This is my todo file for what I'll do in 2020. I'm an 18 years old portuguese guy with passions for tech, volleyball and entrepreneurship. In here, I list what I wish to do. Also, when I say "master" I mean know enought that I can do anything I wish to do with it pretty efficiently, not that I completely memorized every detail / use case;
Here it is:
- Learn what Vim is;
- Learn Vim Keybindings;
- Learm Vim in VS Code;
Learn about props and state;Learning about components and class-based lifecycles methods;Mastering class based lifecycle methods (ended up not doing, I'm basically only using arrow function components, with hooks);Learn React development best practises;useState and useState (and custom hooks);useRef and useCallback;useReducer- Context, createContext, useContext;
Memoization and useMemo;- React optimization;
- Check rest of React to see what's left to master;
Learn abbout why use Redux;Become able to developm quickly and efficiently with redux and react;Learn about Redux use best practises;Learn about "global" state (still learning);- Optimization techniques with Redux;
- Fully master Redux;
Learn what they are and when to use them;Learn syntax, check documentation;Learn about routing;- Learn middleware;
- Master all syntax;
Learn data handling with Axios;Learn about db integration;Learn about integrating with MongoDB;- Learn about integrating with MySQL;
- Master database integration with other databases;
Learn and test the different Next.js concepts using documentation / tutorials;For being able to do server-side rendering;Learn about deployment;
Learn about fb integration with web apps;Learn about fb databases;Learn about fb cloud;- Learn about rapid deployment with firebase;
Build and deploy full stack web app React and Firebase (optional) -> Canceled;
Install MongoDB;Use MongoDB CLI;Use MongoDB Atlas;Connect to MongoDB atlas database from a web app;- Memorize and learn the syntax for using with JavaScript;
Know what mongoose is and why use it;- Learn why / how to use mongoose;
Master MongoDB;
Learn simple Bash;Learn about Git;Learn git config;Learn git intit, add, commit;Learn git push, sync, pull;Learn git branching;Learn git merging;- Master git;
- Learn Azure DevOps;
- Fully understand RDBMS;
- Thoroughly understand SQL;
- Fully master data CRUD with MySQL;
- Learn about db deployment and db integration with client;
- Using Udemy free course/freecodecamp youtube video;
Learn about the concept of data scraping;Learn about different data scraping libraries / tools;Learn about web data scraping with NodeJS;Learn about data scraping with Puppeteer;- Make a full stack data scraping project, with NodeJS, Express, React and MongoDB / mySQL;
Learn OOP principles;Learn the syntax;Learn the principal libraries and how the .NET environment works;- Lean ASP.NET CORE;
- Learn MVC;
- Learn IoC;
- Learn Web API with ASP.NET;
- Learn about hangfire;
- Learn NGINX for accessing in-server data and manage it;
- Learn NGINX Ingress Controllers;
Learn about containerization;Learn Docker containers;Learn Docker commands;Learn Docker production deployment;- Learn about Docker with Azure;
Learn about Docker and Kubernetes;Learn about pods, images, nodes, etc.;- Learn YAML really well;
- Learn about deployment;
- Use on DigitalOcean;
- Use on Azure, with Kubernetes Azure Service;
Learn about basic installation (probably using a usb drive);Boot and install;Learn basic Linux;Use Ubuntu;- Learn intermediate Linux / Unix;
Use and customize Kubuntu;
Build and deploy a full scalable web app with kubernetes, ASP.NET and/or Node.js, MySQL / MongoDB database and a React front-end
- A good one;
-, one day, I will have something like this, IF I HAVE THE MONEY and knowledge I guess;
- Using part builder;
Integrate tensorflow into an augmented application using Unity3D;- React testing / other React hooks;
- Research "safer" investing strategies (dividend yield, dividend growth, others)
- Start generating side-money, aside from current job;
- Plant and harvest tomatoes and spinach (have been into planting and stuff for some reason);
- Eat more and bulk up;
- Get a whiteboard;
- Kali Linux and Ethical Hacking (George Hotz is cool);
- Get a medium quality filming camera/webcam - got my eyes on this( - + microphone (still checking);
- Learn and use video editing software - Davinci Resolve Probably ;
- Get a raspberry pi / arduino and do the equivalent of an "Hello World" with it;
- Learn more about AI and ML;
- HTML5;
- CSS3;
- Modern Javascipt;
- Sass;
- Adobe XD;
- Azure Fundamentals;
- Microsoft Bot Framework;
- Natural language processing (Microsoft's LUIS and Google's Dialogflow);
- Bash;
- React;
- NPM;
- Webpack;
- Git, Github;
- See folder
for all the notes I made about what I learned / am learning.
