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Woody Cover estimation using Sentinel-1 time series in the Kruger National Park


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Woody Cover estimation using Sentinel-1 time series in the Kruger National Park

Student Assignment of GEO 419 - Modular Programming with Python for Application in Remote Sensing

29.02.2020: Submission of Student Assignment
Person in charge: Resha C.Y. Wibowo ([email protected]),
Lecturers for GEO 419 in charge: Martin Habermeyer, John Truckenbrodt, Prof. Dr. Christiane Schmullius

Task lists:

  • Derive woody cover information in the savanna ecosystem of the Kruger National Park from Sentinel-1 and LIDAR data using machine learning
  • Accuracy assessment and comparison of two different machine learning approaches
  • Comparison of woody cover information from different time steps supporting the development of a savanna ecosystem woody cover monitoring system
  • Interpretation of classification results

Our basic concept on subset processes through imageries is insipired by, however we would like to implement Gdal to generate our analysis (One of our main code:
References used in this system are tagged in the code to give credits to the owner of the code.

Our approaches in this system are by using SVM (Support Vector Machine), and RF (Random Forest)

Load all required modules into the system

It's is important to know which modules are necessary for our system and to call all of the essential modules on the beginning of our system to minimise minor error at the middle of the framework.

1. Calling all required modules for processes. The modules are divided into: General, Main, and Machine Learning

General Modules

%matplotlib qt
import os
import numpy as np

Import main modules

from mlp import callset,cref,istore,subsets

Import Machine learning (sklearn) modules

used as accuracy assessment and train-test split respectively

from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

Support Vector Machine ( )

from sklearn import svm

Random Forest Classifier ( )

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification

Settings of system directory and calling datasets

2. Set all directory to be used Since working with directory based modules such as Gdal, one should consider to organise the directory before doing works. Either being set or not, this steps are necessary to be done.

os.getcwd() # checking directory of working
Set the default directory
default_directory = "/home/geodv20/Desktop/Friedrich-Schiller Uni Jena/Material/Semester1/GEO419/Abschlussaufgabe"
default_data = "/home/geodv20/Desktop/Friedrich-Schiller Uni Jena/Material/Semester1/GEO419/Abschlussaufgabe/data"
default_dataset = "/home/geodv20/Desktop/Friedrich-Schiller Uni Jena/Material/Semester1/GEO419/Abschlussaufgabe/data/xx_419"
default_output = "/home/geodv20/Desktop/Friedrich-Schiller Uni Jena/Material/Semester1/GEO419/Abschlussaufgabe/output"

Tracing files inside data directory

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(default_data):
    for file in files:
        print(os.path.join(root, file)) # show any files inside the current directory  sc:

3. Calling datasets Our datasets used in this system are:

  • 02_KNP_LIDAR_DSM_50m_woody_cover_perc;

  • S1_A_D_VH_VV_stack_04_2017_04_2018_KNP; and

  • S1_A_D_VH_VV_stack_04_2018_04_2019_KNP.

      dataset = ("02_KNP_LIDAR_DSM_50m_woody_cover_perc", "S1_A_D_VH_VV_stack_04_2017_04_2018_KNP", "S1_A_D_VH_VV_stack_04_2018_04_2019_KNP")
      wdataset = os.path.join(default_dataset, dataset[0])
      dataset1 = os.path.join(default_dataset, dataset[1])
      dataset2 = os.path.join(default_dataset, dataset[2])

Using module callset(), one reference (LiDAR data) and one dataset (Sentinel-1 Backscatter) can be called

ref1, meta_ref, dim_ref, pr_ref, band_ref, set1, meta_set, dim_set, pr_set, band_set = callset(wdataset,dataset1) # Call the dataset using <font color="blue">callset</font> module

