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基于iOS PerAppProxy的iOS的移动流量标记工具。 iMonitor, An APP-Level Traffic Monitoring and Labeling system


  1. 2018-08-20 testVPN 框架 完成testVPN中关于vpn配置的若干操作。

  2. 2018-08-21 testVPN 测试用APP:MakePost 完成名为MakePost的测试用APP,主要用于简单化网络请求发送,有利于后续的功能测试工作。

  3. 2018-08-23 testVPN 服务代码完成 完成testVPN 中服务性质代码的编写。 testVPNServices中的util.swiftTunnel.swiftClientTunnel.swiftConnection.swift util.swift是公用代码,内涵普遍用到的工具类、工具方法等 Tunnel.swfit是隧道基类,定义了最为基础的隧道 ClientTunnel.swift是对客户端隧道的定义 Connection.swift是对连接的定义

  4. 2018-08-24 晚 开始着手packetTunnelProvider类的实现。 实现完成,下一步应该对VPN链接进行测试,完成:

    1 搞清楚整个VPN流量流程 2 确定实现过程有没有失误 3 为下一步APP Proxy实现做铺垫

  5. 2018-08-25 着手VPN链接测试

    1 测试过程中发现链接被拒绝,尝试重写tunnel_server程序 2 经检查,问题应该出现在ClientTunnel.swiftutil.swift中。 3 完成了针对MakePost的PerAppProxy测试配置,下一步应该是针对数据流流程的分析。包括如何封包解包,如何进行数据处理等等。

  6. 2018-08-27 数据流分析阶段

    1 首先规整整个项目代码,各个功能按钮分工明确,debug输出清晰 2 debug信息输出梳理,调整tag,调整debug输出内容,调整debug信息主要面向数据流处理过程。 3 下一步,记录网络流日志。确定本机ip,确定服务端代码处理过程。如果需要在服务器端进行抓包,如何进行。

  7. 2018-08-28 服务器数据流分析阶段

    1 DEBUG 服务端完成

  8. 2018-08-30

    bundle id 获取,采用js爬取app store存储到数据库,采用php进行数据库读取展示。 Todo: 1. log流量,内容:时间、长度(包含头不包含头)、源ip-port、目的ip-port、应用名称 2. 服务端代码翻译为C

  9. 2018-08-31

    log流量,内容:时间、长度(包含头不包含头)、源ip-port、目的ip-port、应用名称 倾向使用CoreData(SQLite数据库实现)进行数据存储。 表:data_flow_log。 列:data_flow_id, src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port, length, time, protocol。 ### 关于CoreData使用: 添加CoreData 使用CoreData 使用CoreData TODO: Server段代码分析不明了,再议 没有搞清Server是怎么将流量转发出去的,也不知道log应该在什么地方log

  10. 2018-09-02 Question:

    如何确定源/目的IP和PORT,如何优雅的确定包长度? 服务端如何进行转发?

Answer: > NEAppTCPFlow.remoteEndpoint, 但是UDPFlow又当如何? > 见尾部

  1. 2018-09-03

    发现CoreData使用场景与我的需求不符,考虑直接使用SQLite SQLite使用

  2. 2018-09-04

    iOS data sharing 数据库相关 利用了shared container来做日志存放。 但是如何查看相应的sqlite3文件?/private下应该看不了 要解析Endpoint 这个解析起来非常简单 要解析本机地址 可以自备服务器,请求服务器确定ip地址,同时在请求过程中上报自己的信息。 要解析数据包来源端口 unknown for the present time 要解析数据包的协议格式

    TODO: > 1. TCP flow的localEndpoint,UDP flow的remoteEndpoint > 2. flow 的协议确定 > 3. 本机外网地址确定

  3. 2018-09-05

    通过http://完成了信息提交和ip确定,应该考虑在日后的实现中定期上传信息,定期确认ip,但是如何调用函数,如何定期上传,如何确定系统全局ip变量仍待考虑。 packetTunnel似乎有每一个packet的协议。 利用completionHandler解决了http请求返回值的问题 完成向log中插入本机ip

    packetTunnel readPacketResult返回两个参数,packetData和packetProtocolNumber,通过packetProtocolNumber可以获取相应的协议,但是appProxy和packetTunnel具体是什么关系?Plus, readPacket是在Connection上进行的 在NWTCPConnection上提供远端地址和本地地址的获取。 TCP 本地ip地址也许还有点用,但是port地址似乎没什么用?但是还是完成了记录 iOS接口查询

    TODO: 1. 确定流量协议 2. 确定UDPFlow的目标地址ip-port 3. 初步考虑UI实现 4. 记录需要优化的部分,主要是代码的模块化以及各模块之间的设计。

  4. 2018-09-06


  5. 2018-09-07

    app proxy 只能够通过configuration profile进行配置,里面的ip:port是写死了的,但是可以考虑在load 配置的时候根据vpn的ip:port对配置进行修改?

  6. 2018-09-13

    已经将全部项目移植到testVPNUIDesign中,下一步做日志可视化。 日志可视化已经完成,下一步考虑本机已装app发现功能。 已装app检测比较有难度,无法通过代码在客户端进行,但似乎通过MDM可以进行,但MDM配置起来似乎比较麻烦。


    1. 无法确定手机上已经装的app -> 也许可以通过提前设定感兴趣的部分app来完成部分app流量的检测
    2. 无法识别TCP Payload遵循的协议 -> To be done
    3. 后期考虑界面和使用逻辑优化。
  7. 2018-09-18 23:00

Todo: > 1. 目标app bundleid的确定,以及图标、名称获取。 > 2. 服务器要运行在Linux系列的操作系统上。 > 3. 服务器抓包过程还没有进行明确。 > 4. 整个项目的功能正确性还没有进行验证。 > 5. 项目的架构说明书。

  1. 2018-09-20 14:00

    1. 打开vpn的开关逻辑可以优化
    2. 服务器可以使用socket,但是如何建立连接,建立连接后如何对来的流量进行处理需要对SimpleTunnel进行梳理再行考虑。
  2. 2018-09-23 14:45

    1. 结束整个代码的梳理。
    2. 下一步考虑抓包过程。
  3. 2018-09-29 16:09 重新梳理Todo

Todo: > 1. 根据bundle_id 列表获取图标 > 2. 服务器运行在Linux > 3. 服务器抓包过程 > 4. 功能验证 > 5. 架构说明

bundle id获取

  1. 关于获取手机上已经安装的app列表 iOS 11 之后的版本无法直接获取,只能通过bundle id检查是否有相应app安装 iOS 8-10 版本可以直接检查。 iOS11 获取手机已安装应用列表 上面都是OC的代码。

  2. 关于apple store爬虫

    1 js版本的爬虫模块 利用该脚本完成了爬虫

    2018-09-25: 展示连接。

    官方分类显示列表 app search param 1: term,搜索关键词 param 2: country, 搜索的市场 param 3: entity, 限定为software

    爬虫思路:获取所有分类(genre),按照分类中字母顺序爬取。爬取到的app应该只是名字,注意记录重复的情况。 然后根据名称查询到app具体内容。主要是bundle id,图标也是考虑内容之一。 已经实现:link 记录内容:

    "resultCount": number
    "results": [
    artistId: int
    artistName: str
    bundleId: str
    trackId: int 
    trackName: str
    trackViewUrl: str
    artworkUrl512: str


初步使用CentOS 7.1失败,尝试使用Ubuntu 16.04



  1. postRequest函数应该由更高的可用性




  1. 动作一、start vpn tunnel:
默认    15:18:32.458837 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> PacketTunnelProvider:  starting VPN Tunnel.
默认    15:18:32.459513 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: starting tunnel.
默认    15:18:32.467133 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: observe changes to the tunnel connection state
默认    15:18:32.471326 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> Tunnel connection state changed to Connecting
默认    15:18:32.473627 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: observe changes to the tunnel connection state
默认    15:18:32.473686 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> Tunnel connection state changed to Connected
默认    15:18:32.473744 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: reading next packet
默认    15:18:32.473804 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnelConnection: initializing ClientTunnelConnection
默认    15:18:32.473856 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> Connection: init connection
默认    15:18:32.473922 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: adding connection
默认    15:18:32.474045 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnelConnection: open the connection by sending an open connection message
默认    15:18:32.474328 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: send a message to the tunnel server
默认    15:18:32.474382 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
默认    15:18:32.522854 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload
默认    15:18:32.523412 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: handle message received from the tunnel server
默认    15:18:32.523929 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnelConnection: handling the event of the connection being established
默认    15:18:32.524176 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> PacketTunnelProvider: tunnelConnectionDidOpen, going to set settings for it.
默认    15:18:32.524248 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> PacketTunnelProvider: creating tunnel settings from configuration
默认    15:18:32.526302 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: reading next packet
默认    15:18:37.647045 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnelConnection: start handling packets
  1. 动作二、stop vpn tunnel:
默认    15:19:53.157867 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> PacketTunnelProvider: stopping tunnel
默认    15:19:53.158178 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: closing tunnel
默认    15:19:53.158557 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: closing tunnel
默认    15:19:53.159024 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> Connection: abort connection
默认    15:19:53.165199 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: observe changes to the tunnel connection state
默认    15:19:53.169343 +0800    packetTunnel    <AINASSINE> Tunnel connection state changed to Cancelled
  1. 动作三、start per app proxy:
默认    15:20:43.430819 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider:  starting PER_APP_PROXY tunnel
默认    15:20:43.431244 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: starting tunnel
默认    15:20:43.434184 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: observe changes to the tunnel connection state
默认    15:20:43.436855 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel connection state changed to Connecting
默认    15:20:43.437309 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider:  PER_APP_PROXY started successfully!
默认    15:20:43.495823 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: observe changes to the tunnel connection state
默认    15:20:43.496235 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel connection state changed to Connected
默认    15:20:43.496343 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: reading next packet
默认    15:20:43.496582 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider:  Tunnel opened, fetching configuration
默认    15:20:43.496811 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: send fetch configuration
默认    15:20:43.497131 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: send message
默认    15:20:43.497303 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
默认    15:20:43.498060 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: write data to tunnel
默认    15:20:43.505251 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload
默认    15:20:43.505747 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: handle message received from the tunnel server
默认    15:20:43.506628 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider:  Server sent configuration: ["DNS": {
                                                                                                    SearchDomains =     ();
                                                                                                    Servers =     (
默认    15:20:43.506978 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider:  Calling setTunnelNetworkSettings
默认    15:20:43.507855 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: reading next packet
  1. 动作四、make a post
默认    15:22:03.929865 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider:  A new PER_APP_PROXY_FLOW comes, start handling it.
默认    15:22:03.930051 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider:  it's a TCP Flow, description: TCP[<bf312cae 556dc6ce 74208943 da598646 eb7cffc1>] remote:, from app:
默认    15:22:03.930794 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection:  initializing a new ClientAppProxyConnection
默认    15:22:03.930873 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Connection: init connection
默认    15:22:03.930954 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: adding connection
默认    15:22:03.931124 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: handling sending an open message 
默认    15:22:03.931312 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW
默认    15:22:03.931490 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW
默认    15:22:03.933681 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: send an "Open" message to the SimpleTunnel server, to begin the process of establishing a flow of data in the SimpleTunnel protocol
默认    15:22:03.933755 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: send a message to the tunnel server
默认    15:22:03.933796 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
默认    15:22:03.934411 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider: new connection established.
默认    15:22:03.973691 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload
默认    15:22:03.974081 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: handle message received from the tunnel server
默认    15:22:03.974438 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection:  handling open completed messaged received from the SimpleTunnel server
默认    15:22:03.975690 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: reading next packet
默认    15:22:03.975765 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: handling result of sending a data message
默认    15:22:03.975886 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW
默认    15:22:03.981723 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection:  sending a data message to the server.
默认    15:22:03.983223 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: send a message to the tunnel server
默认    15:22:03.983305 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
默认    15:22:03.983628 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: handling result of sending a data message
默认    15:22:03.983796 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW
默认    15:22:03.984009 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection:  sending a data message to the server.
默认    15:22:03.984103 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: send a message to the tunnel server
默认    15:22:03.984183 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
默认    15:22:03.984450 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: handling result of sending a data message
默认    15:22:03.984620 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW
默认    15:22:04.095492 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload
默认    15:22:04.102416 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: send data received from the server to the destination application
默认    15:22:04.103046 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW
默认    15:22:04.106870 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: reading next packet
默认    15:22:09.191063 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload
默认    15:22:09.192821 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> <AINASSINE> testVPN Tunnel.swift: Optional(600140792): closing writes
默认    15:22:09.193010 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection:  closing connection
默认    15:22:09.193436 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: closing connection.
默认    15:22:09.193691 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Connection: close connection
默认    15:22:09.194050 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: droping connection
默认    15:22:09.198316 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: reading next packet


