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Revisiting Self-Attention in Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Dimensional Perspective


Designs of self-attention modules Designs of self-attention modules.

  • We aim to design sample-efficient DRL algorithms by leveraging self-attention, particularly, its dimensional biases.
  • We focused on visual-based DRL settings where the state is often extracted using CNNs.
  • We designed various self-attention modules by altering the dimensions over which the scaled dot-product attention can be applied.
  • We integrated each self-attention module into the PPO algorithm and evaluate the underlying DRL agent in the Arcade Learning Environment.
  • The self-attention module together with the first CNN module form a complementary state representation learning system, guided by the same RL objective, i.e., to maximize return.
  • Each self-attention module has a distinct bias and generates attention blocks oriented in a certain axis, either horizontally, vertically or both.
  • Each Atari game also has a distinct bias in terms of its main axis of dynamics such as the axis of conflict, combat, competition, or movement of key objects.
  • We discovered that the DRL agent is more likely to achieve the highest sample-efficiency in games where the main axis of dynamics aligns with its attention axis. In other words, games are more likely to be won by the DRL agent whose attention axis aligns with the main axis of dynamics.
  • We provided an interpretability study, showing that the alignment of biases helps the agent learn better policies by capturing important environmental dynamics such as the locations and trajectories of the key objects.


System Info

  • OS: Linux-5.15.0-33-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.29
  • Python: 3.8.5
  • Stable-Baselines3: 2.0.0
  • PyTorch: 1.13.0+rocm5.2 (Note: this code is tested on the ROCm compute platform. You may change it to PyTorch CUDA if you're using CUDA.)
  • Numpy: 1.22.4
  • Cloudpickle: 2.2.1
  • Gymnasium: 0.28.1
  • OpenAI Gym: 0.26.2

Server Config

Compute node

  • CPUs: 2 AMD EPYC™ 7742
  • GPUs: 8 AMD Instinct™ MI50 (32 GB)


  • Create a virtual env
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  • Install PyTorch
# ROCm 5.2 (Linux only)
pip install torch==1.13.0+rocm5.2 torchvision==0.14.0+rocm5.2 torchaudio==0.13.0 --extra-index-url
# CUDA 11.6
pip install torch==1.13.0+cu116 torchvision==0.14.0+cu116 torchaudio==0.13.0 --extra-index-url
# CUDA 11.7
pip install torch==1.13.0+cu117 torchvision==0.14.0+cu117 torchaudio==0.13.0 --extra-index-url
# CPU only
pip install torch==1.13.0+cpu torchvision==0.14.0+cpu torchaudio==0.13.0 --extra-index-url
  • Install other dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create an IPython kernel for Jupyter Notebook
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=venv



We used the default values from the Stable-Baselines3 v2.0.0 for hyperparameters not listed here.

Parameter Value
No. of parallel environments (n_envs) 16
Horizon (n_steps) 128
No. of epochs (n_epochs) 3
Minibatch size $16\times16$
Total timesteps (n_timesteps) $1e7$
Frame skipping 4
Frame stacking 4
Max no. of no-ops 30
Action repeat probability 0
Learning rate $2.5\times10^{-4}\times\alpha^{*}$
Clipping parameter $0.1\times\alpha^{*}$
Value function coefficient 1
Entropy coefficient 0.01
Seeds 0, 1, 10, 42, 1234

*: $\alpha$ is linearly annealed from 1 to 0 over the entire training period.

Launch training jobs

Launch a training job

# activate the virtual env
source venv/bin/activate
# e.g., env=PongNoFrameskip-v4, self_attn='NA', seed=0
python -u src/ --algo ppo  --env PongNoFrameskip-v4 --tensorboard-log logs --eval-freq 200000 --eval-episodes 5 --save-freq 500000 --log-folder logs --seed 0 --vec-env subproc --uuid \
--hyperparams policy_kwargs:"dict(features_extractor_class=SelfAttnCNNPPO, features_extractor_kwargs=dict(self_attn='NA'), net_arch=[])"

Launch all training jobs using PBS Pro


Results & Analysis

All data and codes used for results analysis can be found in the results folder.


The evaluation data is saved as data/post_processed_results_56.pkl and the evaluation plots (i.e., the learning curves, performance per game, aggregate performance, sample efficiency, performance profiles, and the probability of improvement) can be reproduced using the evaluation.ipynb.

We also report performance per game and collate the games that are won by each agent to see if there is any correlation between the inductive biases of the agents and the game mechanics.

Learning curves

Learning curves are smoothened using the debiased exponential moving average with a weight of 0.98 to show better distinction between agents' performances. The solid lines represent the mean performances, and the shaded regions depict the 95% confidence intervals based on 5 runs. The term 'SAT' in the legend field is the acronym for Self-Attention Type.

