TubeTK 1.3.6
Further development is being moved to a new python-only library that uses this package:
In the future, install pytubetk to have the most effective methods, APIs, and examples.
What's Changed
- ENH: Enabling aarch64 and 2014 builds by @aylward in #137
- ENH: RegisterImages can use a loaded transform by @aylward in #139
- ENH: Update MRI demos and include an MRA-only demo by @aylward in #143
- ENH: Replace incorrectly deleted MinimalPathExtractionExport.h by @aylward in #142
- BUG: ComputeTrainingMask preserve image info. TubeExtractor count. by @aylward in #151
- ENH: Update CI process to match ITK cookiecutter style, for better coverage of platforms by @aylward in #152
- ENH: Release v1.3.6 by @aylward in #154
Full Changelog: v1.3.5...v1.3.6