This is a java app that allows users to search for available room,make reservations and manage customer account. It provides functionnality for both customer and administrators
- Find and reserve available rooms for a specific range date
- Create customer account
- View customer reservations
- Admin features:
- Add rooms to system
- View all rooms
- View all reservations
- View all customers
To run this app, you need to have java installed on your machine. Follow these steps to get statrted:
- Clone the repository to your local machine
- Open the project in your IDE
- Build the project to compile the code source
- Run HotelApplication class to get started
- Upon running the application, you'll be presented the main menu option.
- As a customer, you can:
- Find and reserve a room by providing checkin-date and check-out date
- See your reservations by providing your email adress
- Create a new account by providing your new details
- As an administrator, you can access the AdminMenu where you can:
- View all customers
- View all rooms
- View all reservations
- Add new rooms to the system
The app does not have any external dependencies beyond the core java libraries
Contributions to Hotel Reservation Application are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
The Hotel reservation App is released under MIT license. Feel free to modify and distribute the codebase as per the terms of the license