Poke's Fantasy Expansion (PFE) is a Minecraft Bedrock Addon that Expands the endgame of Minecraft, adding over 700 things for you to check out
you can also dm me on discord: itsmepok
- Anyone is allowed to view/learn from the code of PFE
- if you have any questions about addons you can dm on discord (username: itsmepok) im basically always open to helping
- Im trying to make the code more readable so sorry if there is still some areas that are not very organized (most things should be good though)
- files marked with "-c" (not many rn, list below) at then end of the file name have a bunch of comments in them to help understand what some things do
- Nebula Pickaxe (BP/items/tools/c_pickaxe/nebula_pickaxe-c.json)
- Galaxy BurstBow (BP/items/b_weapons/d_bow/a_bow/galaxy_bow-c.json)