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Juan Pedro Perez committed Dec 26, 2014
1 parent 1ab0d4b commit 126cb29
Show file tree
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Showing 771 changed files with 148 additions and 88 deletions.
Empty file modified .gitignore
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified .gitmodules
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified LICENSE
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
138 changes: 101 additions & 37 deletions
100644 → 100755
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Elcano - IEPG

Web del Índice Elcano de presencia global del Real Instituo Elcano

Expand All @@ -11,68 +11,92 @@ Este proyecto esta compuesto por dos apliaciones webs, una para el backend y otr

La aplicación JS se encuentra en el directorio www y los servicios en www-srv.

## Install
## Instalación del entorno de desarrollo para servicios

### Instalamos virtualvenv.
### Dependencias

En Mac OSX :
Estas son las aplicaciones de las que depende Elcano - IEPG:

- Redis 2.8.19;
- PostgreSQL 9.1.2;
- PostGIS 1.5.8 (sobre la PostgreSQL anterior).

Actualmente, dado que los nuevos proyectos en Geographica han comenzado a
utilizar versiones más modernas de PostgreSQL y de PostGIS, estos dos elementos
los utilizamos dockerizados (ver

### Submodules

Please note that this project uses GIT submodules. To check which ones are used:

git submodule

To initialize them, enter the root of the repo and:

git submodule init
git submodule update

### Configuración y restauración de la base de datos

Primero, configurar los scripts de base de datos, renombrando el fichero
__00-config.sql.config__ a __00-config.sql__ y rellenando los datos de acceso a
la PostgreSQL. Para restaurar la copia funcional de la base de datos, entrar en
el directorio __database__ y ejecutar el script __01-create_env-dev.sql__:

psql -h localhost -p 5454 -U postgres postgres -c "\i 01-create_env-dev.sql"
&> out

para borrar toda la base de datos de desarrollo, utilizar el script

psql -h localhost -p 5454 -U postgres postgres -c "\i 05-database-drop.sql"
&> out

### Entorno de desarrollo de servicios

Primero hemos de instalar el Virtualenv de Python:

- en Mac OSX :

```$ sudo pip install virtualenv```

En Ubuntu:
- en Ubuntu:

```$ sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv```

Sobre el directorio www-srv ejecutamos
Creamos un entorno virtual en el directorio __www-src__:

```$ virtualenv venv```

A continuación nos ponemos en el entorno virtual.
A continuación nos ponemos en el entorno virtual:

```. venv/bin/activate ```

### Librerías de python
### Librerías de Python

Una vez dentro del entorno virtual instalamos los paquetes necesarios con pip.
Una vez dentro del entorno virtual instalamos los paquetes necesarios con PIP:

$ pip install Flask
$ pip install psycopg2
pip install Flask
pip install psycopg2
pip install tweepy
pip install python-memcached
pip install redis
pip install numpy
pip install xlsxwriter
pip install xlrd
#only to debug purpose
$ pip install tweepy
$ pip install ipdb
$ pip install python-memcached

### Arranque de las APIs

Lo primero es crear el fichero de configuración de la base de datos a partir de la plantilla.

$ cp src/model/base/PostgreSQL/ src/model/base/PostgreSQL/

Ahora lo abrimos con cualquier editor de texto y lo modificamos con nuestros parámetros.

Editamos el fichero de configuración global
cp src/common/ src/common/

#### Backend

Tenemos que crear los ficheros de configuración, estos no están en el trunk.

# copiamos el fichero de configuración de la base datos
$ cp src/backend/ src/backend/

Abre el fichero y modificalo con los parámetros adecuados.

Una vez hecho esto ya podemos arrancar el backend ejecutando:

$ python src/
Expand All @@ -93,6 +117,11 @@ chmod 755 /Users/alasarr/dev/elcano-iepg/www/cdn/backend/tmp
chmod 755 /Users/alasarr/dev/elcano-iepg/www/cdn/media

### Twitter y Explora

Por último, para que funcionen ambos servicios, se deben rellenar los datos en
__common/config.py__ de los datos de las claves de Twitter y de Explora.

#### Frontend

Tenemos que crear los ficheros de configuración, estos no están en el trunk.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,6 +306,41 @@ Alias /img /Users/alasarr/dev/elcano-iepg/www/cdn/frontend/img
Aquí las notas de la configuración de la web.

