In this study, a topic modeling analysis was conducted on the MAUDE dataset, specifically focusing on patient reports from 2000 to 2021. The primary objective was to identify adverse events (AEs) mentioned in the text dataset, which were reported by patients who had undergone mesh implantation for hernia surgery. In this study, a topic modeling analysis was conducted on the MAUDE dataset, specifically focusing on patient reports from 2000 to 2021. The primary objective was to identify adverse events (AEs) mentioned in the text dataset, which were reported by patients who had undergone mesh implantation for hernia surgery. The study aimed to analyze the temporal trend of these AEs over time.
To achieve this, topic modeling techniques were employed to uncover meaningful topics within the dataset. By extracting and examining the topics, the researchers aimed to identify the most relevant issues discussed by patients regarding their experiences after mesh implantation. Furthermore, the topics were then mapped to specific adverse events to gain a comprehensive understanding of the types and frequencies of AEs reported by patients. By conducting this analysis, the study aimed to shed light on the pattern and distribution of AEs associated with mesh implantation for hernia surgery over the examined time period. The findings would provide valuable insights into the potential risks and complications related to this surgical procedure, enabling healthcare professionals to better understand and address these concerns. The work is still in progress ...