The name field is the name of the function as it is described in the serverless.yml file and the file. It has nothing to do with the associated endpoint URL.
There is a separation between services that need a user to be connected and those that do not need this :
- 'https://BASEURL/api/SERVICE' for the non protected ones
- 'https://BASEURL/authorized/SERVICE' for the protected ones
Example: to invoke the function named hello: GET https://BASEURL/app/hello
Name | Type | Description | URL | Parameters | Example response |
hello | GET | Says hello | app/hello | null | {"message": "Hello world !"} |
getSupportedPlants | GET | Returns all supported plants | app/getSupportedPlants | null | [{"species": "Basilic"}, {...}] |
insertUserPlant | PUT | Insert a plant for the user | app/insertUserPlant | userId(string), species(string) (REQUIRED), nickname(string), location(string), temperature(string), sunExpo(string), shared(boolean) (OPTIONAL) | {"userPlantId" : "9acb5af3-40c3-485d-b6a0-d2f48a5dac80", "plantId" : "219bd212-2b5a-495f-b090-3fe4ad69c952"} |
getListPlants | GET | Returns the list of plants for the user | app/getListPlants | userId : id of the user (REQUIRED) | [{"id": "d71cda2b-b329-4fcd-9daa-e1fe5be374cc", "plantId": "9acb5af3-40c3-485d-b6a0-d2f48a5dac80", "userId": "9acb5af3-40c3-485d-b6a0-d2f48a5dac80", "nickname": "NULL", "location": "NULL", "temperature": "NULL", "sunExpo": "NULL", "shared": false, "picUrl": "http://basilic.png", "species": "Basilic"}, {...}] |
deleteUserPlant | PUT | Delete the specified plant for a user | app/deleteUserPlant | userId(string), userPlantId(string) | {"Message": "Plant successfully deleted} |
getPlantInfos | GET | Get infos for specified plant | app/getPlantInfos | plantId(string) | {"careLevel": "Modéré", "coldResistance": "Fragile", "family": "Lamiacées", "growth": "Juillet", "heightMature": "0,15 à 1 m", "picUrl": "","species": "Basilic", "sunNeed": "Soleil", "waterNeed": "Moyen", "widthMature": "0,7 à 1,2 m" } |
getUserPlantInfos | GET | Returns the user plant | app/getUserPlantInfos | userId(string), userPlantId(string) (REQUIRED) | {"id": "d71cda2b-b329-4fcd-9daa-e1fe5be374cc", "plantId": "9acb5af3-40c3-485d-b6a0-d2f48a5dac80", "userId": "9acb5af3-40c3-485d-b6a0-d2f48a5dac80", "nickname": "NULL", "location": "NULL", "temperature": "NULL", "sunExpo": "NULL", "shared": false, "picUrl": "http://basilic.png", "species": "Basilic"} |
getRandomInfos | GET | Gives random infos and anecdotes on plants | app/getRandomInfos | {"Info": "Le basilic vient du nom latin..."} | |
getSharedPlants | GET | Returns all shared plants of given plantID without the one of the user | app/getSharedPlants | plantId(string), userId(string) | [{"id": "8943799a-9228-4fac-9b35-33409ad7cb2e", "plantId": "9acb5af3-40c3-485d-b6a0-d2f48a5dac80", "userId": "f734bc6d-b516-404a-8bdb-21a26f3a85fb", "nickname": "Henry", "location": "Jardin", "temperature": "17,5°C - 20°C","sunExpo": "2", "species": "Basilic"}] |
addReporting | PUT | Adds a reporting | app/addReporting | userPlantId(string) (REQUIRED), water(bool), prune(bool), repotting(bool), harvest(bool), comment(string) (OPTIONAL) | {"Message": "Success"} |
getReportings | GET | Returns the 6 last reportings for a given userPlant, ordered from the least recent to the most recent | app/getReportings | userPlantId(string) (REQUIRED) | [{"date": "2020-05-04", "water": true, "prune": false, "repotting": false, "harvest": true, "comment": "Petit commentaire plutôt sympa"}, {...}] |
updatePlant | PUT | Updates plant for user | app/updatePlant | userPlantId(string), userId(string), nickname(string), location(string), temperature(string), sunExpo(string), shared(boolean) (REQUIRED) | {"Message": "Update Success"} |
getLilaResponse | GET | Returns response of lila to request | app/getLilaResponse | lilaRequest(string), userId(string) (REQUIRED) | {"Reponse" : "Votre plante est assoiffée, on dirait Ilan au bar"} |
getNotifications | GET | Returns plants not reported (today) for specified user | app/getNotifications | userId(string) (REQUIRED) | {["Basilic", "Bambou sacré"]} |