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msprotz committed Jun 20, 2024
1 parent 5466a0d commit 81ea7d2
Showing 1 changed file with 169 additions and 10 deletions.
179 changes: 169 additions & 10 deletions js/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,16 +16,22 @@ let (let*) r f =
print_endline ("ProtocolError: " ^ s);

let entropy_state: Obj.t = Obj.repr ()

(* Destruct something that is in prob (result ...). *)
let (let$) r f =
let r, _ = r entropy_state in
let* r = r in
f r

let print_and_fail s =
(* Makes sure something shows up in the JS console *)
print_endline ("ERROR: " ^ s);
assert false

(* GLOBAL STATE: entroy, bytes instance, etc. *)

let entropy_state: Obj.t = Obj.repr ()

let extract_entropy: (MLS_Crypto_Builtins.hacl_star_bytes, Obj.t) MLS_API.entropy ref =
let entropy: (MLS_Crypto_Builtins.hacl_star_bytes, Obj.t) MLS_API.entropy ref =
ref { extract_entropy = fun _ _ -> print_and_fail "Please call setEntropy first" }

let crypto_bytes_ = ref None
Expand All @@ -35,8 +41,19 @@ let crypto_bytes () =
| Some cb -> cb
| None -> print_endline ("Must call setCiphersuite first"); assert false

(* Call a function that takes crypto bytes *)
let call_c f =
f (crypto_bytes ())

(* Call a function that takes crypto bytes followed by entropy *)
let call_ce f =
f (crypto_bytes ()) () !entropy


let option_bytes_of_uint8array o = bytes_of_uint8array (Js.Opt.to_option o)

let framing_params_of_js o = {
encrypt = o##.encrypt;
padding_size = Z.of_int o##.padding_size;
Expand All @@ -59,6 +76,20 @@ let js_of_create_commit_result { commit; welcome; group_info } = object%js
val group_info = uint8array_of_bytes group_info

let js_of_create_key_package_result { key_package; keystore_key; keystore_value } = object%js
val key_package = uint8array_of_bytes key_package
val keystore_key_ = uint8array_of_bytes keystore_key
val keystore_value_ = uint8array_of_bytes keystore_value

let js_of_processed_message { group_id; epoch; sender; authenticated_data1; content } = object%js
val group_id = uint8array_of_bytes group_id
val epoch = 0 (* TODO *)
val sender = sender (* TODO *)
val authenticated_data = uint8array_of_bytes authenticated_data1
val content = content

let _ =
Js.export_all (object%js

Expand All @@ -70,7 +101,7 @@ let _ =
(* Expects a JS function that takes a Number and returns that many random
bytes as a UInt8Array. *)
method setEntropy (f: _ Js.t) =
extract_entropy := { extract_entropy = fun n state ->
entropy := { extract_entropy = fun n state ->
let bytes = bytes_of_uint8array (Js.Unsafe.fun_call f [| Js.Unsafe.inject (Z.to_int n) |]) in
MLS_Result.Success bytes, state
Expand All @@ -85,25 +116,153 @@ let _ =
crypto_bytes_ := Some MLS_Crypto_Builtins.(mk_concrete_crypto_bytes AC_mls_128_dhkemx25519_chacha20poly1305_sha256_ed25519)

(* NEW API: binders for MLS.API.fst (via *)

method generateSignatureKeyPair =
let$ kp = call_ce generate_signature_keypair in
Js.some kp

method getSignaturePublicKey kp =
let pk = call_c get_signature_public_key kp in
Js.some (uint8array_of_bytes pk)

method mkBasicCredential kp identity =
let identity = bytes_of_uint8array identity in
let* cp = call_c mk_basic_credential kp identity in
Js.some cp

method mkX509Credential kp chain =
let chain = bytes_of_uint8array (Array.to_list chain) in
let* cp = call_c mk_x509_credential kp chain in
Js.some cp

method getPublicCredential cp =
let c = call_c get_public_credential cp in
Js.some c

method createKeyPackage cp =
let$ ckpr = call_ce create_key_package cp in
Js.some ckpr

