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refactor: add API for TreeDEM, and use it in MLS.fst
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TWal committed Apr 17, 2024
1 parent 77c6d1f commit 494da06
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Showing 11 changed files with 412 additions and 149 deletions.
198 changes: 130 additions & 68 deletions fstar/api/MLS.fst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ open MLS.TreeSync.Invariants.AuthService
open MLS.TreeKEM.Operations
open MLS.TreeKEM.API.Types
open MLS.TreeDEM.NetworkTypes
open MLS.TreeDEM.Message.Framing
open MLS.TreeDEM.API.Types
open MLS.Bootstrap.NetworkTypes
open MLS.Bootstrap.KeyPackageRef
open MLS.Bootstrap.Welcome
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,16 +48,31 @@ noeq type state = {
leaf_index: nat;
treesync_state: MLS.TreeSync.API.Types.treesync_state bytes tkt asp group_id;
treekem_state: treekem_state bytes leaf_index;
treedem_state: treedem_state bytes;
epoch: nat;
sign_private_key: bytes;
handshake_state: MLS.TreeDEM.Keys.ratchet_state bytes;
application_state: MLS.TreeDEM.Keys.ratchet_state bytes;
encryption_secret: bytes;
confirmed_transcript_hash: bytes;
interim_transcript_hash: bytes;
pending_updatepath: list (update_path_nt bytes & (MLS.TreeKEM.API.Types.treekem_state bytes leaf_index & bytes));

#push-options "--ifuel 1"
val get_verification_keys:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|bytes_like bytes|} -> #tkt:treekem_types bytes ->
#l:nat ->
treesync bytes tkt l 0 ->
tree (option (signature_public_key_nt bytes)) unit l 0
let get_verification_keys #bytes #bl #tkt #l t =
(fun (opt_ln: option (leaf_node_nt bytes tkt)) ->
match opt_ln with
| None -> None
| Some ln -> Some (
(fun _ -> ())

#push-options "--fuel 1"
val compute_group_context: bytes -> nat -> bytes -> bytes -> result (group_context_nt bytes)
let compute_group_context group_id epoch tree_hash confirmed_transcript_hash =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,19 +101,6 @@ let hash_leaf_package leaf_package =
let leaf_package = (ps_prefix_to_ps_whole (ps_leaf_node_nt _)).serialize leaf_package in
hash_hash leaf_package

#push-options "--z3rlimit 50 --fuel 1"
val reset_ratchet_states: state -> result state
let reset_ratchet_states st =
if not (st.leaf_index < pow2 st.treesync_state.levels) then
internal_failure "reset_ratchet_states: leaf_index too big"
else (
let? leaf_secret = MLS.TreeDEM.Keys.leaf_kdf #bytes #bytes_crypto_bytes #st.treesync_state.levels #0 st.encryption_secret st.leaf_index in
let? handshake_state = MLS.TreeDEM.Keys.init_handshake_ratchet leaf_secret in
let? application_state = MLS.TreeDEM.Keys.init_application_ratchet leaf_secret in
return ({st with handshake_state; application_state})

val process_proposal: nat -> (state & list (key_package_nt bytes tkt & nat)) -> proposal_nt bytes -> result (state & list (key_package_nt bytes tkt & nat))
let process_proposal sender_id (st, added_leaves) p =
match p with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,8 +156,21 @@ let proposal_or_ref_to_proposal st prop_or_ref =
| POR_reference ref -> error "proposal_or_ref_to_proposal: don't handle references for now (TODO)"

#push-options "--z3rlimit 100"
val process_commit: state -> wire_format_nt -> msg:framed_content_nt bytes{msg.content.content_type = CT_commit} -> framed_content_auth_data_nt bytes CT_commit -> result state
let process_commit state wire_format message message_auth =
let full_message: authenticated_content_nt bytes = {
content = message;
auth = message_auth;
} in
// Verify signature
let? () = (
if not (MLS.TreeDEM.API.verify_signature state.treedem_state full_message) then
error "process_commit: bad signature"
return ()
) in
let message_content: commit_nt bytes = message.content.content in
let? sender_id = (
if not (S_member? message.sender) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,13 +255,35 @@ let process_commit state wire_format message message_auth =
let state = { state with epoch = state.epoch + 1 } in
// 3. Update transcript
let state = { state with confirmed_transcript_hash; interim_transcript_hash } in
// 4. New group context
// 4. Check confirmation tag
let? () = (
let confirmation_key = state.treekem_state.keyschedule_state.epoch_keys.confirmation_key in
let? confirmation_tag_ok = MLS.TreeDEM.API.verify_confirmation_tag state.treedem_state full_message confirmation_key confirmed_transcript_hash in
if not confirmation_tag_ok then
error "process_commit: invalid confirmation tag"
else return ()
) in
// 5. Update TreeDEM
let? group_context = state_to_group_context state in
// 5. Ratchet.
let state = { state with encryption_secret; pending_updatepath = [];} in
let? state = reset_ratchet_states state in
// TODO: check confirmation tag
let? my_leaf_index: leaf_index state.treesync_state.levels 0 = (
if not (state.leaf_index < pow2 state.treesync_state.levels) then
internal_failure "process_commit: bad leaf index"
return state.leaf_index
) in
let? treedem_state = MLS.TreeDEM.API.init {
tree_height = state.treesync_state.levels;
sender_data_secret = state.treekem_state.keyschedule_state.epoch_keys.sender_data_secret;
membership_key = state.treekem_state.keyschedule_state.epoch_keys.membership_key;
my_signature_key = state.sign_private_key;
verification_keys = get_verification_keys state.treesync_state.tree;
} in
let state = { state with treedem_state; pending_updatepath = [];} in
return state

