Gitlab and Gitlab CI demo, packaged with Docker
You can launch the main container using the following script
This container is big and all services can take up to 10 min to Start
At the end of the boot, you should be able to access the management interface on port 9090
Assuming your are running it on your local server/laptop the URL is http://localhost:9090/
Once the main container is running you can start a Gitlab CI runner in another container.
This component is essential if you want to try Gitlab-CI
The output should be similar to that
gitlab-demo ./
Registration token is: 8WCLm6EhjKjxLtxH5Ew1
Running in system-mode.
Registering runner... succeeded runner=8WCLm6Eh
Runner registered successfully. Feel free to start it, but if it's running already the config should be automatically reloaded!
Registered Runner: runner-docker-665
If you connect to the runners adminstration URL you should see one runner listed at the bottom of the page
Assuming your are running it on your local server/laptop the URL is http://localhost:9090/admin/runners
To Experiment with Gitlab and Gitlab-CI you can import the follwing project
It already include a the necessary instructions for Gitlab_CI
- Create a new project http://localhost:9090/projects/new
- Name your project test-gitlab in
project name
- Choose "Git Repo by URL"
- Copy the URL of the project in
Git repository URL
- Validate with
create project
the name of the project is important because it will be used in all following URL If you decide to use another name, please keep in mind that you'll need to change all URL
Create a new branch - http://localhost:9090/root/test-gitlab/branches/new
Name the branch feature in
Branch Name
Edit the file
here http://localhost:9090/root/test-gitlab/edit/feature1/ -
Save the change by doing a commit on Branch
(default option)
At this point, Gitlab will start a Build/Test process for this new Branch You can check its progress here : http://localhost:9090/root/test-gitlab/pipelines
Because we are not in the branch Master, only
will be executed
- open a merge request : http://localhost:9090/root/test-gitlab/merge_requests/new
- Source Branch is:
- Target Branch is:
Once the Merge request has been created you should already see the result of the last Build on the merge request page
CI build passed for XX
Once the new code has been migrated into the branch master, a new build is triggered and this time both TEST and DEPLOY Stage will be executed.