An iOS companion app for Imperial Visualisations. For use in lectures and tutorials.
Built for use with iOS 13 beta. Testing device - iPhone X
To begin open 'VisualisationsUIKit.xcodeproj' in a copy of the XCode 11 beta.
Current Features:
- A scrollable, dynamic list with all available visualisations where the the data is fetched from a hosted JSON file
- Some visualisation pages, eg 'Two Body Collisions' fit well onto the smaller screen
- Search functionality
- Ability to use 3D touch to 'Peak & Pop' each cell of the list to view a short of GIF of the visualisation before committing to a segue
- iOS 13 dark mode compatible
- Animated splashscreen on app launch while JSON data is fetched
- Checks internet access status at app launch - see TODO
- Custom loading sub-view
- Change CSS styling of visualisation pages to ensure they scale correctly on a phone screen, with excess information removed
- Move JSON datasource to server
- Update app to make use of the new visualisation 'suites' structure - significantly different from current structure
- Inform the user when unable to connect to the internet both during splash screen and in app. The 'reachability' library is buggy here - contact developers
- Ensure scaling is correct on the iPad even though the app is targetted for iPhones
- Lock users into landscape mode when in a visualisation; disable lock when back in main view controller