By the way, the password is password
There are two types of firmware releases
1. CSW-LEDE-R22.10.1 Kernel 5.4.214 (use coolsnowwolf/lede R22.10.1)
2. Openwrt
1. LEDE and several version of opwrt-22.03.2 or 22.03.05 or 23.05, (v23.05 officially support R4AGv2)
- Note: LED lights NOT working properly with 22.03.2 . (LED start working properly with/from Openwrt-v23.03.03 )
If you want to learn about it, you can visit the followings:
-, Xiaomi R4A Gigabit Breed Flash (NOT for R4AGv2)
Thanks to wbs306
Many Thanks to wbs306's codes for Xiaomi R4AG V2 hardware changes! wbs306/lede@a2a3a4a
- target/linux/ramips/dts/mt7621_xiaomi_mi-router-4a-gigabit-v2.dts
- target/linux/ramips/image/
- target/linux/ramips/mt7621/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network
NOTE: from 23.03.3, you can fix LEDs, check hw2add folder
- target/linux/ramips/mt7621/base-files/etc/board.d/01_leds
- /include/
Successfully used @LordPinhead's code commit #99634522 to telnet XiaoMi R4A V2 Gigabit (RA4Gv2)
#Run the script
pip3 install -r requirements.txt # Install requirements
1. Refer to this instrution
(This instruction is just a reference, make your own judgements and adjustments to what you need)
2. Go to, For RA4Gv2, download breed-mt7621-pbr-m1.bin
After successfully Telnet, use ftp app, copy it over to router's tmp folder.
3. run the following script
mtd -r write /tmp/breed-mt7621-pbr-m1.bin Bootloader
1. Connect Ethernet Cable to LAN port rather than WAN port.
2. Hold & press reset, power on
3. Open browser, go to for Breed Web Page
4. Flash these two bin files together at the same time!
- eeprom.bin
- openwrt-ramips-mt7621-xiaomi_mi-router-4a-gigabit-v2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
1. Connect Ethernet Cable to LAN port rather than WAN port
2. PLEASE NOTE: router IP might be changed to
3. Default wifi SSID: WiFi_R4AGv2, Defulat wifi Key: password
4. If Router doesn't have DHCP enabled, you will need to manually assign IP to talk to your router:
For example:
If router's IP is 192.168.N.2
Manually assign your computer's ip to be:
Breed doesn't officially support R4A that might cause endless reboot to
Chinese users can refer
Hold & press reset, power on, boot into Breed, then open cmd or terminal to telnet breed,
Use command: telnet,
Setup your local webserver, if your local machine address is port:8080, place the sysupgrade bin at local webserver folder,
Use command to copy bin over to router: wget
Check and Verify the bin file size, Length: 10749035/0xA4046b (10MB), Saving to address 0x80001000
You MUST erase Enough Space for the bin file size from 0x180000 to 0xA80000.,Why 0xA80000? Big enought for 0xA4046b. Check yours!
0x180000 is set as the address where xiaomi would boot from in this case,
Use command: flash erase 0x180000 0xA80000
Use Command:flash write 0x180000 0x80001000 0xA80000
(Write from 0x180000 address, use data previously wget(saved) at 0x80001000, given writing space with size of 0xA80000)
Use Command:boot flash 0x180000 (Boot from 0x180000)