conda create -n robosense python=3.8
conda activate robosense
pip install -r requirements.txt
We should install transformers
, torch-scatter
, nltk
, sacrebleu
for Tapex model.
Noted that you should use the command pip install datasets "dill<0.3.5"
to install datasets and dill issue link
The data
Included is the dataset we provide for G-PlanET, and the code for convert them to the format in iterative training and tapex training.
The main
Includes all the code used in the main experiment
The script
Includes all the script used in the main experiment
bash script/
to generate the data for iterative and tapex
when using the scripts to train or test, fill in your data path and model path in the script
In our experiments, we use facebook/bart-base
and facebook/bart-large
for initization
The evaluation
The process needed to run our test framework and its code
For more details see the readme in the folders