let fresh_key_pair e =
if not (length #bytes e >= sign_gen_keypair_min_entropy_length #bytes) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,44 +381,39 @@ let create e cred private_sign_key group_id =
// epoch secret.
let? epoch_secret, e = chop_entropy e 32 in
let? (treekem_state, encryption_secret) = MLS.TreeKEM.API.create leaf_decryption_key epoch_secret in
let? leaf_dem_secret = MLS.TreeDEM.Keys.leaf_kdf #bytes #bytes_crypto_bytes #0 #0 encryption_secret 0 in
let? handshake_state = MLS.TreeDEM.Keys.init_handshake_ratchet leaf_dem_secret in
let? application_state = MLS.TreeDEM.Keys.init_application_ratchet leaf_dem_secret in

let? tree_hash = MLS.TreeSync.API.compute_tree_hash treesync_state in
let epoch = 0 in
let confirmed_transcript_hash = Seq.empty in
let? group_context = compute_group_context group_id epoch tree_hash confirmed_transcript_hash in
let leaf_index = 0 in
let? treedem_state = MLS.TreeDEM.API.init {
tree_height = 0;
my_leaf_index = leaf_index;
sender_data_secret = treekem_state.keyschedule_state.epoch_keys.sender_data_secret;
membership_key = treekem_state.keyschedule_state.epoch_keys.membership_key;
my_signature_key = private_sign_key;
verification_keys = get_verification_keys treesync_state.tree;
} in
//let? leaf_dem_secret = MLS.TreeDEM.Keys.leaf_kdf #bytes #bytes_crypto_bytes #0 #0 encryption_secret 0 in
//let? handshake_state = MLS.TreeDEM.Keys.init_handshake_ratchet leaf_dem_secret in
//let? application_state = MLS.TreeDEM.Keys.init_application_ratchet leaf_dem_secret in
return ({
epoch = 0;
leaf_index = 0;
sign_private_key = private_sign_key;
confirmed_transcript_hash = Seq.empty;
interim_transcript_hash = Seq.empty;
pending_updatepath = [];

val send_helper: state -> msg:framed_content_nt bytese:entropy { Seq.length e == 4 }result (state & framed_content_auth_data_nt bytes msg.content.content_type & mls_message_nt bytes)
let send_helper st msg e =
let? (rand_reuse_guard, e) = chop_entropy e 4 in
let? rand_nonce = universal_sign_nonce in
assume(Seq.length rand_reuse_guard == length #bytes rand_reuse_guard);
let? group_context = state_to_group_context st in
let wire_format = WF_mls_private_message in
let? auth = compute_framed_content_auth_data wire_format msg st.sign_private_key rand_nonce (mk_static_option group_context) (mk_static_option st.treekem_state.keyschedule_state.epoch_keys.confirmation_key) (mk_static_option st.interim_transcript_hash) in
let auth_msg: authenticated_content_nt bytes = {
content = msg;
auth = auth;
} in
let ratchet = if msg.content.content_type = CT_application then st.application_state else st.handshake_state in
let? ct_new_ratchet_state = authenticated_content_to_private_message auth_msg ratchet rand_reuse_guard st.treekem_state.keyschedule_state.epoch_keys.sender_data_secret in
let (ct, new_ratchet_state) = ct_new_ratchet_state in
let new_st = if msg.content.content_type = CT_application then { st with application_state = new_ratchet_state } else { st with handshake_state = new_ratchet_state } in
return (new_st, auth, (M_mls10 (M_private_message ct)))