  1. 对于<4>中的解析: AppProxyProvider最先收到“来了一条perappproxy流”的通知 紧接着识别出流的信息,包括目的地址,来自哪一个app(根据app的bundle id) 建立一个ClientPerAppProxyConnection,并在隧道中添加该ClientPerAppProxyConnection ClientPerAPPConnection建立时,向服务器发送“Open”消息,企图打开该连接,该消息由ClientTunnel发送,由Tunnel完成序列化,收到服务器的确认消息,连接方才建立完成。 后续就是连接通信的过程。Tunnel是整个过程最底层的。 下面企图打印出连接消息内容。

  2. 对应抓包结果MakePost_SimpleTunneled_2.pcap

默认    21:26:46.858408 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider: A new PER_APP_PROXY_FLOW comes, start handling it.
默认    21:26:46.858612 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider: it's a TCP Flow, description: TCP[<bf312cae 556dc6ce 74208943 da598646 eb7cffc1>] remote:, from app:
默认    21:26:46.858675 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: initializing a new ClientAppProxyConnection
默认    21:26:46.858729 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Connection: init connection
默认    21:26:46.858847 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: adding connection
默认    21:26:46.858991 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: handling sending an open message 
默认    21:26:46.859142 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW
默认    21:26:46.859230 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW
默认    21:26:46.859499 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: send an "Open" message to the SimpleTunnel server, to begin the process of establishing a flow of data in the SimpleTunnel protocol
默认    21:26:46.859707 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: send a message to the tunnel server, messageProperties: ["identifier": 844068063, "app-proxy-flow-type": 1, "port": 80, "command": 6, "tunnel-type": 0, "host":]
默认    21:26:46.859759 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
默认    21:26:46.859960 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialized message content(Optional(161)): Optional(<a1000000 62706c69 73743030 d6010203 04050607 08090a0b 0c5a6964 656e7469 66696572 5f101361 70702d70 726f7879 2d666c6f 772d7479 70655470 6f727457 636f6d6d 616e645b 74756e6e 656c2d74 79706554 686f7374 12324f74 df100110 50100610 005e3139 322e3136 382e3433 2e313337 08152036 3b434f54 595b5d5f 61000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 0d000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 70>)
默认    21:26:46.860120 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider: new connection established.
默认    21:26:46.896935 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: read payload data: length: Optional(94), content: <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e645b 72657375 6c742d63 6f64655a 6964656e 74696669 65721007 10001232 4f74df08 0f17232e 30320000 00000000 01010000 00000000 00070000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0037>
默认    21:26:46.897234 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload.
默认    21:26:46.897427 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet content: properties: ["command": 7, "result-code": 0, "identifier": 844068063]
默认    21:26:46.897614 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: handle message received from the tunnel server, commandType: OpenResult, properties: ["command": 7, "result-code": 0, "identifier": 844068063]
默认    21:26:46.897725 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection:  handling open completed messaged received from the SimpleTunnel server
默认    21:26:46.898423 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel:  reading next packet
默认    21:26:46.898586 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: handling result of sending a data message
默认    21:26:46.898637 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW
默认    21:26:46.900324 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: sending a data message to the server.
默认    21:26:46.900540 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: send a message to the tunnel server, messageProperties: ["command": 1, "data": <OS_dispatch_data: data[0x125f0dce0] = { leaf, size = 287, buf = 0x125f06df0 }>, "identifier": 844068063]
默认    21:26:46.900619 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
默认    21:26:46.900817 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialized message content(Optional(387)): Optional(<83010000 62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e6454 64617461 5a696465 6e746966 69657210 014f1101 1f504f53 54202f74 6573742f 68747470 5f726571 75657374 2f746573 74706f73 742e7068 70204854 54502f31 2e310d0a 486f7374 3a203139 322e3136 382e3433 2e313337 0d0a436f 6e74656e 742d5479 70653a20 6170706c 69636174 696f6e2f 782d7777 772d666f 726d2d75 726c656e 636f6465 640d0a43 6f6e6e65 6374696f 6e3a206b 6565702d 616c6976 650d0a41 63636570 743a202a 2f2a0d0a 55736572 2d416765 6e743a20 4d616b65 506f7374 2f312043 464e6574 776f726b 2f393032 2e322044 61727769 6e2f3137 2e372e30 0d0a4163 63657074 2d4c616e 67756167 653a207a 682d636e 0d0a436f 6e74656e 742d4c65 6e677468 3a203231 0d0a4163 63657074 2d456e63 6f64696e 673a2067 7a69702c 20646566 6c617465 0d0a0d0a 12324f74 df000800 0f001700 1c002700 29014c00 00000000 00020100 00000000 00000700 00000000 00000000 00000000 000151>)
默认    21:26:46.900934 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: handling result of sending a data message
默认    21:26:46.901047 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW
默认    21:26:46.901190 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: sending a data message to the server.
默认    21:26:46.901231 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: send a message to the tunnel server, messageProperties: ["command": 1, "data": <OS_dispatch_data: data[0x127012b00] = { leaf, size = 21, buf = 0x127016a60 }>, "identifier": 844068063]
默认    21:26:46.901388 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
默认    21:26:46.901494 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialized message content(Optional(113)): Optional(<71000000 62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e6454 64617461 5a696465 6e746966 69657210 014f1015 7b0a2020 226b6579 22203a20 2276616c 7565220a 7d12324f 74df080f 171c2729 41000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 07000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 46>)
默认    21:26:46.901603 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: handling result of sending a data message
默认    21:26:46.901665 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW
默认    21:26:46.914628 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: read payload data: length: Optional(350), content: <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e6454 64617461 5a696465 6e746966 69657210 014f10ff 48545450 2f312e31 20323030 204f4b0d 0a446174 653a204d 6f6e2c20 32372041 75672032 30313820 31333a32 363a3436 20474d54 0d0a5365 72766572 3a204170 61636865 2f322e34 2e333320 28556e69 78292050 48502f37 2e312e31 360d0a58 2d506f77 65726564 2d42793a 20504850 2f372e31 2e31360d 0a436f6e 74656e74 2d4c656e 6774683a 2032340d 0a4b6565 702d416c 6976653a 2074696d 656f7574 3d352c20 6d61783d 3130300d 0a436f6e 6e656374 696f6e3a 204b6565 702d416c 6976650d 0a436f6e 74656e74 2d547970 653a2061 70706c69 63617469 6f6e2f6a 736f6e0d 0a0d0a7b 22636f64 65223a30 2c226572 724d7367 223a224f 4b227d12 324f74df 0008000f 0017001c 00270029 012b0000 00000000 02010000 00000000 00070000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0130>
默认    21:26:46.914781 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload.
默认    21:26:46.915277 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: send data received from the server to the destination application
默认    21:26:46.915321 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW
默认    21:26:46.915829 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: reading next packet
默认    21:26:52.001853 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: read payload data: length: Optional(93), content: <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e645a 636c6f73 652d7479 70655a69 64656e74 69666965 72100410 0312324f 74df080f 17222d2f 31000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 07000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 36>
默认    21:26:52.001934 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload.
默认    21:26:52.002244 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet content: properties: ["command": 4, "close-type": 3, "identifier": 844068063]
默认    21:26:52.002436 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: closing connection
默认    21:26:52.002498 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: closing connection.
默认    21:26:52.002612 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Connection: close connection
默认    21:26:52.002826 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: droping connection
默认    21:26:52.003800 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: reading next packet

