This repository includes a package which enables demonstrations of using the photorealistic terrain simulator OAISYS interactively. The interactive mode support for oaisys is added in DLR-RM/oaisys#11
This project includes two demonstrations:
- Mapping: Reconstruction of demonstration with Voxblox with predefined viewpoints
- Active Exploration: Using ethz-asl/mav_active_3d_planning to demonstrate active viewpoint planning
The project can be built using the following command.
catkin build oaisys_client
There are two demonstrations
roslaunch oaisys_client test_mapping
roslaunch oaisys_client test_planning
This work has been presented presented as a workshop paper at ICRA 2022 Workshop on Releasing Robots into the Wild: Simulations, Benchmarks, and Deployment. [workshop.][paper]
title={Interactive OAISYS: A photorealistic terrain simulation for robotics research},
author={M{\"u}ller, Marcus Gerhard and Lim, Jaeyoung and Schmid, Lukas and Blum, Hermann and St{\"u}rzl, Wolfgang and Gawel, Abel and Siegwart, Roland and Triebel, Rudolph},
booktitle={ICRA 2022 Workshop on Releasing Robots into the Wild: Simulations, Benchmarks, and Deployment},