This extension provides ways to create medial skeletons using Voronoi with additional cleaning steps and the option to create synthetic skeleton by manually triangulating points. For example, the resulting synthetic skeleton can be used as a medial template alongside additional output parameter files to create Continuous Medial Representations (CM-Rep).
Further information regarding CM-Rep can be found at
Original cm-rep author Paul Yushkevich granted permission to distribute the source/header files (in the red boxes) required to compile InflateMedialModel and SkeletonTool under the Slicer BSD license. We are thankful for his generosity.
All modules mentioned below originated from standalone Skeletonize GUI (
Create a Voronoi skeleton using qhull from a volumetric input surface model with the option to enable additional cleaning (pruning) of hanging triangles of the resulting skeleton.
Creation of a synthetic skeleton (a medial template) e.g. in preparation to run CM-Rep for fitting a medial surface to image data.
Creation of an inflated model from a skeleton.