$ git clone https://github.com/FlynnOwen/GOL-C.git
$ cd GOL-C
$ make
$ make install
$ GOL {optional arguements}
To pass an optional arguement when running GOL-C, simply add the arguement when running the above.
-e {Number of evolutions e.g 100} (Number of steps to evolve for (default 100))
-t {Nanoseconds between evolutions e.g 20000} (Number of seconds between each evolution (default 20000))
-s {Random seed value e.g 100} (The random seed to use to generate the initial cells (default 1))
-c {ASCII character e.g B} (The ASCII character used to represent a living cell (default O))
-g (whether to set the initial state as a glider gun)
Conway's Game of Life is a well known problem in the area of cellular automata.
It was shown to be Turing Complete (meaning it can simulate any Turing Machine) when Paul Rendenll built a Turing Machine using a pre-defined board state in 2001.
By regarding Gliders as 'bits' and a collection of patterns (glider guns, glider eaters and more), it's possible to emulate logic gates and memory latches. Try running the application in this repository with the -g option to see a glider gun in action!
- Allow user to specify initial state
- Allow user to choose cell colour
- Allow user to specify board size