Generate pixelated, random world maps in PHP.
This is a simple landmap generator implemented in PHP. It supports generating a heightmap, setting up a water level, colorizing and shading. The outputted result will be in pixel style.
composer require christianessl/landmap-generation
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use ChristianEssl\LandmapGeneration\Settings as Settings;
use ChristianEssl\LandmapGeneration\Generator as Generator;
use ChristianEssl\LandmapGeneration\Color as Color;
use ChristianEssl\LandmapGeneration\Color\Shader as Shader;
use ChristianEssl\LandmapGeneration\Enum as Enum;
use ChristianEssl\LandmapGeneration\Utility as Utility;
$seed = 'otters_are_awesome!';
$settings = (new Settings\MapSettings())
->setColorScheme(new Color\DefaultColorScheme(new Shader\FlatShader()))
$landmapGenerator = new Generator\LandmapGenerator($settings, $seed);
$map = $landmapGenerator->generateMap();
$image = Utility\ImageUtility::createImage($map);
Utility\ImageUtility::outputImage($image, Enum\FileType::PNG);
500x300 pixels
seed: 'otters_are_awesome!'
60% water, flat shader
30% water, flat shader
60% water, detailed shader
60% water, no shader
Public methods | Description | Default value |
setWidth() | map width in pixels | 150 |
setHeight() | map height in pixels | 150 |
setColorScheme() | the color scheme to use | DefaultColorScheme |
setWaterLevel() | percentage of the map to be water | 70 |
setInterpolationMode() | when set, only every fourth pixel is actually calculated in heightmap generation. (as the calculation costs a lot of performance) Neighbouring pixels will be interpolated. Highly recommended. | true |
Constructor arguments | Description | Default value |
ShaderInterface $shader | The shader to use for this color scheme. If none is passed, "NullShader" will be used (which does no shading at all). | NullShader |
Constructor arguments | Description | Default value |
GeneratorSettingsInterface $settings | The settings for the LandmapGenerator: MapSettings or DefaultSettings. | - |
string $seed | Seed for the Random number generator. | - |
HeightmapGeneratorInterface $heightmapGenerator | The algorithm for generating the heightmap. | DiamondSquareHeightmapGenerator |
WaterLevelGeneratorInterface $waterLevelGenerator | The algorithm for placing the water level | WaterLevelGenerator |
Class name | Description |
NullShader | Does no shading at all. |
FlatShader | Simple shading with flat looking colors. |
DetailShader | Highly detailed altitudes in the map. No steps between the colors. |
- implement a perlin noise algorithm as example (much faster than diamond square)
- refactor and decouple ImageUtility
- possibility to cache the heightmap generation (maybe as a json tree?)
- port the diamond square algorithm to GO (in another project) and add the option to connect the php project to the GO library