# Saving set1, since we have two Sentinel-1 datasets
ds1 = {'set': set1,
       'meta': meta_set,
       'dim': dim_set,
       'prj': pr_set,
       'band': band_set}

del ref1, meta_ref, dim_ref, pr_ref, band_ref, set1, meta_set, dim_set, pr_set, band_set # Clear Memory

# Second dataset
ref1, meta_ref, dim_ref, pr_ref, band_ref, set1, meta_set, dim_set, pr_set, band_set = callset(wdataset,dataset2) # Call the dataset using <font color="blue">callset</font> module

# Saving set2
ds2 = {'set': set1,
       'meta': meta_set,
       'dim': dim_set,
       'prj': pr_set,
       'band': band_set}

df_ref = ref1.ReadAsArray() # Register Reference dataframe
df_set1 = ds1["set"].ReadAsArray() # Register 1. Sentinel dataframe
df_set2 = ds2["set"].ReadAsArray() # Register 2. Sentinel dataframe

Printing Spatial Properties of Dataframes

print("LiDAR Data:", str(dataset[0]))
print("Projection: ", str(pr_ref[8:28]))
print("Dimension: ", dim_ref[0], "x", dim_ref[1])
print("Size: ", np.size(df_ref))
print("Layer(s): ", band_ref)
print("SAR Data:", str(dataset[1]), "and", str(dataset[2]))
print("Projection: ", str(ds1["prj"][8:28]), "and", str(ds2["prj"][8:28]))
print("Dimension: ", ds1["dim"][0], "x", ds1["dim"][1], "and", ds2["dim"][0], "x", ds2["dim"][1])
print("Layer(s): ", ds1["band"], "and", ds2["band"])
print("Size: ", np.size(df_set1), "and", np.size(df_set2))

Using module cref(), classes in reference (LiDAR data) can be identified

n_ref, c_ref, dict_ref = cref(df_ref) # Seek classes over reference dataframe

print('We have {n} Woody References'.format(n=n_ref))
print("""The training data include {n} classes (%coverages):
print(dict_ref) # Print classes

4. Specify data for following process

selection = 24 # selected time-series layer
rd_state = 204 # set random_state for machine learning, and split-train-test module
tsize = 0.7 # set test size for machine learning split-train-test
estimator = 100 # number of estimator for RandomForest in range 10 to 500
kernel = "rbf" # set estimation method for SVM, linear/poly/rbf/sigmoid/precomputed
dfs = "ovo" # set classification method for SVM, ovo or ovr

file_name = "Woody" # reference filename
heading_name = "LiDAR Woody Cover" # heading on figure

file_names = "S1_TS_17_18" # dataset filename
heading_names = "Sentinel-1 Timeseries 2017/2018" # heading on figure

file_names2 = "S1_TS_18_19" # dataset filename
heading_names2 = "Sentinel-1 Timeseries 2018/2019" # heading on figure

img_slc1 = ds1["set"].GetRasterBand(selection).ReadAsArray() # store for prediction map
img_slc2 = ds2["set"].GetRasterBand(selection).ReadAsArray() # store for prediction map

kwargs = {'datamap': '',
          'datainput': '',
          'filename': '',
          'headingname': '',
          'selection': selection, #by default
          'output': '',
          'nestimator': estimator,
          'kernel': kernel,
          'dfs': dfs,
          'accuracy': ''} # Default kwargs for saving figure later

5. Set output folders, for figure storage

OM = os.path.join(default_output,'Overview_Map/') # set output dir for overview map
SUB = os.path.join(default_output,'Subset/') # set output dir for subset map
PRD = os.path.join(default_output,'Prediction/') # set output dir for prediction map
DIF = os.path.join(default_output,'Dif_Map/') #set output dir for comparison map

try: # Check the availability of each folder
except OSError:

Saving Overview Map, creating Dataset-subset and saving Subset Map

Using module istore(), the dataset's Figure can be generated, by certain set (kwargs), then stored into exact desired folder

