Infineon GitHub repository for XDPP1100.
- Install Python version 3.11 in PC
- Install Eclipse IDE version above neon 3
- Install Java Runtime accordingly to requirement of Eclipse IDE
- Edit user_env.bat "PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR","ECLIPSE_DIR" and "JAVAHOME" to the store location of your specific PC
- Example:
- set PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR=c:\Python3_11
- set ECLIPSE_DIR=C:\eclipse\eclipse
- set JAVAHOME="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath"
- Clean version of Project for to create new Firmware Patch
- Clean version of Project for to create new Firmware Patch store in partition 2
- Firmware patch for errata.
- To be store in partition 1
- Sample project with examples codes