This project implements a neural network from scratch using NumPy to classify handwritten digits from the MNIST-like optdigits dataset. The implementation demonstrates core machine learning concepts including forward propagation, backpropagation, activation functions, and optimization techniques.
Custom Neural Network Implementation
- Fully connected dense layers
- ReLU and Softmax activation functions
- Categorical Cross-Entropy loss
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer
Data Processing
- Digit image dataset loading
- Automatic train-test splitting
- 1024-feature input representation
Training Analytics
- Epoch-wise accuracy and loss tracking
- Automatic result logging
- Confusion matrix generation
- Detailed class-wise performance reporting
├── # Data loading and preprocessing
├── # Dense layer implementation
├── # Activation function layers
├── # Loss function implementations
├── # Primary training and evaluation script
└── # SGD optimizer
- Python 3.8+
- NumPy
- JSON (standard library)
Network Architecture:
- Input Layer: 1024 features
- Hidden Layer: 64 neurons with ReLU activation
- Output Layer: 10 neurons with Softmax activation
Training Configuration:
- Epochs: 1000
- Learning Rate: 0.5
- Optimizer: Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
The script generates the following outputs in the results/
- Training history (JSON)
- Test results (JSON)
- Training report (TXT)
- Confusion matrix (CSV)
The script provides:
- Overall Test Accuracy
- Test Loss
- Class-wise Accuracy
- Confusion Matrix
- Neural network architecture design
- Forward and backward propagation
- Activation functions (ReLU, Softmax)
- Loss calculation
- Gradient-based optimization
- Model evaluation techniques
- Fixed neural network architecture
- No dynamic hyperparameter tuning
- Single dataset (optdigits)
- Inspired by machine learning from-scratch implementations
- MNIST-like optdigits dataset