tcp payload长度的基础上加上66/70(从客户端到服务器请加66,从服务器到客户端请加70)便是一个packet的大小。payload有时候会少四个字节。

  1. 服务端的一次记录
2018-08-28 12:34:41.881 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerConfiguration: initializing ServerConfiguration
2018-08-28 12:34:41.881 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerConfiguration: reading the configuration settings from a plist on disk.
2018-08-28 12:34:41.882 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> AddressPool: initializing AddressPool, startAddress:, endAddress:
2018-08-28 12:34:42.590 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Network service published successfully

2018-08-28 12:34:45.537 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Accepted a new connection
2018-08-28 12:34:45.537 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: server tunnel is initializing.
2018-08-28 12:34:45.538 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: initializing tunnel
2018-08-28 12:34:45.541 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: handle bytes available on the read stream
2018-08-28 12:34:45.542 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload.
2018-08-28 12:34:45.542 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: handling a message received from the client
2018-08-28 12:34:45.542 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: handling connection open message received from the client
2018-08-28 12:34:45.543 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Connection: init connection
2018-08-28 12:34:45.543 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: adding connection
2018-08-28 12:34:45.543 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnelConnection: open the connection by setting up the UTUN interface
2018-08-28 12:34:45.543 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> AddressPool: TRY TO ALLOCATE IP ADDRESS
2018-08-28 12:34:45.543 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> AddressPool: Allocated address Optional("")

2018-08-28 12:34:45.543 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnelConnection: set up the UTUN interface, start reading packets.
2018-08-28 12:34:45.544 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnelConnection: create a UTUN interface
2018-08-28 12:34:45.544 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnelConnection: getting TUN interface name
2018-08-28 12:34:45.544 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnelConnection: start reading packets from the UTUN interface
2018-08-28 12:34:45.545 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnelConnection: sending open result to client
2018-08-28 12:34:45.545 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: send message
2018-08-28 12:34:45.545 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
2018-08-28 12:34:45.546 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialized message content(Optional(356)): Optional(<64010000 62706c69 73743030 d4010203 04050607 1d5b7265 73756c74 2d636f64 6557636f 6d6d616e 645d636f 6e666967 75726174 696f6e5a 6964656e 74696669 65721000 1007d208 090a1654 49507634 53444e53 d30b0c0d 0e0f1057 4e65746d 61736b57 41646472 65737356 526f7574 65735f10 0f323535 2e323535 2e323535 2e323535 5831302e 312e312e 32a111d2 12131415 574e6574 6d61736b 57416464 72657373 5d323535 2e323535 2e323535 2e305c31 39322e31 36382e34 332e30d2 1718191c 57536572 76657273 5d536561 72636844 6f6d6169 6e73a21a 1b5f1015 32343065 3a63303a 66343138 3a346539 363a3a37 365c3139 322e3136 382e3433 2e31a012 e3c77398 00080011 001d0025 0033003e 00400042 0047004c 00500057 005f0067 006e0080 0089008b 00900098 00a000ae 00bb00c0 00c800d6 00d900f1 00fe00ff 00000000 00000201 00000000 0000001e 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000104>)
2018-08-28 12:34:45.546 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: writing data to tunnel
2018-08-28 12:34:45.546 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> function: writeData.
2018-08-28 12:34:45.546 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnelConnection: Suspend, stop reading packets from the UTUN interface
2018-08-28 12:34:45.547 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> SavedDatawrite to stream
2018-08-28 12:34:45.547 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> function: writeData.
2018-08-28 12:34:45.547 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnelConnection: Resume, resume reading packets from the UTUN interface
2018-08-28 12:34:45.547 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnelConnection: reading packet from the UTUN interface
2018-08-28 12:34:52.123 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: handle bytes available on the read stream
2018-08-28 12:34:52.124 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: closing tunnel
2018-08-28 12:34:52.124 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnelConnection: abort
2018-08-28 12:34:52.124 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Connection: abort connection
2018-08-28 12:34:52.125 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnelConnection: closeConnection in the direction: reads and writes
2018-08-28 12:34:52.125 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Connection: close connection
2018-08-28 12:34:52.125 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> AddressPool: TRY TO DEALLOCATE IP ADDRESS
2018-08-28 12:34:52.125 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> AddressPool: Deallocate IP Address: finished.

2018-08-28 14:57:46.597 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Accepted a new connection
2018-08-28 14:57:46.597 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: server tunnel is initializing.
2018-08-28 14:57:46.597 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: initializing tunnel
2018-08-28 14:57:46.600 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: handle bytes available on the read stream
2018-08-28 14:57:46.601 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload.
2018-08-28 14:57:46.601 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: handling a message received from the client
2018-08-28 14:57:46.601 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: send message
2018-08-28 14:57:46.601 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
2018-08-28 14:57:46.601 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialized message content(Optional(178)): Optional(<b2000000 62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050e57 636f6d6d 616e645d 636f6e66 69677572 6174696f 6e5a6964 656e7469 66696572 1009d106 0753444e 53d20809 0a0d5753 65727665 72735d53 65617263 68446f6d 61696e73 a20b0c5f 10153234 30653a63 303a6634 31383a34 6539363a 3a37365c 3139322e 3136382e 34332e31 a0100008 0f172530 3235393e 4654576f 7c7d0000 00000000 01010000 00000000 000f0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 007f>)
2018-08-28 14:57:46.601 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: writing data to tunnel
2018-08-28 14:57:46.601 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> function: writeData.
2018-08-28 14:57:46.602 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> SavedDatawrite to stream
2018-08-28 14:57:46.602 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> function: writeData.
2018-08-28 21:53:00.204 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel read stream error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=57 "Socket is not connected" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=57, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}
2018-08-28 21:53:00.205 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel write stream error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=57 "Socket is not connected" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=57, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}
2018-08-28 21:53:00.205 tunnel_server_testvpn[44910:4514847] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: closing tunnel


