A simple time/job tracking app. Built utilizing SvelteKit/Pocketbase, and shadcn-svelte.
- Timer (Start, Pause, Reset)
- Notes (Keep notes of your time, including specific customers and names for the entries | Supports markdown 🎉)
- Previous Time (View all of your previous time entries with an ability to filter through results)
- Sharing (Share your notes with internal users)
- Lucide Icons
- melt-ui
- mode-watcher
- marked
- DOMPurify
- @tailwindcss/typography
- svelte-headless-table
- formsnap
- sveltekit-superforms
Feel free to open an issue or pull request if you're interested in contributing!
You will have to replicate the Pocketbase backend, but eventually I will have the collections available within the repo to upload to a dev Pocketbase instance.