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Add here any great material you find around!
Video tutorials
Hands-on tutorials
Video tutorials
Examples of notebooks in medical image analysis
Examples of notebooks in other fields
Cheat sheets
Here is a collection of tutorials to learn Jupyter notebook, python, and SimpleITK
- Transparent Research 101: Overview playlist on why and how to do open and reproducible research
- Jupyter notebook and python for scientists: Overview of the Jupyter/python environment
- Scipy conference: In between conference talks, there are tutorials on Jupyter and the main scientific libraries
- pyData conference: In between conference talks, there are tutorials on Jupyter and the main scientific libraries
- SimpleITK notebooks: Collection of all the SimpleITK functionalities: image I/O, filters, etc.
- SPIE 2019 workshop: Tutorial on how to use SimpleITK
- OpenMR Benelux 2020: Basic python and one medical image analysis example
- Imperial College: Notebooks for an academic course
- JCMSK notebooks: Our notebooks on musculosketelal imaging-based research
- Nipype: Several notebook tutorials on how to use Nipype (neuroimaging)
- DLTK: Examples for a deep learning package
- pyKNEEr: Examples for knee cartilage segmentation and analysis
- A gallery of interesting Jupyter Notebooks: Many examples of notebooks used in other disciplines and for various purposes
There are plenty of cheat sheets online that summarize main commands and tricks for python and its packages. Here the links to some of them: