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Chaunte W. Lacewell edited this page Apr 17, 2023 · 1 revision

AddBlob Command

This call allows the application to write different file formats in VDMS. The bare minimum requirement for this call is the blob of data. While the application can choose to associate no properties with the data, it will make it harder to find the data later in such situations. If information is provided to link this blob with some previously searched or added entity through a user/application specified id, then such a link is also added in the metadata database.


  • [optional] _ref: for reference.


  • [optional] properties
  • [optional] link


Example of inserting audio data into VDMS using AddBlob command.

all_queries = [
        "AddBlob": {
            "properties": {
                "patient_id": "TCGA-02-0070",
                "length": "200",
                "file": "audio"

fd = open("audio_file.m4a", 'rb')
audio_blobs = []

response, response_arr = db.query(all_queries, audio_blobs)

Insert an audio blob linked to a patient found using FindEntity

        "FindEntity": {
            "_ref": 34,
            "class": "patient",
            "constraints" : {
                "patient_id": [ "==", "TCGA-02-0070" ]
        "AddBlob": {
            "properties": {
                "length": "200",
                "file": "audio"
            "link": {
                "ref": 34,
                "direction": "in"

fd = open("audio_file.m4a", 'rb')
audio_blobs = []

response, response_arr = db.query(all_queries, audio_blobs)
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