This is a docker image to build the Nintendo switch port of sm64pc by fgsfdsfgs
Usage example
docker run --rm -v /home/files:/mnt/n64 -e "camera=1" -e "drawdistance=1" -e "extoptions=0" msimm29/sm64switch-build:latest
/home/files is a folder on your machine that contains baserom.VERSION.z64. Versions can be (jp/us/eu), ex. You can use Windows file pathing if running in docker on Windows just don't change anything after the :
To use BETTERCAMERA set this in your run command. If you don't want to use BETTERCAMERA then delete this part.
-e "camera=1"
To use NODRAWINGDISTANCE set this in your run command. If you don't want to use NODRAWINGDISTANCE then delete this part.
-e "drawdistance=1"
To disable EXT_OPTIONS_MENU set this in your run command. If you want to use EXT_OPTIONS_MENU then delete this part.
-e "extoptions=0"
To enable the 60FPS Patch add this to your run command.
-e "60fps=1"
When the build is finished it will copy the .nro file to the folder that contains your .z64 file