The program allow to fetch data from GEO db.
To compile it's necessary execute:
mvn clean install -Dlog4j.configuration=PATH_TO_LOG4J_PROPERTIES
Where PATH_TO_LOG4J_PROPERTIES is a path to file. Now it's located in src/main/resources/
In you can change file for logging.
To execute it's necessary to execute JAR located in target.
java -jar geo-data.jar
You can use -h key to look how to use app.
java -jar geo-data.jar -h
This tool fetches and stores GEO metadata from DB to specified file
usage: geo-data [options] [filename]
-f,--file file_name |CSV file name.
-h,--help |Display usage.
-s,--save |Save input order. Default value is false.
-t,--thread thread_count |Set up thread size, default - 1.
Default filename is results.csv
The example how to start app and save metadata to res.csv file using 5 threads and with input order:
- It's necessary to compile project:
mvn clean install -Dlog4j.configuration=${PATH_TO_PROJECT}/src/main/resources/
- Execute jar file:
java -jar geo-data.jar -t 5 -f res.csv -s