6.1. Save overview map

kwargs['datamap'], kwargs['output'] = 'om', OM # set category and outputmap

kwargs['datainput'],kwargs['filename'],kwargs['headingname'] = 'woody', file_name, heading_name
istore(df_ref,**kwargs) # Save Reference Map

kwargs['datainput'],kwargs['filename'],kwargs['headingname'] = 'sentinel', file_names, heading_names
istore(df_set1,**kwargs) # Save Dataset Map

kwargs['datainput'],kwargs['filename'],kwargs['headingname'] = 'sentinel', file_names2, heading_names2
istore(df_set2,**kwargs) # Save Dataset Map

Classify woody cover into 10 classes by range 10% (0-10%, 10-20%, and so on)

class_ref = df_ref.copy() # Make sure main dataframe remained

class_0 = class_ref < 0
class_1 = np.bitwise_and(class_ref >= 0, class_ref <= 10)
class_2 = np.bitwise_and(class_ref > 10, class_ref <= 20)
class_3 = np.bitwise_and(class_ref > 20, class_ref <= 30)
class_4 = np.bitwise_and(class_ref > 30, class_ref <= 40)
class_5 = np.bitwise_and(class_ref > 40, class_ref <= 50)
class_6 = np.bitwise_and(class_ref > 50, class_ref <= 60)
class_7 = np.bitwise_and(class_ref > 60, class_ref <= 70)
class_8 = np.bitwise_and(class_ref > 70, class_ref <= 80)
class_9 = np.bitwise_and(class_ref > 80, class_ref <= 90)
class_10 = np.bitwise_and(class_ref > 90, class_ref <= 100)

class_ref[class_0] = "NaN"
class_ref[class_1] = 1
class_ref[class_2] = 2
class_ref[class_3] = 3
class_ref[class_4] = 4
class_ref[class_5] = 5
class_ref[class_6] = 6
class_ref[class_7] = 7
class_ref[class_8] = 8
class_ref[class_9] = 9
class_ref[class_10] = 10

kwargs['datainput'],kwargs['filename'],kwargs['headingname'] = 'woody', 'Classified_Woody', 'Classified Woody'
istore(class_ref,**kwargs) # Saving classified woody reference

img_ref = class_ref.copy()

6.2. Create dataset subset, save subset map

Using module subsets(), the reference (LiDAR data) will be used as extend and the dataset (Sentinel-1 Backscatter) will be clipped by extend

xoff, yoff, xcount, ycount = subsets(ref1, ds1["set"]) # Clipped the dataset using <font color="blue">subsets</font> module
img_set1 = ds1["set"].GetRasterBand(selection).ReadAsArray(xoff, yoff, xcount, ycount) # Clipped data

del xoff, yoff, xcount, ycount # clear memory

xoff, yoff, xcount, ycount = subsets(ref1, ds2["set"]) # Clipped the dataset using <font color="blue">subsets</font> module
img_set2 = ds2["set"].GetRasterBand(selection).ReadAsArray(xoff, yoff, xcount, ycount) # Clipped data

kwargs['datamap'], kwargs['output'] = 'sub', SUB # set category and outputmap

kwargs['datainput'],kwargs['filename'],kwargs['headingname'] = 'sentinel', file_names, heading_names
istore(img_set1,**kwargs) # Saving clipped Dataset

kwargs['datainput'],kwargs['filename'],kwargs['headingname'] = 'sentinel', file_names2, heading_names2
istore(img_set2,**kwargs) # Saving clipped Dataset

