_state_interfaces() override;
std::vector<hardware_interface::CommandInterface> export_command_interfaces() override;
return_type read(const rclcpp::Time &time, const rclcpp::Duration &period) override;
return_type write(const rclcpp::Time & /*time*/, const rclcpp::Duration & /*period*/) override;
// private members
// ...
Let's first have a look at the initialization on_init
method. The on_init
method is called once during ros2_control initialization if the ScaraRobot
was specified in the URDF. This method should:
- Check the validity of the requested
w.r.t. the loaded driver - Instantiate the communication with the robot hardware
- Allocate memory
Since in this tutorial the robot is simulated, no communication need to be established. Instead, vectors will be initialized that represent the state all the hardware using the initial values from the description file. The definition of this method is as follows:
CallbackReturn ScaraRobot::on_init(const hardware_interface::HardwareInfo &info) {
if (hardware_interface::SystemInterface::on_init(info) != CallbackReturn::SUCCESS) {
return CallbackReturn::ERROR;
// allocate memory
hw_states_position_.resize(info_.joints.size() std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
// check the validity of the description
for (const hardware_interface::ComponentInfo & joint : info_.joints) {
if (joint.command_interfaces[0].name != hardware_interface::HW_IF_POSITION)
return CallbackReturn::ERROR;
// ...
// initialize states
for (uint i = 0; i < info_.joints.size(); i++) {
hw_states_position_[i] = std::stod(info_.joints[i].state_interfaces[0].initial_value);
// ...
return CallbackReturn::SUCCESS;
Note that the behavior of on_init
is expected to vary depending on the URDF description file. The SystemInterface::on_init(info)
call fills out the info
object with specifics from the URDF. The info
object has fields for joints, sensors, gpios, and more. This allows to check if the interface that is called is compatible with the description and use to parameters from the description file to set up the hardware.
Next, export_state_interfaces
and export_command_interfaces
methods are called in succession. Their purpose is to create a handle to link the internal state/command variable with the ros2_control framework so that it can be accessed from any method. The export_state_interfaces
method returns a vector of StateInterface
describing the state_interfaces
for each joint. The StateInterface
objects are read only data handles that contain the interface name, interface type, and a pointer to a double data value of the internal state variable. For the ScaraRobot
, the export_state_interfaces
references hw_states_position_
vector with the position state interface and is defined as follows:
std::vector<hardware_interface::StateInterface> ScaraRobot::export_state_interfaces() {
std::vector<hardware_interface::StateInterface> state_interfaces;
for (uint i = 0; i < info_.joints.size(); i++) {
info_.joints[i].name, hardware_interface::HW_IF_POSITION, &hw_states_position_[i]));
// ...
return state_interfaces;
The export_command_interfaces
method is nearly identical to the previous one. The difference is that a vector of CommandInterface
is returned. The vector contains objects describing the command_interfaces
for each joint. For the ScaraRobot
, the export_command_interfaces
references the hw_commands_position_
vector with the position command interface and is defined as follows:
std::vector<hardware_interface::CommandInterface> ScaraRobot::export_command_interfaces() {
std::vector<hardware_interface::CommandInterface> command_interfaces;
for (uint i = 0; i < info_.joints.size(); i++) {
info_.joints[i].name, hardware_interface::HW_IF_POSITION, &hw_commands_position_[i]));
return command_interfaces;
Now that the Hardware Interface is initialized, connected to the robot and that the internal variables are connected to the ros2_control framework, let's focus on the main control loop.