  1. 客户端APP:
    1. 指定接收POST请求的服务器IP
    2. 发送POST请求,wireshark截包:MakePost_rawRec.pcap,请求内容: Form item: "{ "key" : "value" }" = "" > 3. 发送POST请求,wireshark截包:MakePost_SimpleTunneled.pcap,请求内容:(同上)
  2. 服务器端:
    1. 服务器脚本:testpost.php
    2. 操作内容:记录post时间,post内容。返回OK


  1. MakePost服务器配置:
  1. IP:
  2. 语言:PHP
  3. 请求API:http://hostAddress/test/http_request/testpost.php
  1. 手机(iPhone 8):
  1. OS version: iOS 11.4
  2. IP:
  1. per-app proxy
  1. 使用配置文件testVPN.mobileconfig,内容如下:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Configures PerAPP Proxy settings for testVPN</string>  
  1. VPN:
  1. SImpleTunnel 协议
  2. 内网分配:
  3. 服务端口:6668


  1. Does NetworkExtension know which app the data flow comes from?
  2. NETunnelProviderManager
  3. NEAppProxyProvider
  4. Re: Must NEAppProxyProvider be used with MDM/VPN?
  5. NEAppProxyProviderManager
  6. SimpleTunnel阅读笔记
  7. swift 数据类型转换