Test and Sampling

7. Do split train and test

ref_train, ref_test = train_test_split(img_ref, test_size=tsize,random_state=rd_state, shuffle=False)

set1_train, set1_test, set2_train, set2_test = train_test_split(img_set1, img_set2,
                                                                random_state=rd_state, shuffle=False)

mask = ~np.isnan(set1_train) & ~np.isnan(set2_train) & ~np.isnan(ref_train) # creating ~NAN Mask
mask2 = ~np.isnan(set1_test) & ~np.isnan(set2_test) & ~np.isnan(ref_test) # creating ~NAN Mask

set1_train_mask = set1_train[mask].reshape(-1, 1)
set2_train_mask = set2_train[mask].reshape(-1, 1) # Masking split_train datasets
ref_train_mask = ref_train[mask] # Masking split_train reference

set1_test = set1_test[mask2].reshape(-1,1)
set2_test = set2_test[mask2].reshape(-1,1) # Masking for Prediction Machine Learning
ref_test_mask = ref_test[mask2] # Masking split_train reference

Instantiation of the Model

8. Set Machine Learning module

# Control
kwargs["nestimator"], kwargs["kernel"], kwargs["dfs"] = estimator, kernel, dfs

Kernel_SVC_model1 = svm.SVC(kernel= kernel, decision_function_shape= dfs,random_state = rd_state)
Kernel_SVC_model2 = svm.SVC(kernel= kernel, decision_function_shape= dfs,random_state = rd_state)
RandomForest_model1 = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=estimator, random_state = rd_state)
RandomForest_model2 = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=estimator, random_state = rd_state)

Fitting of the Classifiers

9. Fit split-train set data and reference data, ref_train_mask), ref_train_mask), ref_train_mask), ref_train_mask)

Prediction and Accuracy Assessment

10.1. Split-test prediction

Kernel_SVC_prediction1 = Kernel_SVC_model1.predict(set1_test)
Kernel_SVC_prediction2 = Kernel_SVC_model2.predict(set2_test)
RandomForest_prediction1 = RandomForest_model1.predict(set1_test)
RandomForest_prediction2 = RandomForest_model2.predict(set2_test)

10.2. Accuracy of Machine Learning

Support Vector Machine

Accuracy1 = {"Accuracy_SVC": metrics.accuracy_score(ref_test_mask,Kernel_SVC_prediction1),
              "Matrix_SVC": metrics.confusion_matrix(ref_test_mask, Kernel_SVC_prediction1),
              "Report_SVC": metrics.classification_report(ref_test_mask, Kernel_SVC_prediction1)}

Accuracy2 = {"Accuracy_SVC": metrics.accuracy_score(ref_test_mask,Kernel_SVC_prediction2),
          "Matrix_SVC": metrics.confusion_matrix(ref_test_mask, Kernel_SVC_prediction2),
          "Report_SVC": metrics.classification_report(ref_test_mask, Kernel_SVC_prediction2)}

Random Forest

Accuracy1["Accuracy_RF"], Accuracy1["Matrix_RF"], Accuracy1["Report_RF"]  =  metrics.accuracy_score(ref_test_mask, RandomForest_prediction1),metrics.confusion_matrix(ref_test_mask, RandomForest_prediction1), metrics.classification_report(ref_test_mask, RandomForest_prediction1)
Accuracy2["Accuracy_RF"], Accuracy2["Matrix_RF"], Accuracy2["Report_RF"]  =  metrics.accuracy_score(ref_test_mask, RandomForest_prediction2),metrics.confusion_matrix(ref_test_mask, RandomForest_prediction2), metrics.classification_report(ref_test_mask, RandomForest_prediction2) 

Printing accuracy, confusion matrix, and classification report

print("Model data", file_names)
print("Support Vector Machine")
print("Accuracy:", Accuracy1["Accuracy_SVC"])
print("Random Forest")
print("Accuracy:", Accuracy1["Accuracy_RF"])

print("Model data", file_names2)
print("Support Vector Machine")
print("Accuracy:", Accuracy2["Accuracy_SVC"])
print("Random Forest")
print("Accuracy:", Accuracy2["Accuracy_RF"])