Learning curves Learning curves.

Performance per Game

In total, 56 games are evaluated over 10 million time steps across 5 seeds with all games having the NoFrameskip-v4 suffix in their environment IDs. The sample mean and standard error are computed using the mean evaluation score over the entire evaluation period across 5 runs. The winner of each game is highlighted in bold based on the highest sample mean.

Although the baseline agent (NA) has the highest number of wins, it did not win by a large margin in most cases. In addition, the combined impact of self-attention models (33 wins) is nontrivial and it is worth investigating how the inductive bias of each self-attention module influences the performance of the agent in different environments.

Alien 713.25 ± 23.93 783.05 ± 33.57 820.38 ± 55.90 796.17 ± 25.60 761.62 ± 27.09
Amidar 233.81 ± 17.10 194.72 ± 7.87 249.74 ± 18.04 219.80 ± 19.40 258.99 ± 24.00
Assault 1206.73 ± 81.79 1447.24 ± 145.57 1391.12 ± 150.19 1105.14 ± 30.39 1187.06 ± 141.38
Asterix 2190.20 ± 62.24 2115.20 ± 120.97 1850.88 ± 53.40 1881.16 ± 107.32 1751.08 ± 44.01
Asteroids 1694.04 ± 44.22 1613.50 ± 41.29 1519.31 ± 60.69 1540.75 ± 53.98 1515.91 ± 25.78
Atlantis 748152.32 ± 7500.59 706351.92 ± 8465.67 742176.56 ± 7568.71 717543.44 ± 15934.30 687103.60 ± 12713.27
BankHeist 282.67 ± 99.69 271.21 ± 96.26 291.63 ± 71.99 300.24 ± 79.89 289.53 ± 111.95
BattleZone 18500.80 ± 1010.68 15742.40 ± 831.53 17180.80 ± 1230.39 17376.00 ± 1091.82 14099.20 ± 1112.86
BeamRider 2473.49 ± 169.54 2035.45 ± 88.45 2394.04 ± 98.61 2238.17 ± 70.47 2001.04 ± 212.50
Berzerk 744.35 ± 28.95 783.36 ± 29.50 859.44 ± 11.41 738.88 ± 28.79 821.95 ± 30.29
Bowling 37.08 ± 1.39 42.24 ± 3.00 39.27 ± 3.15 43.77 ± 3.17 35.87 ± 2.61
Boxing 32.44 ± 1.67 27.90 ± 4.80 41.50 ± 2.62 44.44 ± 6.78 25.96 ± 3.52
Breakout 49.17 ± 2.54 38.55 ± 1.92 40.71 ± 2.99 42.61 ± 1.84 42.29 ± 5.29
Centipede 3171.62 ± 49.00 3103.86 ± 34.70 3107.74 ± 70.54 2980.11 ± 102.51 3231.28 ± 56.19
ChopperCommand 1795.84 ± 86.32 1614.56 ± 22.34 1909.92 ± 72.07 1609.76 ± 47.24 1536.64 ± 90.13
CrazyClimber 83603.20 ± 2103.07 79674.88 ± 2573.49 82909.68 ± 1900.91 83995.60 ± 2277.56 78799.12 ± 670.93
Defender 13075.88 ± 421.91 12774.72 ± 483.22 12650.36 ± 701.04 15035.48 ± 679.71 14171.84 ± 656.77
DemonAttack 4276.36 ± 148.32 4526.02 ± 245.87 4430.51 ± 376.03 4059.09 ± 63.70 3695.32 ± 103.82
DoubleDunk -6.13 ± 0.31 -6.78 ± 0.32 -6.15 ± 0.22 -6.20 ± 0.29 -6.32 ± 0.14
Enduro 176.80 ± 43.35 162.52 ± 25.48 129.54 ± 32.08 112.26 ± 17.96 106.03 ± 35.66
FishingDerby -70.46 ± 3.11 -78.18 ± 1.37 -72.74 ± 2.99 -66.00 ± 2.19 -71.96 ± 2.20
Freeway 29.23 ± 0.28 28.73 ± 0.43 23.74 ± 4.05 24.33 ± 5.44 23.24 ± 5.20
Frostbite 270.59 ± 2.60 268.18 ± 2.46 279.81 ± 3.50 676.94 ± 364.66 266.51 ± 3.07
Gopher 893.97 ± 21.91 896.82 ± 28.77 954.93 ± 21.44 913.07 ± 18.05 917.46 ± 9.25
Gravitar 328.68 ± 20.12 318.76 ± 18.17 295.28 ± 8.63 299.40 ± 9.79 261.36 ± 8.32