- Kubuntu + Windows 10 dual boot Laptop
- PyCharm for pyhton developing;
- Visual Studio Code for basically any other language that I currently use;
- Sometimes Visual Studio for C# developing (I use VS Code usually even for C#);
- For Visual Studio Code Extensions, I use:
- Auto Rename Tag;
- C#;
- Docker;
- ES7 React/Redux/React-Native/JS snippets;
- GitLens
- Git supercharged;
- Live Sass Compiler;
- Live Server;
- Material Icon Theme;
- Material Theme;
- Palenight High Contrast;
- NuGet Package Manager;
- Prettier;
- Python;
- SQL Server (mssql);
- Visual Studio IntelliCode;
- AREPL for Python;
- I'll follow the route described in the roadmap to upgrade myself;
- There will be notes in the folders for every section;
- To follow this in a better way, you should follow this in alphabeticall order;
- Option 1: Clone the repo;
- Option 2: Use a userscript -> -> to sort the files by alphabetical order ;
- Sort the files;
- Go through the files as described below + numerical order -> 1. , 2. , 3. , ... ;
- Version Control;
- Basic Command Line;
- Web;
- Good Practises;
- Research;
- Code Editor;
- Data Structures and Algorithms;
Basic Understanding:
Domain Name;
How does the internet work;
The Basic Web Components:
- Basic Syntax;
- Forms and validation;
- Learn to write semantic HTML;
- Conventions and best practises;
- Accessibility;
- SEO Basics;
- Basic Syntax:
- Layouts:
- Flexbox;
- CSS Grid;
- Contents & Components:
- Position;
- Navigation and mobile navigation;
- Box Model;
- Display;
- Floats;
- Media queries and responsive;
- Images, SVG and video;
- Responsive images;
- CSS animations;
- Syntax and basic construct;
- Basic programming;
- Querying, selecting and working with the DOM;
- XHR (AJAX) w/ Fetch;
- Modern ES6+;
- Hoisting;
- First-Class Functions;
- Closures;
- Scope;
- Context;
- Modular JS;
- Event bubbling;
- Prototype;
- Shadow DOM;
- strict;
Front End Enginner:
- Digital Ocean;
- Zeit NOW;
- Netlify;
- AWS;
Package Manager:
- NPM;
Web Security:
- Content Security Policy;
- OWASP Security Risks;
Better CSS:
- CSS Preprocessor:
- CSS Organization:
- BEM;
- CSS Framework:
- Bootstrap;
- Others;
Javascript Framework - React:
- Prettier;
- ES Lint;
Basic to medium concepts:
- JSX;
- Render;
- Components;
- Props;
- State;
- Events;
- Conditionals;
Advanced Concepts:
- Hooks;
- Fragments;
- Async act;
- Concurrent Mode;
- Portals;
- Suspense;
Frameworks & Tools:
- Sockets;
- Create React App (CRA);
- NextJS;
- Apollo and GraphQL;
- Reactsrapp;
- CSS Emotion / Styled Components;
- Gatsby.js;
- Puppeteer (Data Scraping);
- Axios;
State Management:
- Redux;
- MobX (opt.);
Module Loader / Bundler:
- Babel;
- Webpack;
Task Runners:
- npm scripts;
- gulp (opt.);
Type checking:
- Typescript;
- Unit testing, inegration testing and functional testing;
- Run you tests:
- Mocha;
- react-testing-library;
- Jest;
- Cypress;