10.3. Predicting dataset imageries

Prediction1_SVC = Kernel_SVC_model1.predict(img_slc1.flatten().reshape(-1,1))
Prediction2_SVC = Kernel_SVC_model2.predict(img_slc2.flatten().reshape(-1,1))
Prediction1_RF = RandomForest_model1.predict(img_slc1.flatten().reshape(-1,1))
Prediction2_RF = RandomForest_model2.predict(img_slc2.flatten().reshape(-1,1))

10.4. Saving image prediction

kwargs['datamap'], kwargs['output'] = 'prd', PRD # set category and outputmap
kwargs['method'] = 'SVC'
kwargs['filename'], kwargs['accuracy'] = file_names, round(Accuracy1["Accuracy_SVC"],2)
sets = Prediction1_SVC.reshape(img_slc1.shape) # since prediction's shape is 1D, we need to reshape our array to 2D
set0 = sets < 0
sets[set0] = 0
istore(sets,**kwargs) # Saving SVC prediction
sets = 0 # clear memory

kwargs['method'] = 'RF'
kwargs['accuracy'] = round(Accuracy1["Accuracy_RF"],2)
sets = Prediction1_RF.reshape(img_slc1.shape) # since prediction's shape is 1D, we need to reshape our array to 2D
set0 = sets < 0
sets[set0] = 0
istore(sets,**kwargs) # Saving RandomForest prediction
sets = 0 # clear memory

kwargs['method'] = 'SVC'
kwargs['filename'], kwargs['accuracy'] = file_names2, round(Accuracy2["Accuracy_SVC"],2)
sets = Prediction2_SVC.reshape(img_slc2.shape) # since prediction's shape is 1D, we need to reshape our array to 2D
set0 = sets < 0
sets[set0] = 0
istore(sets,**kwargs) # Saving SVC prediction
sets = 0 # clear memory

kwargs['method'] = 'RF'
kwargs['accuracy'] = round(Accuracy2["Accuracy_RF"],2)
sets = Prediction2_RF.reshape(img_slc2.shape) # since prediction's shape is 1D, we need to reshape our array to 2D
set0 = sets < 0
sets[set0] = 0
istore(sets,**kwargs) # Saving RandomForest prediction
sets = 0 # clear memory

10.4. Machine Learning Assessment and Time-series Comparison

Calculating Accuracy Different from Machine Learning

d1 = abs(Accuracy1["Accuracy_RF"] - Accuracy1["Accuracy_SVC"])
d2 = abs(Accuracy2["Accuracy_RF"] - Accuracy2["Accuracy_SVC"])

Different Map

d1_map = Prediction1_RF - Prediction1_SVC
d2_map = Prediction2_RF - Prediction2_SVC
dSVC_map = Prediction1_SVC - Prediction2_SVC 
dRF_map = Prediction1_RF  - Prediction2_RF

Saving Different Map

kwargs['datamap'], kwargs['output'] = 'dif', DIF # set category and outputmap
kwargs['datainput'] = 'method'

kwargs['filename'],kwargs['headingname'], kwargs['accuracy'] = file_names, heading_names, d1
istore(d1_map.reshape(img_slc1.shape), **kwargs) # Saving ML Assesment 1

kwargs['filename'],kwargs['headingname'], kwargs['accuracy'] = file_names2, heading_names2, d2
istore(d2_map.reshape(img_slc1.shape), **kwargs) # Saving ML Assesment 2

kwargs['datainput'] = 'time'
kwargs['method'] = 'SVC'
kwargs['filename'],kwargs['headingname'] = 'time_series', '2017/2018 to 2018/2019'
istore(dSVC_map.reshape(img_slc1.shape),**kwargs) # Saving Different SVC Prediction

kwargs['method'] = 'RF'
kwargs['filename'],kwargs['headingname'] = 'time_series', '2017/2018 to 2018/2019'
istore(dRF_map.reshape(img_slc1.shape),**kwargs) # Saving Different RF Prediction

del d1_map, d2_map, dSVC_map, dRF_map # clear memory


Woody Cover estimation using Sentinel-1 time series in the Kruger National Park







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