A CLI tool allowing the user to share files anonymously over the tor network. A similiar and more production ready solution is OnionShare. Currently this project is a proof-of-concept and not recommended in productional use, especially not when the data is important/anonymity is not only optional but needed.
To share a file you can simply run following command:
torshare share ~/my-secret-files/grandmas-cheese-cake-recipe.pdf
This command will start tor with a hidden service, a webserver that is accessable over the generated hidden service and serve the specified url under a specific, random url.
The output of this command will look similiar to this:
Sharing now!
torshare download tklj4oyf4bcgcn4gwyhlvtb5pggtzw2cyihfymcetxhsdykhdfebxqyd.onion/ZRqysiim0jpL5TVdQ8yOT2bQE0ZVlj
Serving file ~/my-secret-files/grandmas-cheese-cake-recipe.pdf under /ZRqysiim0jpL5TVdQ8yOT2bQE0ZV
To download this file, you can now either use the tor browser bundle and open the url http://tklj4oyf4bcgcn4gwyhlvtb5pggtzw2cyihfymcetxhsdykhdfebxqyd.onion/ZRqysiim0jpL5TVdQ8yOT2bQE0ZVlj
or execute following command:
torshare download tklj4oyf4bcgcn4gwyhlvtb5pggtzw2cyihfymcetxhsdykhdfebxqyd.onion/ZRqysiim0jpL5TVdQ8yOT2bQE0ZVlj
This will download the file to the current folder.