Hero 9045.84 ± 116.65 8435.23 ± 393.62 9153.70 ± 280.52 9071.00 ± 282.13 9877.38 ± 145.04
IceHockey -4.78 ± 0.13 -5.06 ± 0.19 -4.93 ± 0.08 -4.97 ± 0.14 -4.90 ± 0.08
Jamesbond 609.08 ± 88.48 480.32 ± 14.36 693.60 ± 119.26 457.88 ± 14.61 452.44 ± 30.54
Kangaroo 1504.24 ± 272.96 1503.60 ± 181.72 1886.56 ± 291.60 1250.56 ± 103.63 1252.64 ± 292.68
Krull 5537.86 ± 196.97 4970.93 ± 149.33 5189.49 ± 107.28 5763.52 ± 166.26 5095.27 ± 185.98
KungFuMaster 17357.68 ± 700.29 17260.96 ± 1426.21 17050.72 ± 1425.88 17110.80 ± 725.67 13422.16 ± 1048.28
MontezumaRevenge 0.72 ± 0.49 0.40 ± 0.28 0.48 ± 0.18 0.48 ± 0.35 2.16 ± 1.25
MsPacman 772.44 ± 15.97 699.65 ± 10.00 717.33 ± 38.01 686.30 ± 23.43 669.47 ± 8.52
NameThisGame 5176.36 ± 79.77 4668.89 ± 81.98 5116.64 ± 81.12 4812.22 ± 223.28 4493.71 ± 178.70
Phoenix 4200.87 ± 103.45 4206.65 ± 185.15 4194.28 ± 52.70 4367.82 ± 92.50 4106.22 ± 142.62
Pitfall -7.66 ± 1.37 -16.36 ± 5.65 -28.05 ± 11.92 -10.73 ± 3.88 -11.98 ± 1.80
Pong 9.91 ± 0.53 8.32 ± 0.74 7.30 ± 1.60 12.64 ± 0.43 -0.02 ± 4.01
PrivateEye 93.06 ± 1.64 87.12 ± 9.55 88.90 ± 2.55 84.64 ± 2.99 109.90 ± 22.71
Qbert 1594.34 ± 74.58 1228.14 ± 63.00 1467.60 ± 87.12 1425.32 ± 128.60 1128.26 ± 93.87
Riverraid 4098.34 ± 319.24 4464.29 ± 101.54 4548.46 ± 177.25 4468.96 ± 268.44 3822.38 ± 252.04
RoadRunner 17679.60 ± 1207.69 14792.88 ± 1527.42 15625.60 ± 1066.88 15596.96 ± 541.54 13924.72 ± 1252.82
Robotank 15.76 ± 0.87 14.44 ± 0.64 14.27 ± 0.63 13.16 ± 0.64 10.28 ± 0.92
Seaquest 865.14 ± 2.13 845.89 ± 3.02 854.10 ± 3.70 851.44 ± 1.49 843.82 ± 4.34
Skiing -28852.89 ± 549.36 -21709.29 ± 4541.60 -21695.07 ± 4566.52 -17406.93 ± 4598.34 -13266.78 ± 3785.99
Solaris 2344.58 ± 47.87 2332.13 ± 70.77 2199.54 ± 43.66 2278.88 ± 43.55 2337.78 ± 78.62
SpaceInvaders 515.05 ± 8.99 532.38 ± 13.09 504.85 ± 9.32 516.86 ± 16.91 487.15 ± 5.81
StarGunner 8952.08 ± 569.54 8824.72 ± 509.83 9063.12 ± 587.46 9602.56 ± 468.26 8372.16 ± 919.90
Tennis -16.09 ± 2.41 -11.09 ± 1.75 -16.20 ± 1.74 -13.36 ± 2.31 -11.90 ± 0.85
TimePilot 4938.48 ± 148.33 4501.84 ± 154.27 4330.56 ± 194.76 4789.36 ± 145.20 4369.52 ± 190.30
Tutankham 160.79 ± 1.80 160.08 ± 2.57 156.58 ± 2.36 158.20 ± 1.88 156.87 ± 3.24
UpNDown 49361.81 ± 15012.83 35094.31 ± 1432.76 59758.81 ± 17960.40 64822.30 ± 15476.49 23096.82 ± 2146.71
Venture 13.12 ± 4.82 5.28 ± 2.34 8.16 ± 6.26 4.16 ± 2.06 3.68 ± 2.26
VideoPinball 25318.44 ± 287.01 25979.93 ± 654.44 25669.86 ± 885.77 24888.83 ± 899.18 25354.74 ± 833.24
WizardOfWor 3415.92 ± 168.71 3100.56 ± 229.14 3819.76 ± 145.49 3475.28 ± 294.38 3504.88 ± 134.35
YarsRevenge 13977.03 ± 1935.09 13141.56 ± 357.95 10376.39 ± 1936.01 15025.78 ± 523.89 13697.67 ± 582.27
Zaxxon 5381.20 ± 603.69 4293.04 ± 1237.78 5872.40 ± 619.70 6504.00 ± 498.32 5719.60 ± 828.21
No. of wins 23 5 8 14 6


The data used for the interpretability study are stored in the model folder where the observations are saved as .npy files and the model checkpoints are saved as .zip archives.