默认    15:03:35.779027 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider: starting PER_APP_PROXY tunnel
默认    15:03:35.779466 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: initializing tunnel
默认    15:03:35.779947 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: starting tunnel
默认    15:03:35.787698 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: observe changes to the tunnel connection state
默认    15:03:35.794817 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: Tunnel connection state changed to Connecting
默认    15:03:35.795536 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider: PER_APP_PROXY started successfully!
默认    15:03:35.824193 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: observe changes to the tunnel connection state
默认    15:03:35.824307 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: Tunnel connection state changed to Connected
默认    15:03:35.824421 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: reading next packet
默认    15:03:35.824605 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider: Tunnel opened, fetching configuration
默认    15:03:35.824656 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: send fetch configuration
默认    15:03:35.825586 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: send message: ["command": 9, "identifier": 0]
默认    15:03:35.825641 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
默认    15:03:35.827372 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialized message content(Optional(77)): Optional(<4d000000 62706c69 73743030 d2010203 0457636f 6d6d616e 645a6964 656e7469 66696572 10091000 080d1520 22000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 05000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 24>)
默认    15:03:35.827496 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: write data to tunnel
默认    15:03:35.840890 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload. content(174): <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050e57 636f6d6d 616e645d 636f6e66 69677572 6174696f 6e5a6964 656e7469 66696572 1009d106 0753444e 53d20809 0a0d5753 65727665 72735d53 65617263 68446f6d 61696e73 a20b0c5f 10153234 30653a63 303a6632 32323a65 3632393a 3a31335c 3139322e 3136382e 34332e31 a0100008 0f172530 3235393e 4654576f 7c7d0000 00000000 01010000 00000000 000f0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 007f>
默认    15:03:35.841375 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: properties received: ["command": 9, "configuration": {
DNS =     {
SearchDomains =         (
Servers =         (
}, "identifier": 0]
默认    15:03:35.841631 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: handle message received from the tunnel server, commandType: FetchConfiguration, properties: ["command": 9, "configuration": {
DNS =     {
SearchDomains =         (
Servers =         (
}, "identifier": 0]
默认    15:03:35.842138 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider: Server sent configuration: ["DNS": {
SearchDomains =     (
Servers =     (
默认    15:03:35.842480 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider: Calling setTunnelNetworkSettings
默认    15:03:35.843589 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: reading next packet
默认    15:03:43.089869 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider: A new PER_APP_PROXY_FLOW comes, start handling it.
默认    15:03:43.089914 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider: it's a TCP Flow, description: TCP[<bf312cae 556dc6ce 74208943 da598646 eb7cffc1>] remote:, from app:
默认    15:03:43.090673 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: initializing a new ClientAppProxyConnection
默认    15:03:43.090920 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Connection: init connection
默认    15:03:43.091264 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: adding connection
默认    15:03:43.091358 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: Tunnel: 0
默认    15:03:43.091481 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: connection: 343459062
默认    15:03:43.091613 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: handling sending an open message 
默认    15:03:43.091687 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW, TCP[<bf312cae 556dc6ce 74208943 da598646 eb7cffc1>] remote:
默认    15:03:43.091786 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW, TCP[<bf312cae 556dc6ce 74208943 da598646 eb7cffc1>] remote:
默认    15:03:43.091998 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: send an "Open" message to the SimpleTunnel server, to begin the process of establishing a flow of data in the SimpleTunnel protocol
默认    15:03:43.092239 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: send a message to the tunnel server, messageProperties: ["identifier": 343459062, "app-proxy-flow-type": 1, "port": 80, "command": 6, "tunnel-type": 0, "host":]
默认    15:03:43.092298 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
默认    15:03:43.092678 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialized message content(Optional(161)): Optional(<a1000000 62706c69 73743030 d6010203 04050607 08090a0b 0c5a6964 656e7469 66696572 5f101361 70702d70 726f7879 2d666c6f 772d7479 70655470 6f727457 636f6d6d 616e645b 74756e6e 656c2d74 79706554 686f7374 121478c4 f6100110 50100610 005e3139 322e3136 382e3433 2e313337 08152036 3b434f54 595b5d5f 61000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 0d000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 70>)
默认    15:03:43.092797 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> AppProxyProvider: new connection established.
默认    15:03:43.250474 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload. content(94): <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e645b 72657375 6c742d63 6f64655a 6964656e 74696669 65721007 10001214 78c4f608 0f17232e 30320000 00000000 01010000 00000000 00070000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0037>
默认    15:03:43.250774 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: properties received: ["command": 7, "result-code": 0, "identifier": 343459062]
默认    15:03:43.251182 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: handle message received from the tunnel server, commandType: OpenResult, properties: ["command": 7, "result-code": 0, "identifier": 343459062]
默认    15:03:43.251446 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: handling open completed messaged received from the SimpleTunnel server
默认    15:03:43.252391 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: reading next packet
默认    15:03:43.252635 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: handling result of sending a data message
默认    15:03:43.252695 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW, TCP[<bf312cae 556dc6ce 74208943 da598646 eb7cffc1>] remote:
默认    15:03:43.255627 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: sending a data message to the server.
默认    15:03:43.257442 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: send a message to the tunnel server, messageProperties: ["command": 1, "data": <OS_dispatch_data: data[0x155d176d0] = { leaf, size = 287, buf = 0x155d2a040 }>, "identifier": 343459062]
默认    15:03:43.257524 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
默认    15:03:43.257777 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialized message content(Optional(387)): Optional(<83010000 62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e6454 64617461 5a696465 6e746966 69657210 014f1101 1f504f53 54202f74 6573742f 68747470 5f726571 75657374 2f746573 74706f73 742e7068 70204854 54502f31 2e310d0a 486f7374 3a203139 322e3136 382e3433 2e313337 0d0a436f 6e74656e 742d5479 70653a20 6170706c 69636174 696f6e2f 782d7777 772d666f 726d2d75 726c656e 636f6465 640d0a43 6f6e6e65 6374696f 6e3a206b 6565702d 616c6976 650d0a41 63636570 743a202a 2f2a0d0a 55736572 2d416765 6e743a20 4d616b65 506f7374 2f312043 464e6574 776f726b 2f393032 2e322044 61727769 6e2f3137 2e372e30 0d0a4163 63657074 2d4c616e 67756167 653a207a 682d636e 0d0a436f 6e74656e 742d4c65 6e677468 3a203231 0d0a4163 63657074 2d456e63 6f64696e 673a2067 7a69702c 20646566 6c617465 0d0a0d0a 121478c4 f6000800 0f001700 1c002700 29014c00 00000000 00020100 00000000 00000700 00000000 00000000 00000000 000151>)
默认    15:03:43.258169 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: handling result of sending a data message
默认    15:03:43.258430 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW, TCP[<bf312cae 556dc6ce 74208943 da598646 eb7cffc1>] remote:
默认    15:03:43.258692 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: sending a data message to the server.
默认    15:03:43.258904 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: send a message to the tunnel server, messageProperties: ["command": 1, "data": <OS_dispatch_data: data[0x155e1a180] = { leaf, size = 21, buf = 0x155e02e80 }>, "identifier": 343459062]
默认    15:03:43.259120 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
默认    15:03:43.259513 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialized message content(Optional(113)): Optional(<71000000 62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e6454 64617461 5a696465 6e746966 69657210 014f1015 7b0a2020 226b6579 22203a20 2276616c 7565220a 7d121478 c4f6080f 171c2729 41000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 07000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 46>)
默认    15:03:43.259732 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: handling result of sending a data message
默认    15:03:43.260506 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW, TCP[<bf312cae 556dc6ce 74208943 da598646 eb7cffc1>] remote:
默认    15:03:43.306352 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload. content(350): <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e6454 64617461 5a696465 6e746966 69657210 014f10ff 48545450 2f312e31 20323030 204f4b0d 0a446174 653a204d 6f6e2c20 30332053 65702032 30313820 30373a30 333a3433 20474d54 0d0a5365 72766572 3a204170 61636865 2f322e34 2e333320 28556e69 78292050 48502f37 2e312e31 360d0a58 2d506f77 65726564 2d42793a 20504850 2f372e31 2e31360d 0a436f6e 74656e74 2d4c656e 6774683a 2032340d 0a4b6565 702d416c 6976653a 2074696d 656f7574 3d352c20 6d61783d 3130300d 0a436f6e 6e656374 696f6e3a 204b6565 702d416c 6976650d 0a436f6e 74656e74 2d547970 653a2061 70706c69 63617469 6f6e2f6a 736f6e0d 0a0d0a7b 22636f64 65223a30 2c226572 724d7367 223a224f 4b227d12 1478c4f6 0008000f 0017001c 00270029 012b0000 00000000 02010000 00000000 00070000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0130>
默认    15:03:43.307069 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: properties received: ["command": 1, "data": <48545450 2f312e31 20323030 204f4b0d 0a446174 653a204d 6f6e2c20 30332053 65702032 30313820 30373a30 333a3433 20474d54 0d0a5365 72766572 3a204170 61636865 2f322e34 2e333320 28556e69 78292050 48502f37 2e312e31 360d0a58 2d506f77 65726564 2d42793a 20504850 2f372e31 2e31360d 0a436f6e 74656e74 2d4c656e 6774683a 2032340d 0a4b6565 702d416c 6976653a 2074696d 656f7574 3d352c20 6d61783d 3130300d 0a436f6e 6e656374 696f6e3a 204b6565 702d416c 6976650d 0a436f6e 74656e74 2d547970 653a2061 70706c69 63617469 6f6e2f6a 736f6e0d 0a0d0a7b 22636f64 65223a30 2c226572 724d7367 223a224f 4b227d>, "identifier": 343459062]
默认    15:03:43.307620 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: TCP: send data received from the server to the destination application
默认    15:03:43.307988 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: new TCP FLOW, TCP[<bf312cae 556dc6ce 74208943 da598646 eb7cffc1>] remote:
默认    15:03:43.309272 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: reading next packet
默认    15:03:48.319561 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload. content(93): <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e645a 636c6f73 652d7479 70655a69 64656e74 69666965 72100410 03121478 c4f6080f 17222d2f 31000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 07000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 36>
默认    15:03:48.320593 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: properties received: ["command": 4, "close-type": 3, "identifier": 343459062]
默认    15:03:48.321012 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: closing connection
默认    15:03:48.321197 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientAppProxyConnection: closing connection.
默认    15:03:48.321594 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Connection: close connection
默认    15:03:48.322063 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> Tunnel: droping connection
默认    15:03:48.325751 +0800    appProxy    <AINASSINE> ClientTunnel: reading next packet