- Enzyme;
Going deeper:
- Desktop Apps:
- Electron;
- Progressive Web Apps (PWAs):
- Web APIs:
- Storage;
- Web Sockets;
- Service Workers;
- Location;
- Notifications;
- Device Orientation;
- Payment;
- Credentials;
- Performance:
- PRPL Pattern;
- RAIL Model;
- Performance Metrics;
- Using Lighthouse;
- Using DevTools;
- Web Assembly (WASM):
- Rust;
- Others...;
OSs and General Knowledge:
- Terminal Usage;
- How OSs work in general;
- Process Management;
- Threads and concurrency;
- Memory Management;
- I/O Management;
- POSIX Basics;
- Basic Networking Concepts;
- Learn a language:
Functional Language:
- C# / .NET:
- Learn the language;
- Frameworks and tools:
- .NET Core;
- .NET Framework;
- Entity Framework;
- Others;
- Java (opt.):
- Learn the language;
Scripting Language:
- NodeJS:
- Learn the language;
- Frameworks and tools:
- ExpressJS;
- Mocha;
- Others;
- Python:
- Learn the language;
- Frameworks and Tools:
- Django;
- Flask;
- Others;
High-Performance Language:
- Go (Golang);
- Learn the language;
- C / C++;
- Learn the language;
Database Concepts:
- ORMs;
- Transactions;
- N + 1 Problem;
- Database Normalization;
- Indexes;
- Data Replication;
- Sharding Strategies;
- Cap Theorem;
Relational Databases:
- MySQL;
- PostgreSQL;
Non-Relational / No-SQL Databases:
- MongoDB;
Graph Databases:
- ArangoDB;
- Concepts:
- Open API Spec and Swagger;
- Authentication:
- Cookie Based;
- OAuth;
- Basic Authentication;
- Token Authentication;
- JWT;
- OpenId;
- Concepts:
- Main Concepts:
- OS Concepts:
- Startup Management (initd);
- Process Management;
- Threads and concurrency;
- Sockets;
- Networking;
- I/O Managent;
- Virtualization;
- Memory / Storage;
- File Systems;
- Service Management (systemd);
- Operating Systems:
- Linux;
- Unix;
- Linux Distros;
- Terminal:
- screen;
- tmux;
- terminal multiplexers;
- Bash scripting;
- Vim;
- Compiling apps from source;
- System performance;
- Text manipulation;
- Process monitoring;
- Networking;
- Networking, security and protocols:
- Email:
- Others;
- FTP;
- SSL & TLS;
- SSH;
- Port forwarding;
- OS Concepts:
- Learn to setup:
- Reverse Proxy;
- Forward Proxy;
- Caching Server;
- Load Balancer;
- Firewall;
- Web Server:
- Apache;
- Containers:
- Docker;
- Container Orchestration:
- Kubernetes;
- Helm;
- CI & CD:
- Jenkins;
- CircleCI;
- Gitlab & Github actions; -TeamCity;
- Intermediate Concepts:
- Configuration Management:
- Ansible;
- Infrastructure Provisioning:
- Terraform;
- Monitoring:
- Infrastructure Monitoring:
- Prometheus;
- Nagions;
- Grafana;
- Application Monitoring:
- App Dynamics;
- New Relic;
- Logs Management:
- Elastic Stack (ELK Stack);
- The Cloud:
- Cloud Providers:
- Digital Ocean;
- AWS;
- Cloud Design Patterns:
- Availability;
- Data Management;
- Design and implementation;
- Management and Monitoring;
- File Servers;
- Cloudinary;
- AWS;
- Cloud Providers: