Pi should have onboard LED at red if power is going in On startup there should be a green LED if green LED not showing up SD card or power is incorectly plugged in
Program should run automatically on startup If camera feed is not sending to dashboard kill background service in the vision tab startup after kill program takes around 10 seconds
On startup pi will ask for user login. RaspberryPi User Login: Username: pi Password: raspberry
Ethernet should plug into the radio Connect to radio wifi Open http://wpilibpi.local/ in web browser for interface and uploading files
Go to Application and go to File Upload to upload new files
RaspberryPi should have file cameraServer.py python3 cameraServer.py to start sending webcam data sends data to
Make sure that shuffleboard is set to correct networktables ip File -> Preferences -> NetworkTables and set server to If widgets are not showing up automatically the camera feed can be found on the left after clicking the 2 arrows Under CameraServer device USB Camera 0 should show up
if Camera is not connecting run sudo svc -t /service/camera to reset camera