In ros2_control the main control loop consists in successive calls of the hardware read
method, followed by the controller update
method, followed by the hardware write
method. In the read phase of the main loop, ros2_control loops over all hardware components that where loaded to call their read
method. It is executed on the realtime thread, hence the method must obey by realtime constraints. The read
method is responsible for accessing the robot current state and updating the data values of the state_interfaces
In this tutorial, as we only want to simulate the robot, we compute its current velocity as follows:
hardware_interface::return_type ScaraRobot::read(const rclcpp::Time & time, const rclcpp::Duration &period) {
// read hardware values for state interfaces, e.g joint encoders and sensor readings
for (uint i = 0; i < info_.joints.size(); i++) {
hw_states_velocity_[i] = (hw_states_position_[i] - hw_states_previous_position_[i])/(period.nanoseconds()*1e-9);
hw_states_previous_position_[i] = hw_states_position_[i];
return hardware_interface::return_type::OK;
In the same way, during the write phase of the main loop, the write
method of all loaded hardware components is called after the controller update
in the realtime loop. For this reason, the write
method must also obey by realtime constraints. The write
method is responsible for updating the data values of the command_interfaces
In the case of our scara robot, the methods is defined as follows:
hardware_interface::return_type write(const rclcpp::Time & time, const rclcpp::Duration & period) {
// send command interface values to hardware, e.g joint set joint velocity
bool isNan = false;
for (auto i = 0ul; i < hw_commands_position_.size(); i++) {
if (hw_commands_position_[i] != hw_commands_position_[i]) isNan = true;
if (!isNan) {
for (uint i = 0; i < info_.joints.size(); i++) {
double min_position = std::stod(info_.joints[i].state_interfaces[0].min);
double max_position = std::stod(info_.joints[i].state_interfaces[0].max);
hw_states_position_[i] = hw_commands_position_[i];
if(hw_states_position_[i] > max_position) hw_states_position_[i] = max_position;
if(hw_states_position_[i] < min_position) hw_states_position_[i] = min_position;
return hardware_interface::return_type::OK;
Notice here that in the first part of the methods we check if the value command is valid (i.e. not NAN), that means that a command was received through the command_interface
. Also, notice that we can use some information from the ros2_control description file such as position min
and max
parameters to prevent the robot to go outside of the its limits.
Now that we have defined our hardware interface, let's focus on building it in the next section.
Building the Hardware Interface plugin is done with the following steps:
- Adding C++ export macro
- Creating the plugin description file
- Exporting the CMake library
In order to reference the previously defined hardware interface as a ros2_control plugin, we need to add the following two lines of code at the end of the scara_robot.cpp file containing our method definitions:
#include "pluginlib/class_list_macros.hpp"
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(scara_hardware::ScaraRobot, hardware_interface::SystemInterface)
is a c++ macro that creates a plugin library using pluginlib
. More information about it can be found here.
The plugin description file is a required XML file that describes the plugin's library name, class type, namespace, description, and interface type. This file allows ROS2 to automatically discover and load plugins. It is formatted as follows:
<library path="{Library_Name}">
{Human readable description}
The path
attribute of the library
tags refers to the cmake library name of the user defined hardware plugin. See here for the complete XML file used for this tutorial.
The general CMake template to make a hardware plugin available in ros2_control is shown below:
# include and link dependencies
# ...
# Causes the visibility macros to use dllexport rather than dllimport, which is appropriate when building the dll but not consuming it.
target_compile_definitions(scara_hardware PRIVATE "HARDWARE_PLUGIN_DLL")
# export plugin
pluginlib_export_plugin_description_file(scara_hardware scara_hardware_plugin.xml)
# install libraries
# ...
Notice that a library is created using the plugin source code just like any other cmake library. In addition, an extra compile definition and cmake export macro (pluginlib_export_plugin_description_file
) need to be added. See here for the complete CMakeLists.txt
file used for this tutorial.
Now that our scara robot's hardware is ready to be loaded as a plugin let's run our scara robot!
To do so you just need to specify your hardware plugin in the ros2_control urdf description file as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<robot name = "scara" xmlns:xacro="">
<ros2_control name="scara" type="system">
<!-- joints, gpios, sensors -->
Now you can test your hardware as explained in the previous section on launching and interacting with the hardware, or got further and see the section on how to develop a custom controller.