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J-PET image reconstruction & simulation

This projects contains tools for J-PET (strip PET) image reconstruction, simulation and various other utilities.



UNIX build requirements

  • UNIX compatible build environment such as Linux or Mac OS X
  • C++11 compatible compiler i.e. GCC 4.8.1, Clang 3.3 or ICC 15
  • CMake 2.8.10 for build script generation
  • GNU Make 3.8 for building using Makefile
  • QtCreator 3.1 for project editing via CMakeLists.txt
  • CUDA 7.5 (automatically detected by cmake)
  • Ninja 1.4 for faster re-builds (with cmake -G Ninja)
  • libpng headers and libraries for PNG output
  • Boost 1.58 for alternative geometry calculation (2d_barrel_geometry)


  1. libpng is available on Debian/Ubuntu GNU/Linux via:

     apt-get install libpng12-dev
  2. libpng is available on Mac OS X with XQuartz X11 server

  1. CUDA 7.5 is required to compile GPU C++11 code

Windows build requirements



  1. Although project now compiles on Windows, however our main build environment is UNIX, so Windows compatibility may break any time.

  2. Windows build flavor automatically downloads and compiles libpng and zlib, since these both does not come with Windows by default. Therefore build requires Internet connection.

  3. Ninja currently does not work on Windows with our project.

  4. This project uses Git submodules, make sure you pull them before the build:

     git submodule update --init


Project uses CMake to generate platform specific build scripts, to build with default settings run:

cmake . && make

Additional options:

  1. To build outside of project directory use:

     cmake <path_to_project>
  2. To use Ninja build instead default (make) use:

     cmake -G Ninja
  3. To use different than default compiler:

     cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icpc  # for Intel C++ compiler
     cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++   # for GCC
     cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang # for Clang

Build Configuration

There are several compile time options that can be changed, enabled or disabled. All PET specific options are CMake variables/options prefixed with PET_.

To list all available configure options:

cmake -LH

Once command above is run, typing cmake -DPET and pressing [TAB] in terminal completes all PET specific variables, unless Bash completion is disabled.

To disable some option enabled by default, e.g. PET_WARP_GRANULARITY:



Please consult Related Pages of Doxygen generated documentation for detailed description of available commands and run examples.

GPU support

Some commands offer --gpu/-G option to enable GPU (CUDA) backend. The most powerful GPU card is selected automatically by default. This choice may be overridden by -D/--device expecting integer device index.

There are two common errors that can appear when using GPU (CUDA) backend:

  1. cudaSetDevice() 35: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version

    This means that there is no CUDA compatible device available in the system, regardless of successful compilation using CUDA SDK. Please make sure you have CUDA compatible GPU device installed in your system.

  2. cudaPeekAtLastError() 8: invalid device function

    This means that available/selected GPU card computing capability is not sufficient. Only devices with compute capability 3.0 or higher are officially supported. Please consult compute capability device list and see if your device is supported.

    You can alternatively tweak CMakeLists.txt adding extra -gencode entry with lower device compute capability to CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS, however we do not guarantee it will work fine.


Tests are not build by default. In order to build and run tests run:

make test && ./test

Files containing tests have _test.cpp suffix.


Project uses Doxygen to generate documentation out of source code and Markdown files. To generate documentation run:


Next open doc/html/index.html file to view documentation.


  1. Doxygen documentation uses figures from pet/pubs sibling project, and assumes its working copy in pubs directory. If you see warning messages about missing figure files, please clone pet/pubs in this project root.

  2. Doxygen documentation build process uses Perl based filter to generate command line reference output and it will unlikely work well on Windows.

Coding Style

This project follows C++11 and Chromium/Google source coding style with custom settings described in .clang-format.

Prior committing code should be formatted using clang-format using following methods:

  1. Automatically using Git clean filter executed on each change introduced to index. This is set up running following command in root of the project:

     git config filter.format.clean $PWD/scripts/format-filter
  2. Manually, calling following script in root of the project:

  3. Using Qt Creator 3.1 or newer ClangFormat beautifier.

    File format must be selected in Settings > Beautifier > Clang Format > Style.

When using Qt Creator code style used in this project can be imported using Settings > C++ > Code Style > Import from src/Google.xml file.

Naming Convention

  1. Camel-case naming for classes and template names i.e. SmallPotato
  2. Lower case with underscores for class files, i.e.: small_potato.h
  3. Constants are upper case with underscores, i.e.: BROWN_POTATO
  4. Variables and instances using lower case, i.e.: some_potato
  5. Type template parameters should have Type suffix, i.e.: SizeType
  6. Class template parameters should have Class suffix, i.e.: DetectorClass

Type Usage

This project can be built to use float or double as floating point representation, depending on the need, therefore:

  1. All classes must be templates taking FType (aka floating point type), SType (aka short integer type) when necessary. They should not use float, double or short directly, eg.:

     template <typename FType> struct Point {
     using F = FType;
       F x, y
  2. All template instantiations shall use F and S types respectively including common/types.h prior instantiation, eg.:

     #include "2d/geometry/point.h"
     #include "2d/geometry/pixel.h"
     #include "common/types.h"
     using Point = PET2D::Point<F>;
     using Pixel = PET2D::Point<S>;

Serialization & Deserialization

Project uses std::istream & std::ostream for textual serialization/deserialization, and special util::ibstream & util::obstream for binary serialization/deserialization.

Since this project is not using virtual methods, if class uses both textual and binary serialization, it should define separate methods/constructors for both std:: text streams and util:: binary streams.


All classes that can be serialized into ostream or obstream should define "friend" operator<< inside their body, eg.:

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Point& p) {
  return out << x << ' ' << y;
util::obstream& operator<<(util::obstream& out, const Point& p) {
  return out << x << y;  // NOTE: no ' ' separator since it is binary stream


All classes that can be deserialized from input stream should provide constructors taking input stream reference as an argument, eg.:

Point(std::istream& in) { in >> x >> y; }
Point(util::ibstream& in) { in >> x >> y; }

GPU (CUDA) Compatible Code

This project uses C++11 extensively, it also targets NVIDIA CUDA version 7.5 providing complete C++11 support.

Most of the classes as reused between CPU & GPU code using following rules:

  1. All CUDA enabled class source files should include util/cuda/compat.h

  2. All class methods available to CUDA should be started with single _, that will be turned into __device__ when compiling via CUDA, eg.:

     _ Vector operator+(const Vector& other) { ... }
  3. All CUDA enabled classes should NOT use <cmath> functions like std::sin, but instead use compat::sin counterparts which will be mapped to proper CUDA functions.

  4. All CUDA enabled classes should NOT use any STL containers or headers, if it is necessary class may provide CPU only methods using preprocessor conditional blocks, eg.:

     #if !__CUDACC__
     #include <ostream>
     #if !__CUDACC__
     std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Point& p) {
       return out << x << ' ' << y;


MLEM implementation for J-PET







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Contributors 3