#push-options "--ifuel 1 --fuel 1"
val unsafe_mk_randomness: #l:list nat -> bytes -> result (randomness bytes l & bytes)
let rec unsafe_mk_randomness #l e =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -538,20 +570,26 @@ let generate_commit state e proposals =
content = { proposals; path = Some update_path };
} in
let? fresh, e = chop_entropy e 4 in
let? (state, msg_auth, encap_msg) = send_helper state msg fresh in
let? confirmed_transcript_hash = MLS.TreeDEM.Message.Transcript.compute_confirmed_transcript_hash WF_mls_private_message msg msg_auth.signature state.interim_transcript_hash in
let? nonce = universal_sign_nonce in
let? half_auth_commit = MLS.TreeDEM.API.start_authenticate_commit state.treedem_state WF_mls_private_message msg nonce in
let? confirmed_transcript_hash = MLS.TreeDEM.Message.Transcript.compute_confirmed_transcript_hash WF_mls_private_message msg half_auth_commit.signature state.interim_transcript_hash in
let? confirmed_transcript_hash = mk_mls_bytes confirmed_transcript_hash "generate_commit" "confirmed_transcipt_hash" in
let new_group_context = { provisional_group_context with confirmed_transcript_hash } in
let? commit_result = MLS.TreeKEM.API.finalize_create_commit pending_commit new_group_context None in
let state = { state with pending_updatepath = (update_path, (commit_result.new_state, commit_result.encryption_secret))::state.pending_updatepath } in
let? auth_commit = MLS.TreeDEM.API.finish_authenticate_commit half_auth_commit commit_result.new_state.keyschedule_state.epoch_keys.confirmation_key confirmed_transcript_hash in
let? reuse_guard, e = chop_entropy e 4 in
assume(Seq.length reuse_guard == length #bytes reuse_guard);
let? (commit_ct, new_treedem_state) = MLS.TreeDEM.API.protect_private state.treedem_state auth_commit reuse_guard in
let state = { state with treedem_state = new_treedem_state } in
let encap_msg = M_mls10 (M_private_message commit_ct) in
return (state, {
group_msg = (state.group_id, serialize _ encap_msg);
joiner_secret = commit_result.joiner_secret;
confirmation_tag = msg_auth.confirmation_tag;
confirmation_tag = auth_commit.auth.confirmation_tag;
}, e)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -595,8 +633,15 @@ let send state e data =
content = data;
} in
let? (new_state, msg_auth, msg) = send_helper state msg e in
return (new_state, ((state.group_id <: group_id), serialize _ msg))
let? (rand_reuse_guard, e) = chop_entropy e 4 in
let? rand_nonce = universal_sign_nonce in
assume(Seq.length rand_reuse_guard == length #bytes rand_reuse_guard);
let? group_context = state_to_group_context state in
let wire_format = WF_mls_private_message in
let? auth_msg = MLS.TreeDEM.API.authenticate_non_commit state.treedem_state wire_format msg rand_nonce in
let? (ct, new_treedem_state) = MLS.TreeDEM.API.protect_private state.treedem_state auth_msg rand_reuse_guard in
let new_state = {state with treedem_state = new_treedem_state} in
return (new_state, ((state.group_id <: group_id), serialize _ (M_mls10 (M_private_message ct))))

val find_my_index: #l:nat -> treesync bytes tkt l 0 -> bytes -> result (res:nat{res<pow2 l})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -656,25 +701,42 @@ let process_welcome_message w (sign_pk, sign_sk) lookup =
let? group_context = compute_group_context group_info.tbs.group_context.group_id group_info.tbs.group_context.epoch tree_hash group_info.tbs.group_context.confirmed_transcript_hash in
let? epoch_secret = MLS.TreeKEM.KeySchedule.secret_joiner_to_epoch secrets.joiner_secret None ((ps_prefix_to_ps_whole ps_group_context_nt).serialize group_context) in
let? (treekem_state, encryption_secret) = MLS.TreeKEM.API.welcome treekem leaf_decryption_key opt_path_secret_and_inviter_ind leaf_index epoch_secret in
let dumb_ratchet_state: MLS.TreeDEM.Keys.ratchet_state bytes = {
secret = mk_zero_vector (kdf_length #bytes);
generation = 0;

let? tree_hash = MLS.TreeSync.API.compute_tree_hash treesync_state in
let epoch = group_info.tbs.group_context.epoch in
let confirmed_transcript_hash = group_info.tbs.group_context.confirmed_transcript_hash in
let? group_context = compute_group_context group_id epoch tree_hash confirmed_transcript_hash in

let? () = (
let? computed_confirmation_tag = MLS.TreeDEM.Message.Framing.compute_message_confirmation_tag treekem_state.keyschedule_state.epoch_keys.confirmation_key confirmed_transcript_hash in
if not ((group_info.tbs.confirmation_tag <: bytes) = (computed_confirmation_tag <: bytes)) then
error "process_welcome_message: bad confirmation_tag"
else return ()
) in

let? treedem_state = MLS.TreeDEM.API.init {
tree_height = treesync_state.levels;
my_leaf_index = leaf_index;
sender_data_secret = treekem_state.keyschedule_state.epoch_keys.sender_data_secret;
membership_key = treekem_state.keyschedule_state.epoch_keys.membership_key;
my_signature_key = sign_sk;
verification_keys = get_verification_keys treesync_state.tree;
} in

let st: state = {
epoch = group_info.tbs.group_context.epoch;
sign_private_key = sign_sk;
handshake_state = dumb_ratchet_state;
application_state = dumb_ratchet_state;
confirmed_transcript_hash = group_info.tbs.group_context.confirmed_transcript_hash;
pending_updatepath = [];
} in
let? st = reset_ratchet_states st in
return ((group_id <: bytes), st)