# Checklist de entorno de desarrollo

## Arranque

Hay que seguir los siguientes pasos:

- arrancar PostgreSQL 9.1.2 / PostGIS 1.5.3 (posiblemente dockerizada):

pg_ctl-9.1.2-1.5.3 -D . start

- arrancar Redis:

redis-server redis-2.8.14.conf &

- activar el entorno virtual en __www-src__:

. venv/bin/activate

- activar servicios Flask:

src/ (port 5000)
src/ (port 5002)
src/ (port 5001)

## Parada


- parar PostgreSQL (posiblemente dockerizada):

pg_ctl-9.1.2-1.5.3 -D . stop

- parar Redis:

redis-cli shutdown save

# Carga de datos en Redis

Expand Down
Empty file modified database/.gitignore
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/00-config.sql.config
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/01-create_env-dev.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/01-create_env-production.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/05-database-create.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/05-database-drop.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/10-backend-ddl.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/10-backend-drop.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions database/10-iepg_data-ddl.sql
100644 → 100755
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -510,58 +510,58 @@ order by id_master_country;
copy iepg_data.master_country
from :'copy_master_country'
with delimiter ';'
csv header quote '"';
csv header quote '"' null '#@#@';

copy iepg_data.country_relation
from :'copy_country_relation'
with delimiter ';'
csv header quote '"';
csv header quote '"' null '#@#@';

copy iepg_data.iepg_final_data
from :'copy_iepg_final_data'
with delimiter ';'
csv header quote '"';
csv header quote '"' null '#@#@';

copy iepg_data.pob_pib
from :'copy_pob_pib'
with delimiter ';'
csv header quote '"';
csv header quote '"' null '#@#@';

copy iepg_data.iepg_comment
from :'copy_iepg_comment'
with delimiter '|'
csv header quote '"';
csv header quote '"' null '#@#@';

copy iepg_data.country_geom
from :'copy_country_geom'
with delimiter '|'
csv header quote '"';
csv header quote '"' null '#@#@';

copy iepg_data.iepe_final_data
from :'copy_iepe_final_data'
with delimiter '|'
csv header quote '"';
csv header quote '"' null '#@#@';

copy iepg_data.iepe_quotas
from :'copy_iepe_quotas'
with delimiter '|'
csv header quote '"';
csv header quote '"' null '#@#@';

\copy iepg_data.iepe_individual_contributions from 'iepe_individual_contributions.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy iepg_data.iepe_individual_contributions from 'iepe_individual_contributions.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy iepg_data.iepe_relative_contributions from 'iepe_relative_contributions.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy iepg_data.iepe_relative_contributions from 'iepe_relative_contributions.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy iepg_data.iepg_quotas from 'iepg_quotas.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy iepg_data.iepg_quotas from 'iepg_quotas.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy iepg_data.iepg_individual_contributions from 'iepg_individual_contributions.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy iepg_data.iepg_individual_contributions from 'iepg_individual_contributions.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy iepg_data.iepg_relative_contributions from 'iepg_relative_contributions.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy iepg_data.iepg_relative_contributions from 'iepg_relative_contributions.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy iepg_data.iepg_final_data_eu from 'iepg_final_data_eu.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy iepg_data.iepg_final_data_eu from 'iepg_final_data_eu.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy iepg_data.iepg_individual_contributions_eu from 'iepg_individual_contributions_eu.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy iepg_data.iepg_individual_contributions_eu from 'iepg_individual_contributions_eu.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy iepg_data.iepg_relative_contributions_eu from 'iepg_relative_contributions_eu.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy iepg_data.iepg_relative_contributions_eu from 'iepg_relative_contributions_eu.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

Expand Down
Empty file modified database/10-iepg_data-drop.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/10-iepg_data_redux-ddl.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/10-iepg_data_redux-drop.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions database/10-maplex-ddl.sql
100644 → 100755
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -321,23 +321,23 @@ order by a.geoentity_desc;

-- Restore data

\copy maplex.geoentity from 'maplex_geoentity.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy maplex.geoentity from 'maplex_geoentity.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy maplex.name_family from 'maplex_name_family.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy maplex.name_family from 'maplex_name_family.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy from 'maplex_name.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy from 'maplex_name.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy maplex.geometry_family from 'maplex_geometry_family.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy maplex.geometry_family from 'maplex_geometry_family.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy maplex.block from 'maplex_block.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy maplex.block from 'maplex_block.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy maplex.geometry from 'maplex_geometry.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy maplex.geometry from 'maplex_geometry.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy maplex.geoentity_geometry from 'maplex_geoentity_geometry.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy maplex.geoentity_geometry from 'maplex_geoentity_geometry.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy maplex.geoentity_name from 'maplex_geoentity_name.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"'
\copy maplex.geoentity_name from 'maplex_geoentity_name.csv' with delimiter '|' csv header quote '"' null '#@#@'

\copy maplex.iepg_short_names from 'csv/maplex-country_short_iepg.csv' with delimiter ',' csv header
\copy maplex.iepg_short_names from 'csv/maplex-country_short_iepg.csv' with delimiter ',' csv header null '#@#@'


Expand Down
Empty file modified database/10-maplex-drop.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/10-varengine-ddl.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/10-varengine-drop.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/2014-05-14_delta_translation.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/2014-07-22_delta_publishing_dates.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/2014-08-26_translation.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/90-backend-delete_data.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/90-export_data.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/98-load_data.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/99-basic_data.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/99-iepe_excel_exports_views.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.
Empty file modified database/99-iepg_excel_exports_views.sql
100644 → 100755
Empty file.

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