method createGroup cp =
let$ g = call_ce create_group cp in
Js.some g

method startJoinGroup welcome lookup =
let welcome = bytes_of_uint8array welcome in
let* sjgo = call_c start_join_group welcome (fun b ->
let b = uint8array_of_bytes b in
option_bytes_of_uint8array (Js.Unsafe.fun_call lookup [| Js.Unsafe.inject b |])
) in
Js.some sjgo

method continueJoinGroup sjgo ort =
let ort = option_bytes_of_uint8array ort in
let* cjgo = call_c continue_join_group sjgo ort in
Js.some cjgo

method finalizeJoinGroup sb =
let* g = call_c finalize_join_group sb in
Js.some g

method exportSecret g l ctx len =
let l = Js.to_string l in
let ctx = bytes_of_uint8array ctx in
let len = Z.of_int len in
let* r = call_c export_secret g l ctx len in
Js.some (uint8array_of_bytes r)

method epochAuthenticator g =
let* r = call_c epoch_authenticator g in
Js.some (uint8array_of_bytes r)

method epoch g =
let r = call_c epoch g in
Js.some (Z.to_int (FStar_UInt64.v r))

method groupId g =
let r = call_c group_id g in
Js.some (uint8array_of_bytes r)

method getNewCredentials uv =
let* r = call_c get_new_credentials uv in
Js.some (Array.of_list r)

method getNewCredential uv =
let* r = call_c get_new_credential uv in
Js.some (Js.Opt.option r)

method processMessage g bytes =
let bytes = bytes_of_uint8array bytes in
let* pm, g = call_c process_message g bytes in
Js.some (object%js
val processed_message = js_of_processed_message pm
val group = g

method iHerebyDeclareThatIHaveCheckedTheNewCredentialsAndValidateTheCommit uv =
Js.some (i_hereby_declare_that_i_have_checked_the_new_credentials_and_validate_the_commit uv)

method mergeCommit g vc =
let* g = call_c merge_commit g vc in
Js.some g

method iHerebyDeclareThatIHaveCheckedTheNewCredentialsAndValidateTheProposal up =
Js.some (i_hereby_declare_that_i_have_checked_the_new_credentials_and_validate_the_proposal up)

method queueNewProposal g vp =
let* g = call_c queue_new_proposal g vp in
Js.some g

method sendApplicationMessage g fp m =
let fp = framing_params_of_js fp in
let m = bytes_of_uint8array m in
let$ message, g = call_ce g fp m in
Js.some (object%js
val message = uint8array_of_bytes message
val group = g

method proposeAddMember g fp kp =
let fp = framing_params_of_js fp in
let kp = bytes_of_uint8array kp in
let$ message, g = call_ce propose_add_member g fp kp in
Js.some (object%js
val message = uint8array_of_bytes message
val group = g

method proposeRemoveMember g fp c =
let fp = framing_params_of_js fp in
let$ message, g = call_ce propose_remove_member g fp c in
Js.some (object%js
val message = uint8array_of_bytes message
val group = g

method proposeRemoveMyself g fp =
let fp = framing_params_of_js fp in
let$ message, g = call_ce propose_remove_myself g fp in
Js.some (object%js
val message = uint8array_of_bytes message
val group = g

method createCommit mls_group framing_params commit_params =
(* mls_group is left "as is" and is not roundtripped via serialization *)
let framing_params = framing_params_of_js framing_params in
let commit_params = commit_params_of_js commit_params in
let res, _entropy_state = create_commit (crypto_bytes ()) ()
(!extract_entropy) mls_group framing_params commit_params entropy_state
let* create_commit_result, mls_group = res in
let$ create_commit_result, mls_group = call_ce create_commit mls_group framing_params commit_params in
Js.some object%js
val create_commit_result = js_of_create_commit_result create_commit_result
val mls_group = mls_group

method createAddProposal kp =
let* p = create_add_proposal (crypto_bytes ()) (bytes_of_uint8array kp) in
let* p = call_c create_add_proposal (bytes_of_uint8array kp) in
Js.some p

method createRemoveProposal group removed =
let* p = create_remove_proposal (crypto_bytes ()) group removed in
let* p = call_c create_remove_proposal group removed in
Js.some p

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