The following instructions allow you to compare flow packages from different environments and see what flows are different and what is different in them. This proves useful when having disconnected environments where Cortex Gateway Publish functionality cannot be used to check if the master and the published version is diferent.
Download the following utility:
Donwload the "complete package, except sources" option
Create a folder in your computer, where we will be installing the utility and placing all necessary files for the compassion.
Example: C:\Users\username\Desktop\FlowComparison
Install the utility in the folder created above:
This should create C:\Users\username\Desktop\FlowComparison\GnuWin32 Confirm the following file exists C:\Users\username\Desktop\FlowComparison\GnuWin32\bin\diff.exe
Logon to Cortex Gateway from one environment and export a package with the flows you want to compare.
Example: envOne.studiopkg
Logon to Cortex Gateway from another environment which you wish to compare and export a package with the same flows as exported in 3
Example: envTwo.studiopkg
Extract both studio packages into separate folders in the working folder:
C:\Users\username\Desktop\FlowComparison\envOne C:\Users\username\Desktop\FlowComparison\envTwo
Open command line and navigate to the working folder
cd C:\Users\username\Desktop\FlowComparison
Run the following command to find out which flows are different between both environments
GnuWin32\bin\diff.exe envOne envTwo -r -y -q --suppress-common-lines
The output of the command will display which flows are different.
Example: Files envOne/Test/Test.flow and envTwo/Test/Test.flow differ
If you wish to view which parts of the flow are different, run the following command
GnuWin32\bin\diff.exe envOne envTwo -r -y --suppress-common-lines
The output of the command will display which lines of the file are different
Example: "value": "An error has occurred in {{f\_sequen | "value": "An error has occured in {{f\_sequenc