This project is part of an assignment for the Object Oriented Programming(OOP) course at Ariel University. You can check out the main github here:
In this project, we're implementing a directional weighted graph in Python.
This class represents a simple directional weighted graph with following operations
- add nodes
- add edges
- remove node
- remove edge
- get node
- vertices size
- edge size
- get all nodes
The exact documentation is available in the Wiki
g = DiGraph() # creates an empty directed graph
for n in range(4):
g.add_node(n) # create nodes with n as key
You can then connect these nodes through edges:
g.add_edge(0, 1, 3) # adds an edge between 0 -> 1 with weight 3
The real power of the project is the algorithms class, this class suports the following algorithms:
- loading and saving a graph from json
- computing the shortest path
- finding the connected component of a node
- finding all strongly connected components
- plotting the graph
graph = DiGraph() # create a DiGraph
graph.add_edge(0, 1, 2)
graph.add_edge(0, 2, 4)
graph.add_edge(1, 2, 1)
algo = GraphAlgo(graph) # initialize the algorithms class
path = algo.shortest_path(0, 2) # compute the shortest path
In this example, we're adding 3 nodes and adding edges, the shortest_path() function will return the weight of the shortest path and the actual path itself. In this case, we're checking how to travel from 0 to 2 ( 0 -> 1 -> 2 is shortest)
output: (3, [0, 1, 2])
The algo function also allows the plot function: