This repository implements a Doubly-Stochastic Deep Gaussian Process (DGP) for analyzing simulated hurricane velocity data (specifically for Hurricane Isabel). The DGP model is developed using gpflow and optimized for predicting spatial patterns from velocity maps. The data used is a simulated velocity field, and the goal is to visualize and compare predictions from both GP and DGP models.
The code aims to predict and visualize simulated hurricane velocity data using both a traditional Gaussian Process (GP) and a Deep Gaussian Process (DGP). The data is partitioned into training and test sets, and predictions are evaluated against actual values.
The dataset is a simulated velocity map from Hurricane Isabel, available from external sources. The input data consists of two-dimensional spatial coordinates (latitude and longitude), and the target is the corresponding velocity magnitude.
Before running the code, install the following Python libraries:
- numpy
- pandas
- tensorflow
- gpflow
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- scipy
You can install them using pip:
pip install numpy pandas tensorflow gpflow matplotlib seaborn scipy
import tensorflow as tf
import os
import sys
import copy
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from doubly_stochastic_dgp.dgp import DGP
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans2
from import loadmat
from gpflow.likelihoods import Gaussian
from gpflow.kernels import RBF, White, Constant
from gpflow.mean_functions import Constant
from gpflow.models.sgpr import SGPR, GPRFITC
from gpflow.models.svgp import SVGP
from gpflow.models.gpr import GPR
from import AdamOptimizer, ScipyOptimizer, NatGradOptimizer
from gpflow.actions import Action, Loop
from gpflow import autoflow, params_as_tensors
def scale_auto(X,Y):
Subtract mean and scale with std
mu_X = X.mean(axis=0); std_X = X.std(axis=0)
mu_Y = Y.mean(axis=0); std_Y = Y.std(axis=0)
Xscaled = (X-mu_X)/std_X
Yscaled = (Y-mu_Y)/std_Y
return (Xscaled, Yscaled, mu_X, mu_Y, std_X, std_Y)
def scale_manu(X,Y,mu_X, mu_Y, std_X, std_Y):
Subtract mean and scale with std
Xscaled = (X-mu_X)/std_X
Yscaled = (Y-mu_Y)/std_Y
return (Xscaled, Yscaled)
def make_DGP(X,Y,Z,L):
kernels = []
d = X.shape[1]
k = RBF(d)
for l in range(1,L):
k = RBF(d)
mb = 10000
m_dgp = DGP(X, Y, Z, kernels, Gaussian(), num_samples=1, minibatch_size=mb)
# init the layers to near determinisic
for layer in m_dgp.layers[:-1]:
layer.q_sqrt = layer.q_sqrt.value * 1e-5
return m_dgp
def dgp_batchpred(dgp,Xts,bsize,nsam):
M = Xts.shape[0]
batches = int(np.round(M/bsize))
starts = [n*bsize for n in range(batches)]
ends = starts[1:] + [M-1]
pred = np.zeros([M,1])
for start, end in zip(starts,ends):
m,v = dgp.predict_y(Xts[start:end,:],nsam)
pred[start:end,0] = np.mean(m, 0).ravel()
def matlayerpred(dgp):
Xgrid = np.concatenate([LAT.reshape(grain,grain,1),LON.reshape(grain,grain,1)],2)
Xmat = Xgrid.reshape(grain*grain,2)
M = grain**2
bsize = 500
#bsize = None
batches = int(np.round(M/bsize))
starts = [n*bsize for n in range(batches)]
ends = starts[1:] + [M-1]
h1 = np.zeros([M,1]); h2 = np.zeros([M,1]); y = np.zeros([M,1])
for start, end in zip(starts,ends):
samples,_,_ = dgp.predict_all_layers_full_cov(Xmat[start:end,:],75)
h1[start:end,0] = np.mean(samples[0][:,:,0],0)
h2[start:end,0] = np.mean(samples[0][:,:,1],0)
y[start:end,0] = np.mean(samples[1],0).ravel()
def matpred(gp):
Xgrid = np.concatenate([LAT.reshape(grain,grain,1),LON.reshape(grain,grain,1)],2)
Xmat = Xgrid.reshape(grain*grain,2)
M = grain**2
bsize = 500
batches = int(np.round(M/bsize))
starts = [n*bsize for n in range(batches)]
ends = starts[1:] + [M-1]
y = np.zeros([M,1])
for start, end in zip(starts,ends):
samples,var = gp.predict_y(Xmat[start:end,:])
y[start:end,0] = samples.ravel()
The code loads and preprocesses the hurricane data by scaling it and dividing it into training and test sets. Below is the function used to scale the data:
def scale_auto(X, Y):
Subtract mean and scale with std
mu_X = X.mean(axis=0); std_X = X.std(axis=0)
mu_Y = Y.mean(axis=0); std_Y = Y.std(axis=0)
Xscaled = (X - mu_X) / std_X
Yscaled = (Y - mu_Y) / std_Y
return Xscaled, Yscaled, mu_X, mu_Y, std_X, std_Y
Hurricane Isabel, simulated velocity map, available here
grain = 200
lat_mesh = np.linspace(-1,1,grain); lon_mesh = np.linspace(-1,1,grain)
LAT,LON = np.meshgrid(lat_mesh, lon_mesh)
s = loadmat('normt0z90.mat')['data']
window = 320
margin = int((500-window)/2)
s = s[margin:500-margin,margin:500-margin]
s = s/np.max(s)
inputdom = np.linspace(-1,1,window)
X = np.zeros([window**2,2])
Y = np.zeros([window**2,1])
for i in range(window):
for j in range(window):
X[i*window + j,0] = inputdom[i]
X[i*window + j,1] = inputdom[j]
Y[i*window + j] = s[i,j]
plasma ="plasma"); cowa ="coolwarm")
We train a simple Gaussian Process (GP) using the following steps:
ntr = 1500; n = Y.shape[0]; d = X.shape[1]; ind_tr = np.random.choice(n,ntr,replace=False);
tr_mask = np.isin(np.array(range(n)), ind_tr); ts_mask = np.isin(np.array(range(n)), ind_tr, invert=True)
Xtr = X[tr_mask,:]; Ytr = Y[tr_mask]
Xts = X[ts_mask,:]; Yts = Y[ts_mask]
Ymat = Y.reshape([320,320])
# Contourplot with training data only
The RBF kernel is used with ARD disabled, combined with a white noise kernel to handle the noise in the data. The optimization is performed using the ScipyOptimizer.
The Deep Gaussian Process (DGP) model is constructed and trained using gpflow with multiple layers, each with an RBF kernel. Inducing points are initialized using k-means clustering. Here is a sample of how the DGP is constructed:
def make_DGP(X, Y, Z, L):
kernels = []
d = X.shape[1]
k = RBF(d)
for l in range(1, L):
k = RBF(d)
mb = 10000
m_dgp = DGP(X, Y, Z, kernels, Gaussian(), num_samples=1, minibatch_size=mb)
# Initialize layers
for layer in m_dgp.layers[:-1]:
layer.q_sqrt = layer.q_sqrt.value * 1e-5
return m_dgp
m_gp = GPR(Xtr, Ytr, RBF(d, ARD=False)+White(d, variance=1e-5))#, lengthscales=0.2, variance=1))
ScipyOptimizer().minimize(m_gp, maxiter=2000)
# WARNING:gpflow.logdensities:Shape of x must be 2D at computation.
# INFO:tensorflow:Optimization terminated with:
# Objective function value: -1834.949908
# Number of iterations: 17
# Number of functions evaluations: 27
# INFO:tensorflow:Optimization terminated with:
# Objective function value: -1834.949908
# Number of iterations: 17
# Number of functions evaluations: 27
y_gp = matpred(m_gp)
plt.colorbar(); #plt.clim([-0.4,0.4])
# Init Z
Z = kmeans2(Xtr, 150, minit='points')[0]
# Construct DGP
m_dgp_2 = make_DGP(Xtr,Ytr,Z,2)
# 2 2
# Fix inducing
dgp_inducings = [[m_dgp_2.layers[0].feature,m_dgp_2.layers[1].feature]]
for v in dgp_inducings[0]:
AdamOptimizer(0.01).minimize(m_dgp_2, maxiter=50000)
AdamOptimizer(0.001).minimize(m_dgp_2, maxiter=50000)
# Unfix Z
for v in dgp_inducings[0]:
AdamOptimizer(0.01).minimize(m_dgp_2, maxiter=10000)
AdamOptimizer(0.005).minimize(m_dgp_2, maxiter=10000)
AdamOptimizer(0.001).minimize(m_dgp_2, maxiter=10000)
The model predictions are obtained by batching the test data, and the results are visualized using contour plots:
Xgrid = np.concatenate([LAT.reshape(grain,grain,1),LON.reshape(grain,grain,1)],2)
Xmat = Xgrid.reshape(grain*grain,2)
Ymat = Y.reshape([320,320])
t0 = time.time()
pr = dgp_batchpred(m_dgp_2,Xmat,50,125)
print(time.time() - t0)
nc = 15
f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
Visualize hidden layers¶
h1,h2,y = matlayerpred(m_dgp_2)
nc = 15
f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
The results include visualizations of:
- Predictions from the GP model.
- Predictions from the DGP model.
- Hidden layer outputs from the DGP model.
The simulated velocity map data for Hurricane Isabel can be accessed from [external sources].