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TWal committed Mar 18, 2024
1 parent 24ca4ba commit d819041
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Showing 3 changed files with 388 additions and 15 deletions.
330 changes: 330 additions & 0 deletions fstar/api/MLS.API.High.fst
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@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
module MLS.API.High

open Comparse

open MLS.Result
open MLS.Crypto
open MLS.NetworkTypes
open MLS.TreeSync.NetworkTypes
open MLS.TreeKEM.NetworkTypes

class entropy (bytes:Type0) (t:Type) = {
rel: t -> t -> prop;
rel_refl: x:t -> Lemma (x `rel` x);
rel_trans: x:t -> y:t -> z:t -> Lemma
(requires x `rel` y /\ y `rel` z)
(ensures x `rel` z)
extract_entropy_: nat -> x:t -> res:(t & bytes){x `rel` (fst res)}

let prob (#bytes:Type0) (#entropy_t) {|entropy bytes entropy_t|} (t:Type): Type =
x:entropy_t -> res:(entropy_t & t){x `rel #bytes` (fst res)}

val return_prob:
#bytes:Type0 -> #entropy_t:Type -> {|entropy bytes entropy_t|} ->
#a:Type ->
a ->
prob #bytes #entropy_t a
let return_prob #bytes #entropy_t #entropy_tc #a x e =
rel_refl #bytes e;
(e, x)

val (let*):
#bytes:Type0 -> #entropy_t:Type -> {|entropy bytes entropy_t|} ->
#a:Type -> #b:Type ->
prob #bytes #entropy_t a -> (a -> prob #bytes #entropy_t b) -> prob #bytes #entropy_t b
let (let*) #bytes #entropy_t #entropy_tc #a #b x f e0 =
let (e1, x_value) = x e0 in
let (e2, y_value) = f x_value e1 in
rel_trans #bytes e0 e1 e2;
(e2, y_value)

val (let*?):
#bytes:Type0 -> #entropy_t:Type -> {|entropy bytes entropy_t|} ->
#a:Type -> #b:Type ->
prob #bytes #entropy_t (result a) -> (a -> prob #bytes #entropy_t (result b)) -> prob #bytes #entropy_t (result b)
let (let*?) #bytes #entropy_t #entropy_tc #a #b x f e0 =
let (e1, x_result) = x e0 in
match x_result with
| Success x_value -> (
let (e2, y_result) = f x_value e1 in
rel_trans #bytes e0 e1 e2;
(e2, y_result)
| InternalError s -> (e1, InternalError s)
| ProtocolError s -> (e1, ProtocolError s)

val extract_entropy:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|bytes_like bytes|} -> #entropy_t:Type -> {|entropy bytes entropy_t|} ->
len:nat ->
prob #bytes #entropy_t (lbytes bytes len)
let extract_entropy #bytes #bl #entropy_t #entropy_tc len =
let* rand = extract_entropy_ #bytes len in
assume(length rand == len);
return_prob #bytes #entropy_t (rand <: lbytes bytes len)

val gen_sign_nonce:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|crypto_bytes bytes|} -> #entropy_t:Type -> {|entropy bytes entropy_t|} ->
prob #bytes #entropy_t (sign_nonce bytes)
let gen_sign_nonce #bytes #cb #entropy_t #entropy_tc =
let* res = extract_entropy #bytes #_ #entropy_t (sign_sign_min_entropy_length #bytes) in
return_prob (res <: sign_nonce bytes)

type mls_group = {
epoch: nat_lbytes 8;

type unvalidated_proposal
type validated_proposal
type unvalidated_commit
type validated_commit

type credential (bytes:Type0) {|bytes_like bytes|} = {
cred: credential_nt bytes;
signature_public_key: bytes;

type credential_pair (bytes:Type0) {|bytes_like bytes|} = {
cred: credential bytes;
signature_private_key: bytes;

type signature_keypair (bytes:Type0) {|bytes_like bytes|} = {
public_key: bytes;
private_key: bytes;

type framing_params = {
// Should we encrypt the message?
encrypt: bool;
// How much padding to add
padding_size: nat;

type commit_params = {
// Extra proposals to include in the commit
proposals: unit; //TODO
// Should we inline the ratchet tree in the Welcome messages?
inline_tree: bool;
// Should we force the UpdatePath even if we could do an add-only commit?
force_update: bool;
// Options for the generation of the new leaf node
leaf_node_options: unit; //TODO

type processed_message_content (bytes:Type0) =
| ApplicationMessage: bytes -> processed_message_content bytes
| Proposal: unvalidated_proposal -> processed_message_content bytes
| Commit: unvalidated_commit -> processed_message_content bytes

type processed_message (bytes:Type0) {|bytes_like bytes|} = {
group_id: bytes;
epoch: nat_lbytes 8;
sender: unit; //TODO
authenticated_data: bytes;
content: processed_message_content bytes;
credential: credential bytes;

