Cub3D is a 42-school project inspired by the famous game Wolfenstein 3D, developed using the C programming language and the MinilibX library. The goal of this project is to create a simple 3D game engine capable of rendering a maze-like world and implementing basic raycasting techniques to simulate 3D visuals.
Before running Cub3D, you need to ensure that you have the following installed on your system:
- C Compiler (gcc, clang, etc.)
- Make
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd cub3d_42
compile the project with
After successfully compiling the project, you can run Cub3D using the following command:
./cub3D path_to_map.cub
The path_to_map.cub argument is the configuration file for the game, specifying the layout of the world and various options. The map file should adhere to the defined format.
- W/A/S/D: Move the player forward, left, backward, or right, respectively.
- ←/→: Rotate the camera left or right.
- ESC: Exit the game.
- 3D Raycasting
- Textured walls
- Sprite rendering
- Map parsing from file
- Player movement and rotation
- Configurable settings via