This issue is related to the April Fool's build, therefore it's invalid.
..This is way too much you're asking; I can't do it.
You modded the hardcoded code, aka Haxe code.
Bizarre things that just cant be fixed because of an system error, Platform-only glitch, etc.
Bizarre things that were probably made by an 8 year old
Pull requests (PRs) that fixes one or more bugs.
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Extra attention is needed
Uhhh, this needs to be fixed.
This issue has been inactive for some time, but not enough info has been given to be able to fix.
same as the other label, but just inactive in general
You made an .lua script, aka softcode(d),
There isn't enough information provided
Part of intentional game design or programming
This isn't a real issue/feature request
Further information is requested
No recent comments/replies.
Awaiting further response from the bug or PR author.