The model checkpoint filenames follow the same naming convention as
<Game Name>_<Self-Attention Model Type>_<Seed>_model_checkpoint_<Timesteps>
E.g., has the following information.

  • Game Name: Pong
  • Self-Attention Model Type: CWCA
  • Seed: 42
  • Timesteps: 3 Million timesteps

The plots from the interpretability study can be reproduced using the interpretability_<game>.ipynb.

You may obtain observation files and model checkpoints for other games here. Please let me know if you face any issues in accessing these files.

State Representation

Based on the state presentations of Pong and Assault, we observed that

  • The self-attention module together with the first CNN module form a complementary state representation learning system. E.g., cold regions in the rectified feature maps at H1 correspond to hot regions in the attention maps.
  • Each self-attention module has a distinct dimensional bias and generates attention blocks oriented in a certain axis, either horizontally, vertically or both.
  • The attention blocks generated by the self-attention modules help capture important game dynamics such as the trajectories of the ball and projectiles.
State representations of Pong (left) and Assault (right) Interpretability study.

Game Classification

Based on the orientations of the attention patterns, we classify games based on their main axes of dynamics. We define the axis of dynamics as the axis of interaction, such as conflict, combat, competition or movements of key objects.

  • Horizontal: The game’s main axis of dynamics is oriented horizontally - Bowling, Boxing, ChopperCommand, Defender, FishingDerby, Frostbite, KungFuMaster, Pong, RoadRunner, Seaquest, StarGunner, YarsRevenge (12 games)
  • Vertical: The game’s main axis of dynamics is oriented vertically - Assault, Atlantis, Breakout, Centipede, CrazyClimber, DemonAttack, DoubleDunk, Gopher, IceHockey, Jamesbond, Kangaroo, NameThisGame, Phoenix, Riverraid, Skiing, SpaceInvaders, Tennis, Zaxxon (18 games)
  • Others
    • Games have no main axis of dynamics (e.g., exploration and action-adventure games) - Hero, Krull, MontezumaRevenge, Pitfall, PrivateEye (5 games)
    • The game’s main axis of dynamics is far off the horizontal or vertical direction (e.g., games with a first-person, third-person, or 3D perspective) - BattleZone, BeamRider, Enduro, Robotank, Solaris (5 games)
    • Games have more than one axis of dynamics (e.g., multi-directional shooters, maze, or puzzle games) - Alien, Amidar, Asterix, Asteroids, BankHeist, Berzerk, Freeway, Gravitar, MsPacman, Qbert, TimePilot, Tutankham, UpNDown, Venture, VideoPinball, WizardOfWor (16 games)
    • Total 26 games

Games with a horizontal main axis of dynamics

Games with a horizontal main axis of dynamics Game classification - horizontal.

Games with a vertical main axis of dynamics

Games with a vertical main axis of dynamics Game classification - vertical.

Games with other dynamics

Games with other dynamics - no main axis of dynamics Game classification - others.

Games with other dynamics - the main axis of dynamics is far off the horizontal or vertical direction Game classification - others.

Games with other dynamics - multiple main axes of dynamics Game classification - others.

Alignment of Biases

The table below provides guidance when selecting agents for a particular game. The number represents the likelihood of winning by each agent.

  • Games with a horizontal main axis of dynamics are more likely to be won by the horizontal attention generator, i.e., the CWCA agent which produces horizontal attention blocks.
  • Games with a vertical main axis of dynamics are more likely to be won by the vertical attention generators, i.e., SWA and CWRA agents which produce vertical attention blocks. The combined probability of SWA and CWRA is the highest.
  • Games with more than one axis of dynamics, main axis of dynamics that is far off the horizontal or vertical direction, or no main axis of dynamics are more likely to be won by the NA agent. In other words, self-attention agents exhibit limited advantages in these games due to ''misalignment of biases''.
Winning statistics by the main axis of dynamics Winning statistics by the main axis of dynamics.



[email protected]


Exploring Self-Attention with DRL







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