2018-09-03 15:03:22.908452+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConfiguration: initializing ServerConfiguration
2018-09-03 15:03:22.908573+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConfiguration: reading the configuration settings from a plist on disk.
2018-09-03 15:03:22.909975+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> AddressPool: initializing AddressPool, startAddress:, endAddress:
2018-09-03 15:03:23.585298+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Network service published successfully
2018-09-03 15:03:35.855810+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Accepted a new connection
2018-09-03 15:03:35.855934+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: server tunnel is initializing.
2018-09-03 15:03:35.856055+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: initializing tunnel
2018-09-03 15:03:35.865112+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: handle bytes available on the read stream
2018-09-03 15:03:35.865540+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload. content(73): <62706c69 73743030 d2010203 0457636f 6d6d616e 645a6964 656e7469 66696572 10091000 080d1520 22000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 05000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 24>
2018-09-03 15:03:35.865894+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: properties received: ["command": 9, "identifier": 0]
2018-09-03 15:03:35.865997+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: handling a message received from the client
2018-09-03 15:03:35.866043+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: the message asks for a configuration
2018-09-03 15:03:35.866393+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: send message: ["command": 9, "configuration": {
DNS =     {
SearchDomains =         (
Servers =         (
}, "identifier": 0]
2018-09-03 15:03:35.866457+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
2018-09-03 15:03:35.866819+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialized message content(Optional(178)): Optional(<b2000000 62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050e57 636f6d6d 616e645d 636f6e66 69677572 6174696f 6e5a6964 656e7469 66696572 1009d106 0753444e 53d20809 0a0d5753 65727665 72735d53 65617263 68446f6d 61696e73 a20b0c5f 10153234 30653a63 303a6632 32323a65 3632393a 3a31335c 3139322e 3136382e 34332e31 a0100008 0f172530 3235393e 4654576f 7c7d0000 00000000 01010000 00000000 000f0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 007f>)
2018-09-03 15:03:35.866948+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: writing data to tunnel
2018-09-03 15:03:35.867007+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> function: writeData.
2018-09-03 15:03:35.867194+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> SavedDatawrite to stream
2018-09-03 15:03:35.867286+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> function: writeData.
2018-09-03 15:03:43.223169+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: handle bytes available on the read stream
2018-09-03 15:03:43.223603+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload. content(157): <62706c69 73743030 d6010203 04050607 08090a0b 0c5a6964 656e7469 66696572 5f101361 70702d70 726f7879 2d666c6f 772d7479 70655470 6f727457 636f6d6d 616e645b 74756e6e 656c2d74 79706554 686f7374 121478c4 f6100110 50100610 005e3139 322e3136 382e3433 2e313337 08152036 3b434f54 595b5d5f 61000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 0d000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 70>
2018-09-03 15:03:43.223975+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: properties received: ["identifier": 343459062, "app-proxy-flow-type": 1, "port": 80, "command": 6, "tunnel-type": 0, "host":]
2018-09-03 15:03:43.224094+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: handling a message received from the client
2018-09-03 15:03:43.224194+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: the message asks to open tunnel
2018-09-03 15:03:43.224273+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: handling connection open message received from the client
2018-09-03 15:03:43.224421+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: app layer
2018-09-03 15:03:43.224560+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: TCP flow
2018-09-03 15:03:43.224686+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Connection: init connection
2018-09-03 15:03:43.224808+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: adding connection
2018-09-03 15:03:43.225017+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: Tunnel: 0
2018-09-03 15:03:43.225143+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: connection: 343459062
2018-09-03 15:03:43.225288+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: ServerConnection 343459062 connecting to
2018-09-03 15:03:43.229079+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: connection 343459062: handle an evenet on a stream
2018-09-03 15:03:43.229146+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: it's an event of a readStream
2018-09-03 15:03:43.229326+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: send message: ["command": 7, "result-code": 0, "identifier": 343459062]
2018-09-03 15:03:43.229375+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
2018-09-03 15:03:43.229583+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialized message content(Optional(98)): Optional(<62000000 62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e645b 72657375 6c742d63 6f64655a 6964656e 74696669 65721007 10001214 78c4f608 0f17232e 30320000 00000000 01010000 00000000 00070000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0037>)
2018-09-03 15:03:43.229666+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: writing data to tunnel
2018-09-03 15:03:43.229783+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> function: writeData.
2018-09-03 15:03:43.229916+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: connection 343459062: handle an evenet on a stream
2018-09-03 15:03:43.229970+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: it's an event of a writeStream
2018-09-03 15:03:43.230028+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: connection 343459062: handle an evenet on a stream
2018-09-03 15:03:43.230068+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: it's an event of a writeStream
2018-09-03 15:03:43.290135+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: handle bytes available on the read stream
2018-09-03 15:03:43.290479+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload. content(383): <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e6454 64617461 5a696465 6e746966 69657210 014f1101 1f504f53 54202f74 6573742f 68747470 5f726571 75657374 2f746573 74706f73 742e7068 70204854 54502f31 2e310d0a 486f7374 3a203139 322e3136 382e3433 2e313337 0d0a436f 6e74656e 742d5479 70653a20 6170706c 69636174 696f6e2f 782d7777 772d666f 726d2d75 726c656e 636f6465 640d0a43 6f6e6e65 6374696f 6e3a206b 6565702d 616c6976 650d0a41 63636570 743a202a 2f2a0d0a 55736572 2d416765 6e743a20 4d616b65 506f7374 2f312043 464e6574 776f726b 2f393032 2e322044 61727769 6e2f3137 2e372e30 0d0a4163 63657074 2d4c616e 67756167 653a207a 682d636e 0d0a436f 6e74656e 742d4c65 6e677468 3a203231 0d0a4163 63657074 2d456e63 6f64696e 673a2067 7a69702c 20646566 6c617465 0d0a0d0a 121478c4 f6000800 0f001700 1c002700 29014c00 00000000 00020100 00000000 00000700 00000000 00000000 00000000 000151>
