A discord Bot built off the Googletrans library in Python that translates any text in any language to a language of the user's choice. Link to documentation of the library: https://readthedocs.org/projects/py-googletrans/downloads/pdf/latest/
How to use this bot: !translate <target_language> <text_to_translate>
Or: !translate for general guidelines
In-server text translation examples:
!translate Urdu Hello how are you
Using ISO 639-1 code:
!translate ur Hello how are you
txt file reading example:
!translatefile Spanish {.txt file attached}
Type !info for more information.
Can detect several language codes in the ISO 639-1 standard. Also has the option to input the entire language name itself
For a list of all the supported ISO codes, type !isocodes
Created by Mohammad Ibrahim Khan
Video Demonstration: