JeDAO on Etherscan:
- Set validator address on scripts/deploy.ts file
- Deploy four contracts running on console:
node scripts/deploy.ts
- Copy address of deployed contract and paste to .env file as CONTRACT_ADDRESS_DAO
- Use deposit, add-proposal, vote and finish functions
- addProposal()
Add new proposal
Only chairman can call
- deposit()
Deposit tokens to vote
- vote()
Actual voting with id of proposal and votes amount with for or against
- finishProposal()
Finish proposal with current ID
- withdraw()
Withdraw deposited tokens with given amount
node scripts/deploy.js
npx hardhat test --network hardhat
npx hardhat deposit --amount
npx hardhat add-proposal --calldata --recipient --description
npx hardhat vote --id --amount --for
npx hardhat finish --id