Tree Of Pools allows you to create crowdfunding pools, with a single access address.
This project was created and is being improved by the Insider Club team. But we would be glad if you could join us and help us create a safe and open crowdfunding system.
If you would like to contact us, please write to [email protected]
Note: Git is required. Please install with GIT.
First, you need to clone this github repository.
git clone
cd TreeOfPools
Now let's set the necessary packages for the corrective work hardhat.
Note: NodeJS 14+ is required. Please install with NVM.
npm install
Wait a bit, it might take a while to load all the necessary pokets :\
Now you are almost ready to use TreeOfPools.
To use scripts, you need to specify a private key in the configuration file. Create an env.json file with the following format:
"PK": "<your private key>"
Note: Here you can also specify etherscan API keys for automatic verification of contracts. (These API keys will need to be reconciled with the hardhat configuration file). You can learn more about hardhat configuration here.
Congratulations! You have installed everything you need. Now all that is left is to compile the project hardhat.
npx hardhat compile --force
Let's run the script
npx hardhat run --network <testbsc/bsc/eth/polygon/moonbeam> scripts/deploy.js
network - allows you to select the parameterization of the network from the hardhat configuration file.
When the script finishes, it will display all of the contract addresses in the console
If you already have a contract on the network, but you need to update its logic. You can use the update script This script will compile the current version of the contract and update the logic of the existing one.
Note: This is only possible if an existing contract has been deployed with your private key.
npx hardhat run --network <testbsc/bsc/eth/polygon/moonbeam> scripts/update.js
The script will ask you for the proxy address you want to update.
Note: You can use this functionality to transfer user information between networks.
To transfer information about the shares of crowdfunding participants, you can use the appropriate scripts.
npx hardhat run --network <testbsc/bsc/eth/polygon/moonbeam> scripts/exportData.js
This script collects all the necessary information and saves it to the usersData.json file.
To import this information into a contract, use this script
npx hardhat run --network <testbsc/bsc/eth/polygon/moonbeam> scripts/importData.js
Important: You must have TreeOfPools instances in both networks in order to pass information between networks correctly.
Note: In order to verify contracts you need to have etherscan API keys. You can get them in your personal etherscan account.
Now to verify the contract you just need to specify the network and contract address
npx hardhat verify --network <testbsc/bsc/eth/polygon/moonbeam> <address>
In order to verify a contract behind a proxy you must:
- Verify the contract which implements the logic
- Specify to etherscan that this is a proxy contract
Tree Of Pools Contracts is released under the GPL-3.0 license .