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Command List

ItsKoga edited this page Sep 27, 2024 · 3 revisions

General Commands


  • /whitelist add [user]
    Add a user to the whitelist for the current voice channel.

  • /whitelist clear
    Clear the whitelist for the current voice channel.

  • /whitelist list
    List all users in the whitelist for the current voice channel.

  • /whitelist remove [user]
    Remove a user from the whitelist for the current voice channel.

Channel Management

  • /channel limit [limit]
    Set a user limit for the current voice channel.

  • /channel name [name]
    Change the name of the current voice channel.

  • /channel unlock
    Unlock the current voice channel, allowing anyone to join.

  • /channel lock
    Lock the current voice channel, preventing others from joining.

Bot Info and Support

  • /help
    Display the list of available commands.

  • /invite
    Get an invite link for the AutoVox bot.

  • /server
    Get information about the current server.

  • /support
    Get a link to the support server.


  • /language [language code] (en, de, ...)
    Change the bot's language.


  • /stats
    Get statistics about the bot.

Admin Commands

Auto Reactions

  • */auto_reactions add [channel], [emoji]
    Automatically add reactions to messages in a specific channel.

  • */auto_reactions list
    List all channels with auto-reactions enabled.

  • */auto_reactions remove [channel]
    Remove auto-reactions from a specific channel.

Auto Threads

  • */auto_threads add [channel], [title]
    Automatically create threads in a channel. The [title] argument supports dynamic text:

    • Use {user} to insert the username of the member whose message creates a thread.
    • Example: If you set the title as "Discussion by {user}", every new thread will be titled "Discussion by [username]".
  • */auto_threads list
    List all channels with auto-threads enabled.

  • */auto_threads remove [channel]
    Remove auto-threads from a specific channel.

Custom Channels

  • */custom_channels delete
    Delete all custom channel-related settings and channels.

  • */custom_channels force_delete [channel]
    Force delete a specific custom channel.

  • */custom_channels setup
    Set up the custom channel creation system for your server.

Welcome Message

  • */welcome info
    Display the current welcome message settings.

  • */welcome remove
    Remove the welcome message settings.

  • */welcome set [title], [message], [channel]
    Set a custom welcome message. The message can include dynamic placeholders:

    • {user} will be replaced with the username of the new member.
    • {guild} will be replaced with the server's name.
    • Example: "Welcome, {user}, to {guild}!" will be replaced with "Welcome, AutoVox, to AutoVox Support & Community!"
  • */welcome test
    Send a test welcome message to verify the setup.

Standard Roles

  • */standart_roles add [role]
    Add a default role for new members when they join the server.

  • */standart_roles list
    List all default roles for new members.

  • */standart_roles remove [role]
    Remove a default role for new members.