This module will allow you to control OBS Studio using the built-in obs-websocket plugin.
- Fix
- Upgrade script error crashing module
- Additional fixes for Quick Transition causing transition state to get stuck
- New
- Feedback for Studio Mode Enabled
- Feedback for stream congestion (similar to the green/yellow/red square in the OBS UI)
- Feedback for audio meters (similar to the audio meters in the OBS UI)
- Feedback for audio peaking if above a certain value
- Fix
- Quick Transition actions causing transition state to get stuck
- Kbps variable has been restored
- Certain variable updates (mute, media_status, and others) were not working when the source has an invalid variable name
- Fix
- Set Preview Scene action now properly sends scene to preview instead of program
- Possible error when executing upgrade scripts resolved
- Major
- Rewrite to support Companion v3
- New
- Variables for scene names based on the scene order within OBS
- Fix
- Filter Enabled feedback now properly lists all filters
- Fix
- All text source now appear as choices in the Set Text action dropdown on startup
- Minor
- Allow hostnames to be used in the module configuration
- Fix
- When using Set Scene Visibility on a group source, the sources within groups are now not affected
- Toggle/Start/Stop Output now works properly with Virtual Camera
- Minor
- Update obs-websocket-js to latest version
- Use obs-websocket's Batch command for certain actions
- Fix
- Properly detect more types of disconnections and properly update module status
- Grouped sources can now be enabled / disabled via "Set Source Visibility" action
- Grouped sources feedback is now accurate
- New
- Allow Global Audio Devices to be choices for actions, feedback, and variables
- Fix
- Show Scenes in the Open Projector action choices
- Fixes
- Prevent issue when using more than one instance of the OBS module
- Add filters from scenes, not just sources
Support for obs-websocket version 5.0.0
New "Current Media" option on all media control actions
Custom variables for "Set Program Scene", "Set Preview Scene", and "Custom Command" actions
Ability to specify a specific scene for a source in the the "Source Visible in Program" feedback
New Actions:
- Toggle Recording Pause
- Open Source Properties Window
- Open Source Filters Window
- Open Source Interact Window
New Feedback:
- Replay Buffer Active
New Variables:
- recording_path
- stream_service
- base_resolution
- output_resolution
- target_framerate
- replay_buffer_path
- Take Screenshot action now works again
- Recording feedback should properly reflect recording state