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major release

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@JohanDegraeve JohanDegraeve released this 19 Dec 22:13
· 387 commits to master since this release

New Features:

  • New CGM Data Source section in the Settings screen
  • LibreLinkUp follower mode added
  • Can follow any sensor values (Libre 2/3, EU/USA/CA/AUS) that are uploaded to LibreLinkUp via the LibreLink app
  • A working LibreLinkUp account (invited from the main LibreLink app) must be used
  • Downloaded values can be optionally uploaded to Nightscout.
  • LibreLink version number can be manually updated in the Developer settings if needed. Do not ever touch this unless instructed to in the xDrip4iOS Facebook group.

  • A new menu setting in Settings -> CGM Data Source for controlling how to keep the app alive in the background:
  • Keep-alive “Disabled”: new option to allow the app to sleep when not in use. All alarms and notifications are disabled and the app only downloads when open. Zero battery usage. Great for checking now and again on people.
  • Keep-alive “Normal”: as always and has the usual follower battery life impact
  • Keep-alive “Aggressive”: much more aggressive than “Normal”. Might be useful for people who have big problems keeping the app running in the background. Noticeable battery impact.

  • When using the Screen Lock function whilst sleeping, the screen can have different levels of dimming. Useful to keep the screen on at night without being too bright.

  • New Data Source information view at the bottom of the main screen. This will show different data depending on the mode (master/follower) and also the data source connected (transmitter, Nightscout or LibreLinkUp)
  • For master data sources, the sensor progress (current age / maximum age) is shown for all valid sensors (Libre/Dexcom)
  • For LibreLinkUp Follower data source, the sensor progress is shown for LibreLinkUp servers when active sensor data is received.
  • For Nightscout Follower data source, the URL is shown. This can be double-tapped to hide the URL during 10 seconds in order to make screenshots to share online.
  • For Follower data sources, a new network connectivity icon is shown. This will stay green when a valid connection is available to the server and will turn gray if the connection is lost.
  • For Follower data sources, the keep-alive method is shown as a small icon (D, N or A)

  • A new “Time in Tight Range” statistic is added. This can be selected in the Settings -> Statistics menu. Either the standard (70-180mg/dL) “Time in Range” indicator can be used or the new (70-140gm/dL) “Time in Tight Range”.
  • The user can quickly change between both by double-tapping the statistics view. Visual indicators added to show which limit values are changed.

  • New “Patient Name” option in Settings -> CGM Data Source -> Follower menu. This will allow you to add a name (or Alias) in case you are following different people with different apps. It will then display it on the main screen (above the chart) so you can quickly see whose values you are looking at and avoid confusion. This would normally be left empty if you are just following yourself.

  • Today screen widget UI updated to match current app style.

  • “Reset Anubis” transmitter option added to the Dexcom bluetooth screen. This will only work for G5, very early 80/81xxxx G6 transmitters and of course Anubis G6 transmitters. It will not work for any current G6 or Dexcom One transmitters.

  • Dexcom bluetooth screen is now simplified with runtime, temperature and resistance removed from the view.

  • Option in Settings -> Treatments to offset the carb markers (orange circles) above the BG graph if wanted.

  • Bolus and carb marker sizes changed slightly on the main chart.

  • Default Nightscout URL is now blank (was previously showing a Heroku example URL)

  • All the above features are fully localised into both English and Spanish. Further translations to come


  • Improvements for Xcode15.1 building (disabling Address Sanitizer in the build scheme)
  • All compiler warnings are now fixed (except for the Watch App one) and the builds should now be really clean.

To be implemented in the future:

  • Add a heartbeat option to allow the app to wake up when connected to a Libre 2/3 sensor and pull values from LibreLinkUp without needing to use the background keep-alive options therefore minimising battery drain.
  • Today screen widget UI updated to match current app style.