Expand All @@ -684,11 +746,11 @@ let process_group_message state msg =
let? (wire_format, message) = (
match msg with
| M_mls10 (M_public_message msg) ->
let? group_context = state_to_group_context state in
let? auth_msg = public_message_to_authenticated_content msg (mk_static_option group_context) (mk_static_option state.treekem_state.keyschedule_state.epoch_keys.membership_key) in
let? auth_msg = MLS.TreeDEM.API.unprotect_public state.treedem_state msg in
return (WF_mls_public_message, auth_msg)
| M_mls10 (M_private_message msg) ->
let? auth_msg = private_message_to_authenticated_content msg state.treesync_state.levels (state.encryption_secret <: bytes) (state.treekem_state.keyschedule_state.epoch_keys.sender_data_secret <: bytes) in
let? (auth_msg, new_treedem_state) = MLS.TreeDEM.API.unprotect_private state.treedem_state msg in
// oopsi, ignore new_treedem_state because process_group_message is not stateful!
return (WF_mls_private_message, auth_msg)
| _ ->
internal_failure "unknown message type"
Expand Down
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions fstar/common/code/MLS.NetworkTypes.fst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -245,3 +245,44 @@ type proposal_type_nt =
| [@@@ open_tag] PT_unknown: n:nat_lbytes 2{~(n <= 7)} -> proposal_type_nt

%splice [ps_proposal_type_nt] (gen_parser (`proposal_type_nt))

/// opaque SignaturePublicKey<V>;

type signature_public_key_nt (bytes:Type0) {|bytes_like bytes|} = mls_bytes bytes
%splice [ps_signature_public_key_nt] (gen_parser (`signature_public_key_nt))

/// // See IANA registry for registered values
/// uint16 CredentialType;

type credential_type_nt =
| [@@@ with_num_tag 2 0x0000] CT_reserved: credential_type_nt
| [@@@ with_num_tag 2 0x0001] CT_basic: credential_type_nt
| [@@@ with_num_tag 2 0x0002] CT_x509: credential_type_nt
| [@@@ open_tag] CT_unknown: n:nat_lbytes 2{~(n <= 2)} -> credential_type_nt

%splice [ps_credential_type_nt] (gen_parser (`credential_type_nt))

/// struct {
/// opaque cert_data<V>;
/// } Certificate;

type certificate_nt (bytes:Type0) {|bytes_like bytes|} = mls_bytes bytes
%splice [ps_certificate_nt] (gen_parser (`certificate_nt))

/// struct {
/// CredentialType credential_type;
/// select (Credential.credential_type) {
/// case basic:
/// opaque identity<V>;
/// case x509:
/// Certificate chain<V>;
/// };
/// } Credential;

type credential_nt (bytes:Type0) {|bytes_like bytes|} =
| [@@@ with_tag CT_basic] C_basic: identity: mls_bytes bytes -> credential_nt bytes
| [@@@ with_tag CT_x509] C_x509: chain: mls_list bytes ps_certificate_nt -> credential_nt bytes

%splice [ps_credential_nt] (gen_parser (`credential_nt))

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions fstar/common/code/MLS.Tree.fst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -164,3 +164,15 @@ let rec print_tree #leaf_t #node_t #l #i print_leaf print_node t =
| TLeaf data -> print_leaf data
| TNode data left right ->
"(" ^ print_tree print_leaf print_node left ^ ") " ^ print_node data ^ " (" ^ print_tree print_leaf print_node right ^ ")"

val tree_map:
#a_leaf_t:Type -> #a_node_t:Type -> #b_leaf_t:Type -> #b_node_t:Type ->
#l:nat -> #i:tree_index l ->
(a_leaf_t -> b_leaf_t) -> (a_node_t -> b_node_t) ->
tree a_leaf_t a_node_t l i ->
tree b_leaf_t b_node_t l i
let rec tree_map #a_leaf_t #a_node_t #b_leaf_t #b_node_t #l #i f_leaf f_node t =
match t with
| TLeaf x -> TLeaf (f_leaf x)
| TNode data left right ->
TNode (f_node data) (tree_map f_leaf f_node left) (tree_map f_leaf f_node right)

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