ERC721 Contract:
ERC1155 Contract:
- Set initial values on scripts/deploy.ts file
- Deploy both contracts running on console:
node scripts/deploy.ts
- Copy address of deployed contract and paste to .env file as CONTRACT_ADDRESS
- Use mint, mint1155 and mint1155-by-id functions
- safeMintWithUri()
Mint function for ERC721 Contract
- mintNewToken()
Mint new token type on ERC1155 Contract
- mintTokenById()
Mint existing tokens by id on ERC1155 Contract
- totalSupply()
Get amount of token types
- totalSupply()
Get amount of tokens by their id
node scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat mint
npx hardhat mint1155
npx hardhat mint1155-by-id