- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies (hardhat-toolbox, dotenv)
- Compile both Solidity contracts
- Edit scripts/deploy.js file with self values if needed
- Rename .env.example file to .env
- Add your wallet mnemonic into MNEMONIC config on .env
- Run
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network testnet
and save given addresses - Verify deployed contracts if needed
- Enjoy 🫡
- JediToken to stake: 0x69D106f3F0587deD3d96EA52AAC104E4708e1e63 link: https://testnet.bscscan.com/address/0x69D106f3F0587deD3d96EA52AAC104E4708e1e63#code
- StakingTC: 0x14279A1D7A1Cc396aE0bd84A640E1b2E6C894714 link: https://testnet.bscscan.com/address/0x14279A1D7A1Cc396aE0bd84A640E1b2E6C894714#code
- Power Token reward: 0xD1389C41dCCdC7AB1406fea216cAAB0846BfF645 link: https://testnet.bscscan.com/address/0xD1389C41dCCdC7AB1406fea216cAAB0846BfF645#code
(c) JediFaust