(*** Credentials ***)

val generate_signature_keypair:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|crypto_bytes bytes|} ->
#entropy_t:Type0 -> {|entropy bytes entropy_t|} ->
prob #bytes #entropy_t (result (signature_keypair bytes))
let generate_signature_keypair #bytes #cb #entropy_t #entropy_tc =
let* rand = extract_entropy (sign_gen_keypair_min_entropy_length #bytes) in
let*? (vk, sk) = return_prob (sign_gen_keypair rand) in
return_prob #bytes #entropy_t (return ({
public_key = vk;
private_key = sk;
} <: signature_keypair bytes))

val get_signature_public_key:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|bytes_like bytes|} ->
signature_keypair bytes ->
let get_signature_public_key #bytes #bl sig_kp =

val mk_credential_:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|bytes_like bytes|} ->
signature_keypair bytes -> credential_nt bytes ->
credential_pair bytes
let mk_credential_ #bytes #bl sig_keypair cred =
cred = {
signature_public_key = sig_keypair.public_key;
signature_private_key = sig_keypair.private_key;

val mk_basic_credential:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|bytes_like bytes|} ->
signature_keypair bytes -> identity:bytes ->
result (credential_pair bytes)
let mk_basic_credential #bytes #bl sig_keypair identity =
let? identity = mk_mls_bytes identity "mk_basic_credential" "identity" in
let cred = C_basic identity in
return (mk_credential_ sig_keypair cred)

val mk_x509_credential:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|bytes_like bytes|} ->
signature_keypair bytes -> x509_chain:list bytes ->
result (credential_pair bytes)
let mk_x509_credential #bytes #bl sig_keypair x509_chain =
let? chain = mapM (fun x -> mk_mls_bytes x "mk_x509_credential" "cert_data") x509_chain in
let? chain = mk_mls_list chain "mk_x509_credential" "chain" in
let cred = C_x509 chain in
return (mk_credential_ sig_keypair cred)

val get_public_credential:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|bytes_like bytes|} ->
credential_pair bytes ->
credential bytes
let get_public_credential #bytes #bl cred_pair =

(*** Create key package ***)

val get_ciphersuite_nt:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|crypto_bytes bytes|} ->
let get_ciphersuite_nt #bytes #cb =
available_ciphersuite_to_network (ciphersuite #bytes)

val default_capabilities_:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|crypto_bytes bytes|} ->
result (capabilities_nt bytes)
let default_capabilities_ #bytes #bl =
let? versions = mk_mls_list [PV_mls10] "default_capabilities" "versions" in
let? ciphersuites = mk_mls_list [get_ciphersuite_nt #bytes] "default_capabilities" "ciphersuites" in
let? extensions = mk_mls_list [] "default_capabilities" "extensions" in
let? proposals = mk_mls_list [] "default_capabilities" "proposals" in
let? credentials = mk_mls_list [CT_basic] "default_capabilities" "credentials" in
return ({versions; ciphersuites; extensions; proposals; credentials;} <: capabilities_nt bytes)

val create_leaf_node_data_:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|crypto_bytes bytes|} ->
#entropy_t:Type0 -> {|entropy bytes entropy_t|} ->
credential bytes ->
prob #bytes #entropy_t (result (leaf_node_data_nt bytes tkt & bytes))
let create_leaf_node_data_ #bytes #cb #entropy_t #entropy_tc cred =
let* rand = extract_entropy (hpke_private_key_length #bytes) in
let*? (decryption_key, encryption_key) = return_prob (hpke_gen_keypair rand) in
let*? encryption_key = return_prob (mk_mls_bytes ((encryption_key <: lbytes bytes (hpke_public_key_length #bytes)) <: bytes) "" "") in
let*? capabilities = return_prob default_capabilities_ in
let extensions = MLS.TreeSync.Extensions.empty_extensions #bytes #cb.base in
assume(length cred.signature_public_key < pow2 30);
let leaf_node_data: leaf_node_data_nt bytes tkt = {
content = encryption_key;
signature_key = cred.signature_public_key;
credential = cred.cred;
source = LNS_key_package;
lifetime = {not_before = 0; not_after = 0;};
parent_hash = ();
} in
return_prob (return (leaf_node_data, ((decryption_key <: lbytes bytes (hpke_private_key_length #bytes)) <: bytes)))

val create_leaf_node_:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|crypto_bytes bytes|} ->
#entropy_t:Type0 -> {|entropy bytes entropy_t|} ->
credential_pair bytes ->
prob #bytes #entropy_t (result (leaf_node_nt bytes tkt & bytes))
let create_leaf_node_ #bytes #cb #entropy_t #entropy_tc cred_pair =
let*? (leaf_node_data, decryption_key) = create_leaf_node_data_ cred_pair.cred in
let* nonce = gen_sign_nonce in
assume(leaf_node_data.source == LNS_key_package);
let*? leaf_node = return_prob (MLS.TreeSync.Operations.sign_leaf_node_data_key_package leaf_node_data cred_pair.signature_private_key nonce) in
return_prob (return (leaf_node, decryption_key))

