It’s a web APP basic configuration with MEAN stack.
- Express APP initial structure
- Ejs (Embedded Javascript Templates): Templating language that lets you generate HTML markup with plain JavaScript.
- Express ejs layouts: Layout support for ejs in express.
- ESLint: JavaScript code linting utility used to find problematic patterns or code that doesn't adhere to certain style guidelines.
- Nodemon: Utility that will monitor for any changes in your source and automatically restart your server.
- Mongodb: Open source database management system (DBMS) that uses a document-oriented database model.
- Bcrypt: Password hashing function.
- Express Session: Store user data between HTTP requests.
- Connect Flash: Uses flash area of the session for storing messages.
- Connect Mongo: Manage a connection to a MongoDB.
- Mongoose: Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js.
- Morgan: HTTP request logger middleware for node.js.
- Reset CSS stylesheet
- After clone, create a new repository and change github origin.
- Type your database name into dbName.
- Put your custom middlewares into assets folder
npm run start
- Runs the appnpm run dev
- Runs the app in dev mode
If you want to configure your APP manually:
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
- NPM: Software Package Manager and Installer for Node.js.
- ESLint.
- Mongodb.
npm install express-generator -g
- Install express-generator --ejs --git <APP_NAME>
- Generate basic Web APP structure in actual in current dir, with ejs and gitignore file.eslint --init
- Install ESLint.npm i -D nodemon
- Install nodemon like dev-dependencynpm install express-ejs-layouts
- Install express ejs layouts support.npm install
- Check and install all the dependencies.git init
- Inits git on project.npm install mongoose
npm install morgan
npm i bcrypt
npm i express-session
npm i connect-mongo
npm i connect-flash