2018-09-03 15:03:43.290804+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: properties received: ["command": 1, "data": <504f5354 202f7465 73742f68 7474705f 72657175 6573742f 74657374 706f7374 2e706870 20485454 502f312e 310d0a48 6f73743a 20313932 2e313638 2e34332e 3133370d 0a436f6e 74656e74 2d547970 653a2061 70706c69 63617469 6f6e2f78 2d777777 2d666f72 6d2d7572 6c656e63 6f646564 0d0a436f 6e6e6563 74696f6e 3a206b65 65702d61 6c697665 0d0a4163 63657074 3a202a2f 2a0d0a55 7365722d 4167656e 743a204d 616b6550 6f73742f 31204346 4e657477 6f726b2f 3930322e 32204461 7277696e 2f31372e 372e300d 0a416363 6570742d 4c616e67 75616765 3a207a68 2d636e0d 0a436f6e 74656e74 2d4c656e 6774683a 2032310d 0a416363 6570742d 456e636f 64696e67 3a20677a 69702c20 6465666c 6174650d 0a0d0a>, "identifier": 343459062]
2018-09-03 15:03:43.291005+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: Send data over the connection 343459062.
2018-09-03 15:03:43.291066+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> function: writeData.
2018-09-03 15:03:43.293665+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: handle bytes available on the read stream
2018-09-03 15:03:43.293875+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: handle packet, process a message payload. content(109): <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e6454 64617461 5a696465 6e746966 69657210 014f1015 7b0a2020 226b6579 22203a20 2276616c 7565220a 7d121478 c4f6080f 171c2729 41000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 07000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 46>
2018-09-03 15:03:43.294043+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: properties received: ["command": 1, "data": <7b0a2020 226b6579 22203a20 2276616c 7565220a 7d>, "identifier": 343459062]
2018-09-03 15:03:43.294116+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: Send data over the connection 343459062.
2018-09-03 15:03:43.294201+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> function: writeData.
2018-09-03 15:03:43.300750+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: connection 343459062: handle an evenet on a stream
2018-09-03 15:03:43.300859+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: it's an event of a readStream
2018-09-03 15:03:43.301074+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: data read: <48545450 2f312e31 20323030 204f4b0d 0a446174 653a204d 6f6e2c20 30332053 65702032 30313820 30373a30 333a3433 20474d54 0d0a5365 72766572 3a204170 61636865 2f322e34 2e333320 28556e69 78292050 48502f37 2e312e31 360d0a58 2d506f77 65726564 2d42793a 20504850 2f372e31 2e31360d 0a436f6e 74656e74 2d4c656e 6774683a 2032340d 0a4b6565 702d416c 6976653a 2074696d 656f7574 3d352c20 6d61783d 3130300d 0a436f6e 6e656374 696f6e3a 204b6565 702d416c 6976650d 0a436f6e 74656e74 2d547970 653a2061 70706c69 63617469 6f6e2f6a 736f6e0d 0a0d0a7b 22636f64 65223a30 2c226572 724d7367 223a224f 4b227d>
2018-09-03 15:03:43.301372+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: send a data message on connection 343459062
2018-09-03 15:03:43.301663+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: send message: ["command": 1, "data": <48545450 2f312e31 20323030 204f4b0d 0a446174 653a204d 6f6e2c20 30332053 65702032 30313820 30373a30 333a3433 20474d54 0d0a5365 72766572 3a204170 61636865 2f322e34 2e333320 28556e69 78292050 48502f37 2e312e31 360d0a58 2d506f77 65726564 2d42793a 20504850 2f372e31 2e31360d 0a436f6e 74656e74 2d4c656e 6774683a 2032340d 0a4b6565 702d416c 6976653a 2074696d 656f7574 3d352c20 6d61783d 3130300d 0a436f6e 6e656374 696f6e3a 204b6565 702d416c 6976650d 0a436f6e 74656e74 2d547970 653a2061 70706c69 63617469 6f6e2f6a 736f6e0d 0a0d0a7b 22636f64 65223a30 2c226572 724d7367 223a224f 4b227d>, "identifier": 343459062]
2018-09-03 15:03:43.301748+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
2018-09-03 15:03:43.302034+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialized message content(Optional(354)): Optional(<62010000 62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e6454 64617461 5a696465 6e746966 69657210 014f10ff 48545450 2f312e31 20323030 204f4b0d 0a446174 653a204d 6f6e2c20 30332053 65702032 30313820 30373a30 333a3433 20474d54 0d0a5365 72766572 3a204170 61636865 2f322e34 2e333320 28556e69 78292050 48502f37 2e312e31 360d0a58 2d506f77 65726564 2d42793a 20504850 2f372e31 2e31360d 0a436f6e 74656e74 2d4c656e 6774683a 2032340d 0a4b6565 702d416c 6976653a 2074696d 656f7574 3d352c20 6d61783d 3130300d 0a436f6e 6e656374 696f6e3a 204b6565 702d416c 6976650d 0a436f6e 74656e74 2d547970 653a2061 70706c69 63617469 6f6e2f6a 736f6e0d 0a0d0a7b 22636f64 65223a30 2c226572 724d7367 223a224f 4b227d12 1478c4f6 0008000f 0017001c 00270029 012b0000 00000000 02010000 00000000 00070000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0130>)
2018-09-03 15:03:43.302174+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: writing data to tunnel
2018-09-03 15:03:43.302373+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> function: writeData.
2018-09-03 15:03:48.301716+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: connection 343459062: handle an evenet on a stream
2018-09-03 15:03:48.301945+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: it's an event of a readStream
2018-09-03 15:03:48.302225+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: 343459062: got EOF, sending close
2018-09-03 15:03:48.302345+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: send close type
2018-09-03 15:03:48.302561+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: send message: ["command": 4, "close-type": 3, "identifier": 343459062]
2018-09-03 15:03:48.302650+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialize message
2018-09-03 15:03:48.302971+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: serialized message content(Optional(97)): Optional(<61000000 62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 636f6d6d 616e645a 636c6f73 652d7479 70655a69 64656e74 69666965 72100410 03121478 c4f6080f 17222d2f 31000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 07000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 36>)
2018-09-03 15:03:48.303087+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerTunnel: writing data to tunnel
2018-09-03 15:03:48.303227+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> function: writeData.
2018-09-03 15:03:48.303455+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> ServerConnection: closing the connection in the direction :reads
2018-09-03 15:03:48.303555+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Connection: close connection
2018-09-03 15:03:48.303664+0800 tunnel_server[57271:6287540] <AINASSINE> Tunnel: droping connection

经过上述分析,Server端tunnel实例ServerTunnel,ServerTunnel在初始化时接受来自客户端的连接,同时设置连接的inputStream、outputStream为自己的输入输出流,然后同目标站点建立自己的ServerConnection,同时设置ServerConnection的输入输出流。 从ServerConnection上读到的数据会通过ServerTunnel发回给客户端,从ServerTunnel上读到的数据会视情况发送给应用服务器或者由Tunnel服务器自行处理。

APP --> ClientTunnel --clientconnection--> ServerTunnel --serverconnection--> APP Server


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