This is a brief introduction into using Django for the first time.
This will also include a description of what we hope to accomplish in the project as well as a small breakdown of the design/implementaiton process.
Project: Simple chat forum thing
Users can log in and out
Users can register and change information
Users can post and delete their posts as well as see all posts
Users can view other user's profiles and their posts
Maybe Posts can be edited
Complex Posts can be replied to specifically. i.e. Post 2: @1 you are wrong. This creates a thread and can be followed.
In depth specs:
Users must be logged in at all times (other than log in and registration screen). Otherwise, redirect to login
User names are unique.
If user was deleted, posts are kept but indicated
Log in page
Registration Page
Forum Page
Profile Page (view dependent) /user/jonah vs. /user/ian vs. /user/ ( defaults to logged in user)
Edit Profile Page (information depends on view) edit-profile
List Users Page (by username)
Database Tables:
User: Using given Django Users
-ID (unique autocreated)
user can be created
user name can't be repeated
user can't access other pages whilst not logged in
user can log in
user can log out
user can post
user can delete own post
user can't delete other post
user can view profile
user can view other profiles
user can edit own profile
user can't edit other profiles
user can delete account
user can't delete other accounts
Division of Labor: Log in Page-Jonah
Registration Page-Jonah
Forum Page-Ian
List Users Page-Ian
Edit Profile Page-Jonah
Profile Page-Ian