type keystore_value_type (bytes:Type0) {|bytes_like bytes|} = {
leaf_node_decryption_key: bytes;
key_package_decryption_key: bytes;
signature_private_key: bytes;

type create_key_package_result (bytes:Type0) {|bytes_like bytes|} = {
key_package: key_package_nt bytes tkt;
// key and value to be added to the store
keystore_key: bytes;
keystore_value: keystore_value_type bytes;

val create_key_package_:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|crypto_bytes bytes|} ->
#entropy_t:Type0 -> {|entropy bytes entropy_t|} ->
credential_pair bytes ->
prob #bytes #entropy_t (result (key_package_nt bytes tkt & keystore_value_type bytes))
let create_key_package_ #bytes #cb #entropy_t #entropy_tc cred_pair =
let*? (leaf_node, leaf_node_decryption_key) = create_leaf_node_ cred_pair in
let* rand = extract_entropy (hpke_private_key_length #bytes) in
let*? (key_package_decryption_key, init_key) = return_prob (hpke_gen_keypair rand) in
let key_package_decryption_key = (key_package_decryption_key <: lbytes bytes (hpke_private_key_length #bytes)) <: bytes in
let*? init_key = return_prob (mk_mls_bytes ((init_key <: lbytes bytes (hpke_public_key_length #bytes)) <: bytes) "" "") in
let kp_tbs = ({
version = PV_mls10;
cipher_suite = get_ciphersuite_nt #bytes;
extensions = [];
} <: key_package_tbs_nt bytes tkt) in
let* nonce = gen_sign_nonce in
// TODO: signature should be a separate function
let tbs: bytes = (ps_prefix_to_ps_whole (ps_key_package_tbs_nt _)).serialize kp_tbs in
let*? signature: bytes = return_prob (sign_with_label cred_pair.signature_private_key "KeyPackageTBS" tbs nonce) in
let*? signature = return_prob (mk_mls_bytes signature "create_key_package_" "signature") in
let key_package = {
tbs = kp_tbs;
} in
let keystore_value = {
signature_private_key = cred_pair.signature_private_key;
} in
return_prob (return (key_package, keystore_value))

val create_key_package:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|crypto_bytes bytes|} ->
#entropy_t:Type0 -> {|entropy bytes entropy_t|} ->
credential_pair bytes ->
prob #bytes #entropy_t (result (create_key_package_result bytes))
let create_key_package #bytes #cb #entropy_t #entropy_tc cred_pair =
let*? key_package, keystore_value = create_key_package_ cred_pair in
let key_package_bytes = (ps_prefix_to_ps_whole (ps_key_package_nt _)).serialize key_package in
let*? keystore_key = return_prob (MLS.TreeDEM.KeyPackageRef.compute_key_package_ref key_package) in
let keystore_key = ((keystore_key <: MLS.TreeDEM.NetworkTypes.key_package_ref_nt bytes) <: bytes) in
return_prob (return ({

(*** Group creation ***)

val create_group:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|bytes_like bytes|} ->
#entropy_t:Type0 -> {|entropy bytes entropy_t|} ->
entropy_t ->
credential_pair bytes ->
entropy_t & (result mls_group)

let key_lookup (bytes:Type0) {|bytes_like bytes|} = bytes -> option (keystore_value_type bytes)
val join_group:
#bytes:Type0 -> {|bytes_like bytes|} ->
welcome:bytes ->
key_lookup bytes ->
result mls_group

val join_with_external_commit:
unit -> //TODO
result mls_group

43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions fstar/api/MLS.API.Types.fst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
module MLS.API.Types

open Comparse

class entropy (bytes:Type0) {|bytes_like bytes|} (t:Type) = {
extract_entropy: t -> nat -> (bytes & t)

type framing_params = {
// Should we encrypt the message?
encrypt: bool;
// How much padding to add
padding_size: nat;

type commit_params = {
// Extra proposals to include in the commit
proposals: unit; //TODO
// Should we inline the ratchet tree in the Welcome messages?
inline_tree: bool;
// Should we force the UpdatePath even if we could do an add-only commit?
force_update: bool;
// Options for the generation of the new leaf node
leaf_node_options: unit; //TODO

type processed_message_content (bytes:Type0) {|bytes_like bytes|} =
| ApplicationMessage: bytes -> processed_message_content
| Proposal: unvalidated_proposal -> processed_message_content
| Commit: unvalidated_commit -> processed_message_content

type processed_message = {
group_id: bytes;
epoch: uint64;
sender: unit; //TODO
authenticated_data: bytes;
content: processed_message_content;
credential: credential;


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